
Mini-invasive Surgery 2022 Best Paper Awards

Published on: 27 Feb 2023 Viewed: 1484

We are pleased to announce the "Mini-invasive Surgery 2022 Best Paper Awards" to recognize and encourage the quality contributions of researchers in Mini-invasive Surgery from 2020 to 2021. Three papers won the Best Paper Awards. Congratulations to the recipients!

The three papers were assessed through a rigorous process and evaluated by the Journal Scientific Committee which is led by Editor-in-Chief based on the following criteria:

1. Overall value to scientific research;
2. Originality in the research objectives;
3. Novelty in the opinions or the research approaches;
4. Significance to the research field and interest to readers;
5. Scientific soundness and data quality;
6. Number of citations in 2022 (Data Source: Google Scholar).

Here are the three Best Papers:

First Prize
Title: Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for excess weight and diabetes: a multicenter retrospective cohort study in China
Authors: Wah Yang, Shaihong Zhu, Zhong Cheng, Nengwei Zhang, Liangping Wu, Yi Chen, Jingge Yang, Shuqing Yu, Tengfei Yang, Ding Ding, Jason R. Waggoner, Michael L. Schwiers, Elliott J. Fegelman, Cunchuan Wang

Second Prize
Title: Gender disparities in weight loss surgery
Authors: Sherif Aly, Krista Hachey, Luise I. M. Pernar

Title: Large hiatal hernia: minimizing early and long-term complications after minimally invasive repair
Authors: Elettra Ugliono, Fabrizio Rebecchi, Elisabetta Seno, Mario Morino

We sincerely appreciate the authors who have contributed excellent works to our journal. In the future, we expect to cooperate with more world-leading researchers to publish high-quality papers and promote academic communication in the field. 

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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