
Figure 4. (A) The bright-field micrograph at room temperature showing a dislocation array near the domain boundary. The green arrows indicate the dislocations; (B) the [001] selected-area electron diffraction pattern obtained from framed area in (A), showing the modulated wave along the [110] direction. The modulation period N is counted by: N = d110/λ, where d110 and λ are the distance measured in selected-area electron diffraction pattern; (C and D) present the in situ TEM of the green framed area in (A) during heating and cooling, respectively. The scale bar is 20 nm. Dislocations are indicated by green arrows. Areas 1 and 2 refer to dislocation and non-dislocation areas, respectively; (E and F) show the temperature dependence of FFT patterns in areas 1 and 2, respectively. TEM: Transmission electron microscopy; FFT: fourier transform.