Recent research progress of bismuth-based electrocatalysts for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide
With modern science and technology developing, the concentration of atmospheric carbon oxide (CO2) has increased substantially. CO2 electroreduction reaction (CO2RR) can efficiently utilize sustainable power to produce value-added chemicals and implement energy storage. Previous researches have proved bismuth metal and bismuth-based materials can transfer CO2 to formate selectively. However, in this paper, the latest progress in the synthesis of advanced electrocatalysts with bismuth-based CO2RR catalysts is reviewed from the aspects of catalyst material design, synthesis, reaction mechanism and performance verification/optimization. Some methods of designing catalysts are discussed and analyzed from different angles, including catalyst morphology, defects and heterogeneous structures. In particular, the application of in situ characterization technique in catalyst characterization is introduced. Subsequently, some views and expectations regarding the current challenges and future potential of CO2RR research are presented.
With the overuse of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution, the rapidly rising level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has facilitated the development of various strategies for converting carbon dioxide into valuable chemical products and maintaining the dynamic balance of the carbon cycle in nature. At present, there are many kinds of artificial conversion technologies, mainly including electroreduction, bioconversion, photoreduction, and thermal conversion. Among all these techniques, electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) is currently receiving much attention due to its various advantages such as mild reaction conditions, recyclable electrolytes, and environmentally friendly driving force for potential synergies with renewable electricity. At the same time, CO2RR can take full advantage of the carbon dioxide to produce many industrial facilities and effectively achieve carbon reduction goals[1-6]. Due to the diversity of catalysts and reaction environments, CO2RR products are also very diverse, which can produce many valuable chemical products. Examples include one-carbon products such as carbon monoxide (CO)[7], methane (CH4)[8,9], formic acid (HCOOH) or formate (HCOO-)[10,11], methanol (CH3OH)[12,13], and already multi-carbon products such as ethylene (C2H4)[14,15], ethanol (CH3CH2OH)[16,17], n-propanol
Different products, pathways and reaction potentials of CO2RR[36]
Product | Reaction | E0/V (vs. RHE) |
Activation | CO2 + e- → *COO- | -1.90 |
HCOOH | CO2 + 2H+ + 2e- → HCOOH | -0.55 |
CO | CO2 + 2H+ + 2e- → CO + H2O | -0.52 |
CH3OH | CO2 + 6H+ + 6e- → CH3OH + H2O | -0.38 |
CH4 | CO2 + 8H+ + 8e- → CH4 + 2H2O | -0.24 |
C2H4 | 2CO2 + 12H+ + 12e- → C2H4 + 4H2O | -0.38 |
CH3CH2OH | 2CO2 + 12H+ + 12e- → CH3CH2OH + 3H2O | -0.35 |
C2H6 | 2CO2 + 14H+ + 14e- → C2H6 + 4H2O | -0.28 |
C3H7OH | 3CO2 + 18H+ + 18e- → C3H7OH + 5H2O | -0.30 |
CH3OH | CO2 + 6H+ + 6e- → CH3OH + H2O | -0.38 |
H2 | 2H+ + 2e- → H2 | 0 |
Bismuth (Bi), with atomic number 83, located in the sixth period of Group VA of the periodic table, is a typical semi-metallic element with covalent bonds. In nature, a small portion exists in free form, since a large fraction exists in compound form[28,29]. The features of bismuth include affordability, environmental friendliness and nontoxicity. The cost of bismuth is much lower than the price of indium, a common
Based on the above consideration, the exploration of efficient Bi and Bi-based CO2RR catalysts with good activity and selectivity can achieve sustainable utilization of energy. Meanwhile, it is significant to fundamentally understand the mechanism of action of different catalytic sites, which will help design optimal catalysts with satisfactory CO2RR activation effects. In recent years, many reviews of CO2RR electroreduction reactions have been reported. There have been many instructive reviews on CO2RR. Han et al. reviewed the research of main group metal elements such as tin, bismuth and indium in CO2RR, and summarized the catalyst modification strategy and application in flow and membrane electrode assembly (MEA) cells[36]. Similarly, Li et al. also discuss the main group metal elements and review the research progress from different nanostructures and synthesis strategies[37]. Guan et al. introduced the application of Bi elements in CO2RR from the perspective of electrolyte and different nano-morphology engineering[38] . Xia et al. reviewed the Bi and BiSn binary system, especially the research progress in solid electrolytes in flow cells[39]. There are many related studies on the key remodeling process of Bi elements in the catalytic process, but few reviews summarize the mechanism of this aspect. In addition, it is difficult to capture key information about intermediates and gain a deep understanding of the reaction mechanism. Therefore, increasing in situ techniques are used for CO2RR. However, the relevant reviews in this area are still insufficient. In this mini-review, we report the up-to-date work of Bi-based CO2RR catalysts in recent years. We specifically pay more attention to Bi and Bi-based compounds and modification strategies for formate and other products. First of all, we generally discuss the fundamental reaction mechanism of CO2RR; particularly, we introduce the importance of reconstruction for CO2RR. Then, we introduce the recent progress of various modified strategies of Bi-based catalysts to improve the performance of CO2RR in detail; especially, the role of the reconstruction process and density functional theoretical (DFT) calculation in each work is highlighted. In addition, we systematically summarize the role and application of various in situ instruments in CO2RR in recent studies, especially for the monitoring of in situ instruments in Bi-based catalysts. Finally, the advantages of Bi and Bi-based catalysts are summarized, and the future development direction is discussed. And the application of more advanced characterization techniques such as optimal design, mechanism interpretation, in situ characterization techniques and the improvement of electrochemical reaction equipment are also highlighted. In this review, the advantages of Bi-based catalysts are analyzed from the structural characteristics and reaction paths of Bi-based catalysts, and the process of reconfiguration is explained by in situ characterization technology. This mini-review will pave the way for exploring new high-performance catalysts to obtain the desired products from CO2RR.
First, we briefly introduce the CO2RR with the formic acid reaction process and reaction path. These pathways rely on adsorbed intermediates on the electrode surface, such as *COOH, *OCHO, and *H. Because CO2 is a relatively inert molecule, the first process of electron transfer to a CO2 adsorption surface to form a CO2 intermediate is generally considered to be the rate-determining step of the CO2RR[40]. The manner in which the activated *CO2•- binds to the electrode surface plays a decisive role to the next protonation step. *CO2•- binds to forms *COOH through the combining carbon atoms on the electrode. In addition, formic acid formation by *H adsorption has also been suggested as a possible reaction pathway[41]. Selectivity in the CO2RR process is mainly determined by the relative bonding strength of the reaction intermediates [*COOH, *OCHO, *CO, and *H (intermediates of H2)] at the electrode surface. Due to its oxophilicity, Bi tends to form carbon-oxygen bond intermediates such as *OCHO rather than *COOH[42]. In addition, the dioxygen-bonded intermediates are more stable than single-bonded intermediates[43]. Therefore, the binding energy of *COOH [Figure 1A] and *H [Figure 1B] on Bi surfaces is higher than that of *OCHO [Figure 1C], which is widely considered as the most practicable reaction pathway[37]. Table 1 displays the different CO2RR pathways according to the number of electron transfers. Since the same two electrons are transferred, CO is also produced apart from formic acid. This is due to the fact that CO is produced along this path when the material and the environment are favorable for the adsorption intermediate *OCHO. Figure 2 shows the relationship between the adsorption energies of different metals for distinct intermediates in CO2RR and their products[43]. The higher adsorption energy of *CO and *H will generally form the two-electron transfer product of CO and formic acid.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of different reaction pathways of CO2RR to formic acid through the formation of different intermediates. (A) *COOH intermediate adsorbed on the catalyst surface via carbon atom; (B) *OCHO intermediate adsorbed on the catalyst surface via oxygen atom; (C) *H intermediate adsorbed on the catalyst surface via hydrogen atom (color code: C, black; O, red; H, white). Reprinted with permission from Ref.[37]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH.
Figure 2. The binding energies of the intermediates *ΔECO and *ΔEH can be used to separate the Cu metal catalyst into its own group and, hence, explain the beyond *CO group. Where the beyond *CO group bind to *CO while not having Hupd. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[43]. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH.
Reconstruction of an electrocatalyst refers to any change in the chemical composition and/or structure of its surface or its whole bulk and it is widely observed in chemical reactions[44-46]. In addition, according to the scale and principle of reconstruction, it can be categorized into topological, chemical and crystal reconstructions. It is supposed that these are main factors that can lead to the reconfiguration of the precatalyst: the deviation pressure applied during catalysis and the variable test conditions. In such molecular conversion catalysis, the potential required for experimental manipulation of the catalyst material is usually more correct or negative than the equilibrium potential. If the applied potential exceeds the reduction and oxidation potential of the elements contained in the material, it may lead to precatalyst instability and changes in the surface valence states[47]. If this process is irreversible upon potential recovery, then this evolution continues, eventually producing a reconstructed layer of new species and forming a core-shell structure. In CO2RR, when the potential of activation and reduction of CO2 is very negative, the valence of the metal compound cannot be maintained, and the precatalyst will undergo reduction reaction to become metal, which is the real substance that plays a catalytic role[48,49].
The reconfiguration process is significant for catalysis and has many advantages[49]: (1) There are often abundant vacancies/defects, active sites or coordination of unsaturated metal atoms after reconstruction; (2) A large part of the reason for the reconstruction of the multi-empty nano-catalytic structure is due to the precipitation of components, thus forming a porous and multi-defect structure, which can promote the effective transmission of the solution and the diffusion of the gas. At the same time, this transport structure can also avoid the reduction of catalyst activity caused by agglomeration in the catalytic process; (3) Since the reconstructed product is more thermodynamically stable than the precatalyst, the fully reconstructed catalyst is expected to show high catalytic/component stability; (4) The doping uniformity can be adjusted, which is more conducive to the control of electronic structure. In particular, during the CO2RR, negative reduction potentials lead to the surface reconstruction of Bi-based compounds into metallic Bi0, which will also have a very important impact on the subsequent catalytic activities as the active phase[50,51].
Due to the adjustability of size and morphology, effectively using size effect to improve CRR performance has become a hot spot for researchers to explore. Adjusting the adsorption energy between the active sites and the intermediates via the size effect can greatly affect the reaction pathway and the efficiency of the product. However, the dependence of CO2 reduction on Bi size has been rarely explored due to the fundamentally different nature of catalytic properties. Major challenges include: (1) difficulty in achieving uniform distribution of bimetallic sites of different sizes, (2) unclear interaction between metal and matrix, and (3) low melting points leading to solid structure collapse and solid oxidation during the reaction. So far, Bi-based electrocatalysts used in the CO2RR field have been customized with different morphologies characteristics [such as single-atom catalysts (SAC), nanoparticles, one-dimensional nanowires (NW) and nanotubes (NT), 2D nanosheets, nanomembranes, nano-dendrites, etc.][38]. And these various types of catalysts can be prepared by various ways including hydrothermal methods, chemical reduction, electroreduction, electrodeposition, and so on. The Bi-based catalyst produced formate from CO2 in aqueous solution, which has the characteristics of high efficiency, good selectivity and great stability. Designing ,preparing and characterizing Bi-based catalysts with increasing Faraday efficiency (FE) will provide more specific research directions for improving performance. The environment of Bi atoms will directly affect the catalytic products and catalytic efficiency. This section mainly reports the latest research progress of Bi elements and Bi atoms in CO2RR, and analyzes the influence of different forms on Bi catalysis.
Single-atom catalysts
Recent studies have indicated that nanometallic materials have better competence in CO2RR than bulk materials due to their higher specific surface area and size effects. Therefore, expanding their specific area through nanoscale structural engineering is very important to improve their catalytic performance. SAC, as an attractive heterogeneous catalyst, shows unique advantages in electrocatalysis. SAC has tremendous advantages as follows over the traditional nanocatalysts: i) Substantially higher atom utilization, even up to 100%: as the particle size of catalyst is reduced, the atom dispersion is continuously improved until it reaches complete dispersion, resulting in exposing more active catalytic sites and thus significantly boost catalytic performance; ii) Regulable coordination environment: the coordination number and coordination atoms of the metal catalytic sites dispersed on various carriers are often adjustable, so as to regulate unsaturated and supersaturated coordination structures to obtain unprecedented catalytic performance; iii) Metal-carrier interaction: in SAC, there is strong mutual anchoring between isolated catalytic atoms and carriers and this interaction is beneficial to electron transfer, which can not only structurally prevent metal atoms from flocking together into clusters, but also facilitate the formation of strong chemical bonds between metals and carriers[52]. For CO2RR, well-defined active centers in SAC have the potential to reduce the diversity of reaction pathways or weaken HER. Applying SAC in the field of CO2RR to regulate product distribution makes sense, both in terms of productivity and cost savings. In most cases, due to the unsaturated coordination structure, the central atom that provides a suitable adsorption/desorption site for the reaction intermediate acts as the active center. Sometimes, the reconfiguration of SAC occurs during the catalytic process, resulting in a change in the active component SAC to the nanoparticle/cluster. The reasonable construction of the coordination structure gives SAC an incomparable advantage in electrocatalytic CO2 reduction.
Zhang et al. used Bi-based metal-organic framework (MOF) precursors to obtain Bi SAC immobilized on porous carbon supports [Figure 3A][53]. They effectively used in situ environmental transmission electron microscopy (ETEM) to monitor the catalytic process of the catalyst. The Bi-based MOF precatalyst was reconstructed to single Bi atoms riveted on N-doped carbon networks (Bi SAC/NC). DFT calculations indicate that Bi-N4 as the active center of the Bi SAC/NC catalyst optimized the catalytic activity by reducing the energy barrier for the formation of *COOH intermediate [Figure 3B]. The atomically distributed catalytic site changes the adsorption energy of *COOH and *CO, making CO more selective than formic acid.
Figure 3. (A) Diagram of the transformation to Bi SACs and TEM images of Bi-MOF decomposed at different reaction temperatures; (B) DFT diagrams for CO2RR on different catalysts. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[53]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society; (C) The EXAFS spectra from Bi L3 edge XANES spectra of Bi@C samples annealed at different temperatures, along with Bi foil and Bi2O3 as references; (D) Electrochemical testing of CO2RR products HCOOH and CO as a function of annealing temperatures for Bi@C catalysts. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[54]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH. SAC: Single-atom catalysts; TEM: transmission electron microscopy; MOF: metal-organic framework; DFT: density functional theory; EXAFS: extended X-ray adsorption fine structure; XANES: X-ray absorption near edge structure.
The Bi SAC in different coordination environments also shows different selectivity of CO2RR products. Santra et al. synthesized atomically dispersed Bi SAC with carbon black as a carrier[54]. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and extended X-ray adsorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies have confirmed the success of monatomic morphology synthesis at low and high temperature annealing [Figure 3C]. The SAC coordination environment in the carbon-nitrogen framework was significantly changed by changing the synthesis parameters under high temperature and low temperature treatment. The low temperature treatment resulted in a high load of the Bi2O3 coordination center, while the high temperature treatment resulted in low coverage of the Bi2N site [Figure 3D]. The spectra show that under the same electrochemical CO2RR conditions, nitrogen-coordinated Bi SAC tends to produce CO, while oxygen-coordinated Bi SAC mainly generates HCOOH.
Furthermore, the single atom alloy (SAA) catalyst composed of single atoms of Bi and other isolated atoms of external metals has recently received extensive attention as a special SAC. Monatomic alloys have the following main advantages: i) The structure of the active center of SAA is determined, which facilitates the understanding of the relationship between the structure of catalyst and performance[55,56]; ii) SAA catalysts may exhibit particular electronic structures and strong synergies among different metals, thus breaking the linear scaling used to promote heterogeneous catalytic activity and/or selectivity[57,58]; The early development of SAA catalyst was mainly to optimize the performance during the process of multiphase thermal catalysis, and recently, the application field of SAA catalyst has been expanded to photocatalysis and electrocatalysis, demonstrating its rationality in adjusting electronic structure and various multiphase catalytic properties.
BiCu-SAA was synthesized in situ by electrochemistry using Bi-CuS precursors [Figure 4A][59]. The catalyst can promote C-C coupling in the catalytic process, and the addition of copper improves the selectivity of electrocatalytic CO2RR to generate C2+ products, and 73.4% of high C2 products can be obtained at
Figure 4. (A) The supposed reaction mechanism of CO2RR on the BiCu (111)-SAA (left) and Cu (111)-Nano (right); (B) FE values of different products; (C) In situ SR-FTIR spectra of BiCu SAA and Cu nanocatalyst at different potentials; (D) DFT diagram for the CO2RR to C2H4 on the surface of catalysts; (E) The free energy plots for different processes. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[59]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH. SAA: Single atom alloy; FE: faraday efficiency; FTIR: fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy; DFT: density functional theory.
1D nanostructures
One-dimensional nanomaterials, such as NW (including alloys and coaxial heterostructures) and NT[60], are considered as active and stable electrode contact regions for electronic materials due to their distinct and homogeneous structure, easy electron transfer, shortened ion diffusion distance, increased electrolyte, and rigid durability corresponding to unidirectional stress and strain[61]. Due to the strong boundary effect and the quantum binding principle, the abundant open Spaces and pores between adjacent one-dimensional nanostructures enable the rapid transfer and reaction of catalyst molecules on the electrode/catalyst surface. Therefore, one-dimensional nanomaterials are supposed to be an excellent electrochemical catalysis[33].
Zhang et al. reported a strategy of lattice dislocation Bi NW (Cu@BiNW) on the surface of copper foam by in situ electrochemical preparation of Bi atoms[62]. The electrochemical test data show that Cu@BiNW is a high efficiency electrocatalyst with low overpotential, a FE of 95%, and a formic acid current density of about 15 mA·cm-2. Compared with RHE, the FE formate value remains above 93% in the voltage range of 0.69-0.99 Vvs RHE. Fourier transform alternating current (AC) voltammetry studies showed significant differences in the catalytic path and rate compared to other Bi-based materials. Due to the high porosity, the catalytic surface area is significantly improved. At the same time, due to the introduction of a considerable number of lattice dislocations in the Bi NW, the CO2 reduction activity of the Cu@BiNW electrode is greatly enhanced.
2D nanosheets
Due to the excellent properties of layered graphene in many aspects, 2D single crystals are also currently being investigated. Bismuth is the largest atomic mass member of group VA in 2D elemental crystals and has a quasi-layered structure similar to that of rhombic antimony and arsenic. Ultra-thin Bi nanosheets are effective CO2RR electrocatalysts with significant FE and high current density. Despite its many excellent physical and electrical properties, experimental realization of single-crystal 2D bismuth has been hindered.
Zhang et al. used the liquid phase dissolution method to dissolve powder Bi in isopropanol (IPA) solution of NaOH by ultrasonic, and prepared ultra-thin Bi nanosheets on a large scale [Figure 5A][63]. The successful synthesis of Bi nanosheets was confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HETEM), Raman and ultraviolet (UV)-visible spectroscopy. Bi nanosheets offer several advantages, including their ultra-thin structure, high electron transfer rate, good CO2 adsorption rate, and high electrical conductivity. They also showed that Bi nanosheet edges with more catalytic sites can effectively promote the generation of *OCOH, a key intermediate for CO2 selective production of formic acid. DFT calculations indicate that *OCOH intermediates tend to form at the margin positions of Bi nanosheets to reconstruct a more stable configuration. Via subsequent electron and proton transfer, the intermediate to generate HCOOH is formed and consumed rapidly, thus greatly improving the FE of formate. Therefore, Bi nanosheets have high FE, moderate overpotential, and long-term stability for formate production in aqueous media, thanks to the excellent surface wettability of Bi nanosheets, which can be in full contact with the electrolyte [Figure 5B and C]. Bi nanosheets can also improve CO2 absorption and provide better electron transport capabilities, enabling rapid formation and transfer of intermediates, and ultimately improve the selectivity of formic acid production [Figure 5D].
Figure 5. (A) Diagram of the preparation of Cu-doped Bi SACs; (B, C) Contact angle of Bi NSs and bulk Bi in aqueous solution; (D) Schematic diagram of the mechanism on Bi nanosheet. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[63]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier; (E) Schematic diagram of the growth mechanism of APCVD; (F) Corresponding Raman mapping of Bi A1g peak intensity; (G) Electrochemical performance testing of bismuthene samples at different applied potentials (vs. RHE). Reprinted with permission from Ref.[64]. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society. SAC: Single-atom catalysts; APCVD: atmospheric chemical vapor deposition.
Hu et al. used hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) layer encapsulation technology to epitaxial grow
In the process of CO2RR, the selectivity of the product is often affected by the side reaction HER. Several methods have been tried to inhibit HER and effectively reduce the activation energy of CO2RR. The main purpose of improving CO2 performance is to obtain high current density and FE with long-term stability over a low overpotential and wide potential range. The initial electron transfer to form the *CO2 radical intermediate is essential for the activation and reduction of CO2, which is widely regarded as the
Heterostructure strategy
By combining with multifunctional structures, heterogeneous structure engineering is an important approach to modulate reaction pathways in numerous catalytic processes. Coupling heterogeneous structure interfaces to achieve synergistic catalytic effects is crucial to regulating electron transfer, geometry, and interface coordination environment, thereby lowering the energy barrier of key reaction intermediates.
Feng et al. prepared a new sheet Bi2O3/strip BiO2 heterojunction by top-down selective alkali-assisted dealuminization method using Bi2Al4O9 [Figure 6A], and confirmed the existence of BiO2 phase by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and other test methods[65]. The Bi2O3/BiO2 catalyst has the correct starting potential and high current density in the catalytic process, and the Tafel slope is also small, which indicates that the heterogeneous structure can reduce the reaction barrier of CO2RR and benefit the response of CO2RR [Figure 6B]. In situ tests showed that the Bi2O3 in the Bi2O3/BiO2 heterojunction was completely reduced to metallic Bi under CO2RR conditions [Figure 6C], and the catalysts have reconstructed from Bi2O3/BiO2 to the new heterostructure Bi/BiO2, thus continuing to act as an efficient catalytic active center. For the Bi/BiO2 heterojunction, HER overpotential is 1.08 V, while the overpotential of CO2RR to formate via the *OCHO pathway is only 0.19 V, and the overpotential of CO via the *COOH pathway is only 1.10 Vvs RHE [Figure 6D]. That is, among the three competing cathodic processes, the reduction of CO2 formation of formic acid is the most favorable in terms of energy and can effectively inhibit the HER process.
Figure 6. (A) Schematic synthesis of the Bi2O3/BiO2 heterojunction; (B) XRD patterns of the Bi2O3/BiO2 heterojunction. Comparison of TOF, electrochemical testing plots; (C) In situ Raman spectra of the Bi2O3/BiO2 heterojunction during electrocatalysis; (D) DOS of the Bi p orbital with different intermediations adsorbed. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[65]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society; (E) HRTEM images of SnO2/Bi2O3; (F, G) XPS spectra of SnO2, Bi2O3, SnO2/Bi2O3. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[66]. Copyright 2021, Wiley-VCH. XRD: X-ray diffraction spectroscopy.
Tian et al. synthesized SnO2/Bi2O3 heterostructures with SnO2 clusters on Bi2O3 matrix[66]. Due to their different work functions, once they come into contact in the form of a heterojunction, a built-in potential is formed at the interface, equalization of their Fermi levels [Figure 6E]. During the catalytic reaction, interfacial electron transfer was observed between SnO2 and Bi2O3, making SnO2 at the electron-rich stage. The firm interfacial interaction protects the active site of SnO2 from electrolytic reduction and achieves long-term electrochemical stability [Figure 6F and G]. This interfacial electronic effect significantly improves the CO2 adsorption performance and the *CO2 intermediate stability at high potentials. She is effectively inhibited at high potentials. DFT calculations show that the Bi2O3 support can improve the catalytic activity of CO2 to HCOOH conversion. In particular, the synthesized SnO2/Bi2O3 has a FE of 90% for C1 products, including HCOOH and CO, at 1.0 V/RHE. FE of HCOOH has a wide potential range of from 1.0 to 1.4 Vvs RHE, and its potential remains above 76%.
Defects strategy
The importing of structural perturbations or defects can effectively affect the local electronic state and produce discordant sites with particularly high activity. Although the certain mechanism is dimness, defects strategy has been commonly used in various electrocatalysts[65,66].The defective Bi oxide was designed as a template for cathodic conversion into defect-rich metallic Bi nanostructures for electrocatalysis of CO2RR. Gong et al. developed a simple solution method to synthesize defective β-Bi2O3 double-walled NT[67]. Operational X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurement displays that these oxide NT would be turned into defective Bi NT under cathode-polarization. When it was applied for CO2RR, defective Bi NT enables highly reactive and selective formic acid production. DFT studies have shown that this robust activity and selectivity can be on account of numerous defective Bi sites in the stable *OCHO intermediate.
Controlled morphology strategy
Gong et al. introduced poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) as a structure guiding agent and prepared defective
Yang et al. studied the catalytic mechanism of Bi2O3[68]. They investigated the in situ structural reconstruction process from Bi@Bi2O3 nanodendrites (Bi@Bi2O3-NDs) to Bi nanoflowers (Bi-NFs) composed of ultra-thin 2D Bi nanosheets [Figure 7A]. Bi@Bi2O3-NDs grew on Cu foil. Besides, the activated Bi-NFs consisting of 3D self-assembled ultra-thin Bi nanosheets were finally formed by the two-step transformation of Bi@Bi2O3-NDs in KHCO3 solution with bismuth oxycarbonate (Bi2O2CO3, BOC) as an intermediate through in situ electroreduction. The extensive surface remodeling of Bi@Bi2O3NDs enables customized Bi-NFs electrocatalyst. Thus, Bi-NF has a FE of 92.3% at -0.9 Vvs RHE and a high local current density of 28.5 mA·cm-2 at -1.05 V. In addition, the potential interface-dependent processes and mechanisms of Bi-NFs electrocatalysts in CO2RR were investigated using in situ Raman spectroscopy. It is supposed that *OCHO is crucial in the formation of HCOOH, and that the surface remodeling and activation process of the active site of Bi-NFs is crucial to achieve the ultra-high selectivity of HCOOH [Figure 7B].
Figure 7. (A) Schematic illustration of the preparation process of Bi-NFs in situ synthesis on Cu foil; (B) In situ Raman spectra characterization derived from Bi-NFs. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[68]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH; (C) SEM characterization of the Bi2O3; (D) FE formate plots as a function of different deposition times. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[69]. Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH; (E) Illustration of the formation process of the Bi2O3NSs@MCCM; (F) j(HCOOH) of the Bi2O3NSs@MCCM and other comparison samples. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[70]. Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH. FE: Faraday efficiency; Bi-NFs: Bi nanoflowers.
Tran-Phu et al. proposed an effective strategy to produce a fractal Bi2O3 catalyst layer for CO2RR to formate by one-step magnification on a porous fiber substrate [Figure 7C][69]. This approach has several advantages, including the possibility to increase the electron density by tuning the physicochemical properties of Bi2O3. Furthermore, the fractal morphology of thermos-aerosol self-assembled Bi2O3 provides an open and homogeneous morphology, enabling efficient utilization of the deposited catalyst with a mass and current density three times higher than Bi2O3 collected when the filter cast CO2RR nanoparticles on the same substrate. With richer electrons, Bi2O3 comprising metastable β phase Bi2O3 and abundant edge sites is highly selective for CO2RR formation and exhibits 87% FE of HCOO- at -1.2 Vvs RHE, with an HCOO- current density of about -20.9 mA·cm-2 [Figure 7D].
Liu et al. successfully grew ultra-thin Bi2O3 nanosheets on conductive multi-channel carbon matrix
Bi-based core-shell electrocatalysts
On account of relatively low conductivity and selectivity, Bi-based oxides tend to exhibit poor activity at low and wide cathodic potential Windows. A feasible strategy to improve conductivity is to synthesize core-shell structured nanocatalysts with highly conductive metal cores and lamina metal oxide shells, which may optimize electronic properties and intermediate bond strengths[71,72]. To further improve the activity of electrocatalysts, the design of novel Bi-based materials in combination with other components has become an effective strategy to regulate the adsorption, activation and desorption of reactants. Zhao et al. prepared a novel Sn-doped Bi/BiOx NW with a highly conductive bimetallic core and an amorphous Sn-doped BiOx shell by electrochemical dealloying [Figure 8A][73]. Sn atoms in the Bi2O3 and BiOx lattices are supposed to cooperate with oxygen atoms in an octahedral form. Bi/Bi(Sn)Ox NWs have a metallic binuclear structure
Figure 8. (A) Schematic diagram of the synthesis of Sn-doped Bi/BiOx nanowires; (B-D) HAADF-STEM characterization diagrams; (E) Different products FEs of the Bi/Bi(Sn)OxNWs; (F) P-orbital DOS plots of absorbed with *OCHO on Sn-decorated Bi/BiOx nanowires and Bi/BiOx nanowires. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[73]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society. FE: Faraday efficiency.
Bismuth subcarbonate-based catalysts
Among Bi-based compounds, BOC is considered a valuable electrocatalyst for CO2RR to formate on account of its significant advantages: (1) A large number of Bi-O bonds in BOC can promote the adsorption of CO2 and production and transformation of intermediates during the CO2RR process; (2) BOC species of carbonate enable to enhance the adsorption of initial intermediates[74-76]. Therefore, it is attractive to ulteriorly develop electrocatalysts based on the advantages of BOC for efficient generation of CO2RR within a wider potential window.
Fu et al. reported a method for electrochemical conversion of bismuth oxychloride (BiOCl) to basic bismuth carbonate containing chlorine [Bi2O2(CO3)xCly] under the condition of CO2RR[77]. It is proved that in situ synthesis is an effective method to improve the electrochemical stability of electrocatalyst in situ. In situ spectroscopic studies were systematically performed to describe the conversion mechanism and electrochemical stability. BiOCl is converted to BOC by anion exchange [Figure 9A]. The fabricated
Figure 9. (A) 3D configuration of bismuth carbonate containing chlorine; (B) Plots of Faradic efficiency for CO2RR at different potentials (vs. RHE). Reprinted with permission from Ref.[77]. Copyright 2022, Springer; (C) Surface characterization of the BOC-In-0.1 NSs; (D) Projected density of states (PDOS) of d-band centers of Bi atoms, (E) the Bi site absorbed with *OCOH and (F) calculated free energy diagrams for the electroreduction of CO2 to HCOOH on the (001) facets of BOC and BOC-In. from Ref.[78]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier.
Wu et al. prepared In-doped BOC nanosheets (BOC-In-X NSs) via electrochemical operando deposition and electrochemical reduction [Figure 9C][78]. At a voltage of 0.9 V, the FE of formate of BOC-In-0.1NS is the highest with 98.3%, and it has good stability for 22 h. In addition, FE formate achieves an average of 93.5%. DFT calculations show that compared with BOC (-1.801 eV), the Ed of BoC-In (-1.780 eV) is closer to the Fermi level (Ef), and the Ep of BOC-In (-1.492 eV) moves more closely to the Ef, which illustrates that BOC-In is more conducive to the occurrence of catalytic reactions [Figure 9D and E]. The energy barrier on the BOC NS (010) surface (0.55 eV) is much higher than that of In-doped BOC NS (0.48 eV) [Figure 9F]. And the addition of BOC not only enhances the adsorption of CO2, *CO2- and *OCOH intermediates, but also reduces the energy barrier of *OCOH to form formic acid, which is conducive to the formation of formic acid.
Bi sulfide-based catalysts
Sulfur atom doping can activate bismuth-specific sites while passivating edge sites, thus promoting the production of highly selective and reactive formic acids, providing high catalytic activity to CO2RR. From a thermodynamic point of view, sulfur atoms prefer edge sites of metal catalysts, and the addition of sulfur changes the electronic structure of adjacent sites, hence increasing the catalytic activity of metals. In addition, the binding of S to the metal edge site occupies the adsorption site of *H, thus inhibiting the main competitive reaction of HER. Therefore, the addition of S enables selective improvement of the performance of CO2RR.
Lv et al. designed Bi nanosheets with numerous edge defect sites coordinated with sulfur atoms by electrochemical reconstruction of Bi19Br3S27 NW (BBS) [Figure 10A][79]. The marginal sulfur bismuth catalyst increased the yield of formate and inhibited the precipitation of hydrogen. During the structural transition, the BBS precatalyst is reconstructed into the metal Bi with abundant defects, and the Br atom escapes completely as HBr. In situ EXAFS characterization shows that Bi atoms are reconstructed during the catalytic process, which has a significant effect on catalysis [Figure 10B]. DFT and characterizations display sulfur atoms tend to appear in the margin region of the defect, reducing the density of coordinated unsaturated Bi sites for *H adsorption, while adjusting the adjacent Bi sites in the center of the p-band to obtain better CO2RR performance [Figure 10C]. Under alkaline conditions, formic acid exhibits high FE (~95%) [Figure 10D].
Figure 10. (A) Schematic illustration of the transition from BBS to Bi nanosheet; (B) In situ FT k3χ(R) EXAFS of Bi L3-edge EXAFS signals; (C) Calculated adsorption energy plot for the electroreduction of CO2 to HCOOH through different intermediations on sample catalysts; (D) FE of formate of BBS sample and Bi sample. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[79]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH. EXAFS: Extended X-ray adsorption fine structure; FE: faraday efficiency; BBS: Bi19Br3S27 NW.
Wang et al. developed an atom-dispersed N and S-coordinated bismuth-atom site catalyst (Bi-SAs-NS/C) for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction through simultaneous cation and anion diffusion strategies[80]. Bi is then trapped by abundant nitrogen-rich vacancies, and S binds to the carbon support at high temperatures to form the Bi coordination of N and S. On account of the simultaneous diffusion of Bi atoms and sulfur, nitrogen atoms with different electronegativity, the catalysts can effectively cooperate with Bi to form homogeneous Bi-N3S /C sites. The prepared Bi-SAs-NS/C showed high selectivity for CO, with a FE of over 88% over a broad potential range and a maximum of 98.3% FE of CO at a current density of 10.24 mA·cm-2 at -0.8 Vvs RHE. Within 24 h, the continuous electrolysis can be kept constant with negligible degradation. DFT calculations show that the catalytic performance of Bi-SAs-NS/C is significantly better than that of
Bi halide-based catalysts
A number of recent studies have revealed possible effects of halides on CO2RR activity. Surface modification of halides can be directly introduced into electrolyte or cathodic conversion of metal halides. They can affect the charge distribution on the surface of the metal catalyst and thus regulate the relative binding strength of key intermediates.
Luo et al. designed bismuth halide perovskite as a precatalyst according to the characteristics of halide anions and alkali metal cations, and used the metal-air battery cathode to prepare bismuth co-modified by halide and alkali metal as a working catalyst[81]. They used a modified heat injection method to prepare hexagonal Cs3Bi2I9 nanocrystals and introduced long-chain ammonium oil palm amI-I (OAMI-I) to slow down the nucleation and growth of perovskite nanocrystals [Figure 11A]. The results show that the modified Cs3Bi2I9 catalyst provides an industrial-scale current density of 300 mA·cm-2 and an 87% FE for formic acid in the flow cell [Figure 11B]. Moreover, after assembly in Al-CO2 cells, Cs3 Bi2 I9 exhibits a very high current density (69 mA·cm-2) with a peak power density of about 7 mW·cm-2.
Figure 11. (A) Structural model diagram of Cs3Bi2I9; (B) Electrochemical properties of different products. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[81]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH; (C) AFM image of BiOX sample; (D) In-BOB, measured at -1.15 Vvs RHE and plotted as normalized intensity versus energy. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[82]. Copyright 2023, Springer; (E) Schematic diagram of the preparation of bismuth halide and reaction process to Bi NSs; (F) Electrochemical property testing of sample. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[83]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. BOB: BiOBr.
Yang et al. synthesized layered oriented double halide oxide (BiOX, where X = Cl, Br or I) nanosheets
Wang et al. used bismuth halide (Bi4O5Cl2, Bi4O5Br2 and BiOI) as a precatalyst to study the effect of halogen on the in situ conversion of BiOI in CO2RR [Figure 11E][83]. Among them, BiOI in situ transformed Bi NSs showed high CO2RR selectivity. The FE of formate (vs. RHE) is greater than 90% in the range of -0.71 to
Catalytic reaction pathways and intermediates play a crucial role in the catalytic process. At present, although many studies have greatly improved the catalytic efficiency, there are still many problems in the monitoring of catalytic intermediate processes. In particular, the CO2RR reaction process involves multiple electron transfer and proton transfer. The study of its process helps us not only optimize the reaction path and design the catalyst, but also understand the reaction process more deeply from the perspective of electrons. However, in situ characterization technology can effectively monitor the reaction structure and reaction intermediates of the catalyst, and has a unique role in revealing the catalytic mechanism. A variety of advanced characterization techniques, including Raman spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), XAS, XRD and XPS, have been used for real-time CO2RR studies. Next, we discuss how in situ techniques can be effectively used to reveal the reaction process.
In situ/operando raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy can determine the vibrational modes of molecules and identify intermediate species. Molecules with different vibrational/rotational states can be detected by measuring the energy difference between the incident and inelastically scattered photons. Raman spectroscopy has a great advantage in identifying metastable catalysts and intermediates[37].
Li et al. used in situ Raman to demonstrate that the prepared 2D Bi2O3 nanosheets were used as precursor templates to directly synthesize well-defined Bi nanoribbons[84]. The activated Bi-O sites in high temperature treatment remained stable throughout the CO2RR process. As a result, the resulting one-dimensional Bi heterostructures exhibit excellent CO2RR properties with high formic FE over a wide and mild potential range (approximately 95%), as well as the impressive stability of 100 h of continuous operation under a variety of conditions without attenuation [Figure 12A]. Zhao et al. used the transfer of Raman peaks in situ Raman tests at different potentials to show that the Bi-O structure in BOC after reaction is more likely to be restored[85]. Combined with the above in situ study under CO2RR, we obtained a detailed hypothesis of the evolution of BOS to BOC after reaction structure; that is, BOS was first completely transformed into BOC, and then part of BOC was cathodically reduced to metallic Bi under CO2RR conditions. To demonstrate the stability of the Bi-O substance in surface-oxygen-rich carbon-nanorod-supported bismuth nanoparticles (SOR Bi@C NP), Liu et al. performed in situ Raman spectroscopy to understand how the catalyst surface structure changes with the applied reduction potential[86]. They observed the appearance and disappearance of Bi-O characteristic bands at different potentials, demonstrating the stability of the Bi-O substance. These ectopic and in situ characterization techniques indicate that oxygen-enriched SOR Bi@C NP is structurally stable during
Figure 12. (A) In situ Raman spectra of two-dimensional Bi nanosheets. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[84]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society; (B) In situ DRIFTS spectra of CO2 adsorbed on BOC NFs surface. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[89]. Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH; (C) In situ XRD patterns of Bi catalysts. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[91]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier; (D) Operando Bi L-edge XANES spectra of Bi2O3 nanotubes (NTs) at OCV and NTD-Bi; inset plot is the partially enlarged spectra. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[67]. Copyright 2019, Springer; (E) In situ XPS measurements for O 1 s orbit. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[92]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier; (F, G) Formation of Co-TMH clusters and nanocage around the nanobubble surface. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[94]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. XRD: X-ray diffraction spectroscopy; XANES: X-ray absorption near edge structure; OCV: open circuit voltage.
In situ/operando infrared spectrum
In situ FTIRs is a combination of electrochemical measurement methods and infrared spectroscopy technology, real-time monitoring of the catalytic reaction occurring at the gas-liquid-solid three-phase interface, at the molecular level to obtain reactants, target products, electrode surface bonding, intermediates and other information.
Cao et al. pioneered an atomically thin bismuthene (Bi-ene) through an in situ electrochemical transformation process of an ultra-thin bismuth group organic layer[50]. In situ attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) and DFT results confirmed that the adsorbed HCO3- groups in the electrolyte played an important role in the CO2RR process. In situ infrared spectroscopy can also be used to further analyze the catalytic local reaction microenvironment and the adsorption capacity of CO2 in the three-phase interface, so as to further understand the gas adsorption process of the reaction. According to the spectral band analysis [Figure 12B], BOC NF (bismuth subcarbonate nanoflowers) and Bi have high physical adsorption capacity, but Bi has almost no chemical adsorption capacity. Compared with Bi2O3, BOC NF also has a high adsorption capacity for carbon dioxide[89].
In order to better understand the role of Te and Bi species in CO2RR, Cui et al. used in situ attenuated total reflection surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (ATR-SEIRAS) to monitor adsorbed species on the electrochemical surface[90]. The experiments show that the consumption rate of the reaction intermediate increases, which leads to a faster conversion to HCOOH, indicating that the Te-doped Bi catalyst can effectively accelerate the reaction. The peak intensity indicated that the intermediate accumulates at the interface, which may be related to the slower kinetics of the HCOOH reaction.
Other in situ/operando characterizations
Many other in situ testing techniques are gradually being applied to CO2RR. Li et al. used in situ XRD analysis to reveal the structural evolution of Bi catalyst during CO2RR processes [Figure 12C][91]. For the Bi catalyst under open circuit voltage (OCV) condition, the phase transition from Bi2O3 to metallic Bi was proved by the change in the position of the derived peak during the process, and the phase transition was completed within one hour after the reduction potential was applied. Gong et al. performed in situ XAS measurements at the Bi L edge[67]. The Bi edges of XANES under OCV conditions are well aligned with
Recently, many studies have been conducted to improve the performance of CO2RR, especially in the
In order to improve the selectivity and activity of the catalyst, increasing the catalytic site is an important research idea, and many modification strategies are also studied based on this. Nanoengineering can greatly reduce the size of the catalyst, increase the specific surface area of the catalyst, and expose more catalytic sites, so as to achieve the purpose of improving performance. From the perspective of catalyst scale, the mono-atomic catalyst can effectively realize the dispersion of the catalyst and maximize the surface area. One-dimensional materials have unique advantages for the addition of catalytic sites and electron transport due to their large aspect ratio. Many Bi-based materials have a graphene-like 2D structure, which also has significant advantages in electron transport and catalytic activity[97]. In addition, in electrochemical catalysis, the electron transfer and the optimization of electronic structure are also the points that need constant attention. Atomic doping and alloy can regulate the electron distribution of Bi-based catalyst by introducing other elements, and the core-shell structure can also optimize the catalytic process by electron transport between the core and shell.
In order to further understand the catalytic reaction process, the use of in situ testing techniques becomes important. Previous tests often only monitor the initial and final states of the reaction, so the changes of the reaction intermediates in the catalytic process and their interaction with the catalyst are not very accurately understood. However, in situ technology can effectively solve this problem, so as to further understand the catalytic process, thereby further designing the catalyst and reaction conditions. In situ spectroscopic characterization can provide in-depth details about structural and surface properties during catalyst reactions, including phase transitions, electron transfer paths, catalyst binding configurations, and intermediate binding structures. Therefore, the selection of appropriate real-time detection is of great significance for the design of high purity catalysts. At present, although many in situ technologies have been very mature, how to effectively combine them with the catalytic process for monitoring is worth further exploration. In addition, the use of in situ electron microscopy and in situ light microscopy is still insufficient, and the change of surface morphology is worth further study. In addition, polarization orientation can regulate the reactivity and selectivity of various catalytic reactions by adjusting various basic properties (such as electronic and adsorption properties)[98]. In situ technology can be used to monitor the mechanism of polarization in CO2RR, which can effectively reveal the effect of polarization on catalysts.
In addition to in situ monitoring techniques, DFT calculations can be used to predict thermodynamic and kinetic changes in the process through theoretical simulations, so as to design specific catalyst structures. However, with the development of computing technology, how to effectively combine DFT calculation results with actual experiments is still worth further exploration. In addition, accurately simulating the real situation of the catalyst surface, including the simulation of the reaction environment such as electrolyte and electric field, continues to pose challenges. In addition, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into catalyst design can optimize the design simulation and calculation of batch catalysts, so as to greatly improve the efficiency of catalyst design.
In addition to material design and characterization technology, CO2 electrocatalytic reaction design should also be oriented to industrial practical applications. Compared with H and flow cells, MEA cells have advantages in the transport of reactants, such as the diffusion of carbon dioxide solubility in aqueous solution, and can effectively improve the reaction stability.
Moreover, most of the CO2RR in the current study occurred in alkaline electrolyte environments[99-102]. However, the locally strong alkaline environment leads to carbonate formation, resulting in limited
In summary, this paper introduces and discusses the application of Bi-based electrochemical catalysts in CO2RR. At the same time, further development should rely on the combination of advanced in situ characterization techniques, in-depth understanding of the reaction mechanism, optimization of the electrocatalyst, and improvement of the battery configuration. It is believed that with continuous efforts, carbon recycling and zero emissions will be driven by sustainable energy to achieve further advancement of CO2RR.
Authors’ contributions
Drafted the manuscript: Zhang, C.; Liu, F.
Participated the writing and literature discussion: Zhang, C.; Liu, F.; Wang, J. J.; Wang, G. J.; Sun, Z. Y.; Chen, Q.; Han, X. P.; Deng, Y. D.; Hu, W. B.
Coordinated the writing and finalized the manuscript: Wang, JJ.; Wang, G. J.
Availability of data and materials
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Financial support and sponsorship
This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 52372217 and 52231008), the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (22JCQNJC00830), and Guangdong Provincial and Municipal Joint Foundation for Basic and Applied Basic Research (2023A1515140147).
Conflicts of interest
All authors declare that they are bound by confidentiality agreements that prevent them from disclosing their conflicts of interest in this work. Yi-Da Deng is an Editorial Board Member of the Microstructures. Zhao-Yong Sun and Qiang Chen were employed by China Energy Lithium Co. All other authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2025.
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Zhang, C.; Liu, F.; Wang, J. J.; Wang, G. J.; Sun, Z. Y.; Chen, Q.; Han, X. P.; Deng, Y. D.; Hu, W. B. Recent research progress of bismuth-based electrocatalysts for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. Microstructures 2025, 5, 2025016.
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