The effect of dislocations on phase transition in PbZrO3-based antiferroelectrics
Dislocations in perovskite oxides have an important influence on their macroscopic performances. In this work, we report abundant dislocations in PbZrO3-based antiferroelectric (AFE) ceramics, which manifest themselves mainly as dislocation arrays with Burgers vectors along the <110> direction. We demonstrate that these dislocation arrays were emitted from the grain boundaries and exhibit a pure screw character with glide systems of <110>{
Dislocations in perovskite oxides have always been one of the main topics of extended-defect research due to their wide influence on the overall performance. Prominent examples include acceleration of oxygen ion diffusion[1], variation of ionic transport performance[2,3], nucleation and pinning of domain walls[4-6], increased toughness[7], and influence on the local ferroelectric (FE) polarization[8]. Up to now, dislocation structures have been investigated in depth in perovskite oxides of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, MgSiO3, etc. In particular, Höfling et al. found that introducing dislocation network with uniaxial compression could force BaTiO3 single crystal to form a domain structure that consequently enhanced the piezoelectric coefficient by a factor of 19[9]. This indicates that dislocations could be a useful tool for optimizing properties of functional oxides. To date, the studies of dislocations in perovskite oxides covered quantum paraelectrics (PEs), FEs and linear dielectrics, but except for antiferroelectrics (AFEs) whose prototypical structure exhibits a specific polarization modulation derived from the cubic perovskite.
PbZrO3-based AFEs are promising candidates for dielectric energy storage capacitors owing to the involvement of high energy and power density during the electric-induced AFE-FE phase transition[10-15]. The recoverable energy storage density of PbZrO3-based capacitors reaches up to 10.4 J/cm3[16], representing a significant advancement in capacitor technologies. However, being limited by a short lifetime, to date, AFE capacitors cannot fully utilize their excellent energy storage performance in practical applications. The large strain induced by the large volume change during polarization switching in AFE-FE phase transition usually leads to cracking or even failure of the AFE material, thereby reducing the lifetime of capacitors[17-20]. It is well known that dislocations are usually expected to engineer strain fields to tune mechanical properties of materials. However, how dislocations interact with phase transition or domain wall motion in AFE remains unclear. Thus, it is highly desired to investigate dislocations in AFE, which may promote strategies such as regulating domain size or dispersing phase transition to suppress sharp volume change for an enhanced lifetime.
Here, we mainly applied transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and investigated the effect of dislocations on phase transition in (Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr0.50Sn0.50)O3 (PLZS) AFE ceramics. PLZS, an orthorhombic AFE phase at room temperature, transforms to the cubic PE phase at the Curie temperature of around 146 °C. It is found that the considerably high density of dislocations manifests themselves in arrays and has multiple influences on the stability of the AFE phase during temperature-induced phase transition, showing promising potential for dispersing the phase transition process, hence avoiding sharp volume changes and risk of material failure.
Materials synthesis
PLZS ceramics were obtained using traditional high-temperature solid-phase sintering methods. The raw materials for sintering PLZS are Pb3O4, La2O3, ZrO2 and SnO2 powders with purity higher than 99.0%. Because Pb volatilizes during sintering, a small amount of excess PbO (0.5 wt%) was added. The preparation process of PLZS was as follows: firstly, the raw material powders were mixed and ball milled for 6 h, dried at 120 °C, and then calcined at 900 oC for 2 h. The obtained PLZS powders were ball milled again for 24 h, dried at 120 °C, mixed with 6 wt% PVA as a binder, and then pressed into disks with a diameter of 13 mm at 150 MPa. Lastly, the binder was burned out at 800 °C for 2 h, and the disks were sintered at 1,300 °C for 2 h.
Materials characterizations
The TEM specimens were prepared from ceramic bulk by mechanical thinning, polishing, and Ar+ ion-milling in a gatan precision ion polishing System (PIPS) II, and finally, a thin carbon film was sprayed with a thickness of 3 nm. In order to decrease ion-beam damage during ion-milling, the ion-beam voltage was gradually decreased from 3 to 0.5 keV. TEM investigation was performed on a JEM-2100F equipped with a heating holder (Gatan Model 652). In situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiment was conducted on a Rigaku D/max 2,550 V diffractometer using Cu-Kα radiation in the 2θ range of 10°-110° with a scanning speed of 10° per minute and a step of 0.2°. This temperature range measured in the in situ XRD experiment is 25 to 350 °C, with a rate of 10 °C per minute.
Characterization of dislocations
Extensive TEM examinations indicate universal appearance of dislocations in PLZS AFE ceramics, as shown in Figure 1. Compared with those reported in other perovskite oxides, the most notable feature of dislocations in PLZS AFE ceramics is that they manifest themselves as dislocation arrays and networks, which mainly distribute within grains and always across the domain walls. Individual dislocations could also be observed, but in very small amounts. They usually project along the <110> and <001> directions (all crystallographic indices refer to the simple pseudocubic unit cell in this work), similar to those reported in SrTiO3[21].
Figure 1. Dislocations in different grains of the present PLZS sample. The green arrows indicate the individual dislocations. PLZS: (Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr0.50Sn0.50)O3.
The Burgers vector b and line direction l are the main parameters for the characterization of dislocations. From the two parameters, the possible slip system of dislocations can be deduced. Figure 2 shows the characterization of Burgers vector b of dislocations, determined by invisibility criteria g · b = 0. The condition g · b = 0 signifies the reflection vector g is normal to b, and dislocations meeting this criterion are displayed out of contrast in the two- or weak-beam dark-field (DF) micrographs. Figure 2A and B was acquired using two reflection vectors g = [
Figure 2. Characterization of dislocation arrays in PLZS. (A-C) The two-beam dark-field micrographs of the identical area using an operating vector of g = [
The line direction l is determined by performing a trace analysis during tilting. The line contrast of dislocations indicates a projection of the dislocation lines along the [101] viewing direction [Figure 2D]. With the line projections parallel to [
Based on the above analyses, it can be inferred that these dislocation arrays have the glide system of the <110>{
Most dislocations in perovskite oxides, including SrTiO3[21], BaTiO3[9] and KNbO3 single crystals[4], are activated by a compressive stress at high temperatures. For PLZS ceramics, the stress to activate the dislocations most likely comes from the strain generated during cooling in the synthesis. Figure 3A shows the in situ XRD examination upon decreasing the temperatures. At a high temperature of 350 °C, PLZS exhibits a simple cubic perovskite structure of the PE phase, which is evidenced by non-split {h00}, {hh0} and {hhh} peaks. After cooling to room temperature, the PLZS spontaneously transits from the PE to AFE phase, accompanied by significant volume shrinkage up to -1.33%. Therefore, it is believed that large volume shrinkage arising from temperature-induced phase transition has induced considerable strains and provided enough driving force for forming dislocations in PLZS. A similar phenomenon has been widely reported in alloys[26,27].
Figure 3. (A) XRD patterns of PLZS at 25 C and 350 C. At 350 C, the lattice parameters are a = b = c = 4.1164 Å, and the unit volume is V = 69.75 Å3. At 25 C, the lattice parameters are a = b = 4.113 Å, c = 4.085 Å, and the unit volume is V = 68.82 Å3. So, the volume shrinkage during cooling is ∆V = (V25 °C – V350 °C) / V350 °C = -1.33%; (B-E) nucleation of dislocation array at the grain boundaries in PLZS. The white dashed lines indicate the grain boundary. The blue and yellow arrows represent the directions of dislocation lines and array layout, respectively. PLZS: (Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr0.50Sn0.50)O3.
Because the strain is usually concentrated at the bends or steps, grain boundaries should have accumulated the largest strain and consequently behave as nucleation sites for dislocations[28,29]. As seen in Figure 3B and C, Figure 3D and E dislocation arrays have indeed been emitted from the grain boundaries. This phenomenon makes sense because when a screw dislocation moves along the <001> direction, the required Peierls stress to overcome the energy barrier is minimal[24]. The gliding vectors of the dislocation arrays in Figure 2E and Figure 3C and E are along the [010] and [001] directions, respectively; the dislocation is emitted in the <001> direction, consistent with the moving direction of screw dislocations, as has been observed in the literature[23].
Effect of dislocations on the phase transition
In situ TEM via changing the temperatures has been employed to investigate the effect of dislocations on the phase transition. The selected zone axis for the present in situ TEM examination is along the [001] direction at which the AFE and PE phases could be explicitly discriminated. The red framed region in Figure 4A (corresponding electron diffraction is shown in Figure 4B) was enlarged and monitored during the in situ heating [Figure 4C] and cooling [Figure 4D] processes. At 20 °C, satellite reflections in the fast Fourier transform (FFT) are both visible in areas 1 (near the dislocation) and 2 (away from the dislocation). Upon heating to 120 °C, the satellite reflections disappear in area 2 while they remain in area 1. The satellite reflections are associated with antiparallel alignment of A-site cations in the AFE phase[30], and its disappearance indicates that the AFE phase has transformed to the PE phase. Therefore, dislocations could stabilize the AFE phase during heating. Until the sample is heated to 160 °C, all satellite reflections disappear in area 1, suggesting full transition to the PE phase. Upon cooling from 160 °C and when the temperature reached 135 °C, interestingly, satellite reflections started to appear on the FFT of area 1 while they were still absent in area 2 [Figure 4D]. This suggests that the AFE phase preferentially nucleates near the dislocations during the PE-AFE phase transition. The present reversible in situ TEM investigation indicates that dislocations favor the stabilization of the AFE phase.
Figure 4. (A) The bright-field micrograph at room temperature showing a dislocation array near the domain boundary. The green arrows indicate the dislocations; (B) the [001] selected-area electron diffraction pattern obtained from framed area in (A), showing the modulated wave along the [110] direction. The modulation period N is counted by: N = d110/λ, where d110 and λ are the distance measured in selected-area electron diffraction pattern; (C and D) present the in situ TEM of the green framed area in (A) during heating and cooling, respectively. The scale bar is 20 nm. Dislocations are indicated by green arrows. Areas 1 and 2 refer to dislocation and non-dislocation areas, respectively; (E and F) show the temperature dependence of FFT patterns in areas 1 and 2, respectively. TEM: Transmission electron microscopy; FFT: fourier transform.
PbZrO3-based AFEs demonstrate a distorted perovskite structure with antiparallel Pb-cation displacements. Such a structure is equivalent to a perovskite with modulated structure of 1/N {110}, i.e., a wavelength of N layers of its pseudocubic {110} plane[31-33], and N is termed as modulation period. It is similar to our previous discovery of the electric devil’s staircase phenomenon[34], i.e., the modulation period shows a step-like change with temperature. In the present in situ study, the modulated structure of the AFE phase in PLZS again exhibits a stepwise variation during heating but shows difference between dislocation [Figure 4E] and non-dislocation areas [Figure 4F]. As shown in Figure 4B, the modulation period N of PLZS at room temperature could be obtained as four multiples by: N = d110/λ. Multiple characterization methods, including XRD[35], electron diffraction[34-36] and aberration-corrected TEM[34,35], have confirmed this previously. Therefore, based on the shape and position of satellite reflections, it can be inferred that the modulation period referred to by the purple lines is around 4 [Figure 4E and F], by the orange lines is around 4.5, and by the red lines is around 5. It can be seen that a certain modulation period can be maintained within a comparatively wide temperature range. Moreover, the dislocations [Figure 4E] are found to further expand the temperature range of the stages, especially for stages 2 and 3. The ranges of stages 2 and 3 in area 2 (non-dislocation area) are 62-72 °C and 82-92 °C, respectively, while they expand to 62-82 °C and 92-120 °C, respectively, in area 1 (dislocation area) along with the duration of the AFE phase at higher temperatures. The AFE phase has transformed to the PE phase at 120 °C in the non-dislocation area [stage 4 in Figure 4F] while it remains available in the dislocation area [stage 3 in Figure 4E]. As a result, dislocations slow the transition rate among different modulated structures by extending the temperature range of stages in the electric devil’s staircase, thus stabilizing the AFE phase during heating. Such discovery further indicates that the existence of dislocations disperses the phase transition of the whole system in a wider temperature range, potentially avoiding abrupt volume changes.
Compared to area 2, the lattice parameters in area 1 are significantly reduced [Table 1]. The previous atomistic simulation study on <110> screw dislocations in oxide perovskites considered that the dislocation causes distortion of the BO6 octahedra and, especially, the AO12 cub-octahedra and, thus, generates local electric dipole moments inside the core[37]. Thereafter, we infer that the large electric dipole moments of A-site atoms around the dislocation core are responsible for stabilizing the AFE phase.
The lattice parameters measured on FFT patterns at room temperature
a (Å) | b (Å) | |
Area 1 | 4.174 | 4.161 |
Area 2 | 4.203 | 4.196 |
Besides stabilizing the AFE phase near dislocations, it is found that the dislocation array, in the meantime, plays a specific role in the evolution of AFE domains. Figure 5 demonstrates a large-field view of both domain and dislocation arrays subject to an in situ heating and cooling process in TEM. Here, the domain marked by yellow dash lines is pinned by a dislocation array, resulting in a controlled motion of domain walls, hence regulating the domain size. As shown in Figure 5A-C and Supplementary Materials Video 1, upon increasing the temperature, the domain started to shrink from dislocation array β because of its wedge tip and eventually disappeared at the dislocation array α [see yellow-arrowed site in Figure 5C]. As shown in Figure 5D and E and Supplementary Materials Video 2, upon cooling, highlighted by yellow arrows in Figure 5E, domain walls nucleated at dislocation array α, then crossed the whole dislocation array α and terminated at dislocation array β. It seems that the dislocation array can provide a strong stress field nearby, which is evidenced by the following three phenomena during domain growth [Figure 5D-F]: (1) the width of domain is similar to that of the dislocation array α and was not further broadened; (2) the domain cannot grow as a lamellar shape but form wedged shape when it approaches close to the dislocation array β; (3) the domain wall can pass through the dislocation array α with a smaller crossing angle but terminate at one side of dislocation array β which is nearly perpendicular to the domain growth direction. These phenomena indicate that dislocation arrays can be critical in manipulating domain size and orientation.
Figure 5. The bright-field observations of the evolution of AFE domains during (A-C) heating and (D-F) cooling in PLZS. The yellow dashed lines and arrows in (A, C, and E) indicate the AFE domain wall. The green arrows depict dislocation arrays. AFE: Antiferroelectric; PLZS: (Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr0.50Sn0.50)O3.
According to the theoretical calculations in KNbO3 FE perovskite oxide[4], the strong axial elastic field of linear screw dislocations[38,39] exerts a long-range influence on the polarization, which not only cause a rotation of the polarization vector around the dislocation line but also significantly increase the magnitude of polarization at the cores of dislocations. As a result, if a domain nucleates at the dislocation, the axial elastic field of the screw dislocation seems to preferentially promote its growth in a direction at a smaller angle to the direction of the dislocation array [see Figure 5E]. Nevertheless, the detailed reasons should be further investigated in the future.
In summary, this study elucidates the structure of dislocations in PbZrO3-based AFEs and their roles in the temperature response to the modulated structures and formation of AFE domains. One of the most distinctive features in PLZS is the variety of dislocation arrays, which, however, have the identical glide system of <110>{
Authors’ contributions
Made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the study and performed data analysis and interpretation: Liu, Z.; Fu, Z.; Xu, F.
Performed data acquisition and provided administrative, technical, and material support: Liu, Z.; Fu, Z.; Hu, T.; Yu, Z.; Zhang, L.; Chen, X.; Wang, G.; Xu, F.
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
Financial support and sponsorship
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52002388); Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST (2022QNRC001); Shanghai Rising-Star Program (23QA1410800); Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan (21ZR1472400), and Shanghai Technical Platform for Testing and Characterization on Inorganic Materials (19DZ2290700).
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2025.
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Li, Z.; Fu, Z.; Hu, T.; Yu, Z.; Zhang, L.; Chen, X.; Wang, G.; Xu, F. The effect of dislocations on phase transition in PbZrO3-based antiferroelectrics. Microstructures 2025, 5, 2025019.
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