Welcome to the Reviewer Hub

  • Enhance your skills and progress toward becoming a professional reviewer through our extensive platform.
  • Explore the latest cutting-edge research in your field contributed by fellow scholars.
  • Leverage exclusive reviewer benefits tailored to support and streamline your manuscript review process.
  • Gain a broadened awareness of current research throughout the peer-review process.
  • Obtain an official reviewer certificate as acknowledgment.
  • Participate in the journal's annual reviewer evaluation to earn corresponding rewards.
  • Achieve reviewer status, a preferred qualification for potential Editorial Board membership.
  • Access opportunities for discounted Article Processing Charges (APCs) as a reviewer.
  • Anticipate forthcoming additional benefits.

Reviewer Guidelines

1. Adhere to the OAE Peer Review Guidelines for conducting thorough reviews.
2. Maintain strict confidentiality regarding the manuscript's content, including the abstract. Avoid bias or discrimination based on authors' affiliations, geographical locations, qualifications, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origins, citizenship, or political affiliations.
3. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest (such as familial ties, teacher-student relationships, alumni connections, professional associations, or competitive engagements) that might compromise the objectivity of the review process. Editors will assess and determine if such conflicts warrant the exclusion of a reviewer from evaluating the manuscript.
4. For more detailed information, refer to the Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers.

Peer-Review Policy

1. Accepted Manuscript Types

2. Online Review System

3. Publication Criteria

4. Review Process

5. Reviewer Selection

6. Timeline Management

7. Quality Review Reports

8. Evaluation of Review Reports

9. Ethics and Security

Become a Reviewer

Please contact [email protected] to reach out to us and join as a reviewer, becoming an integral part of our team.