Mini-invasive Surgery 2022 Best Paper Award
Winner announcement date: February 28, 2023We are pleased to announce the “Mini-invasive Surgery 2022 Best Paper Award”. The papers will be selected from the research and review articles published in Mini-invasive Surgery from January 1 2020 to December 31 2021. The award aims to recognize and encourage high-quality contributions to academic research. Three articles will be selected for this award (one First Prize and two Second Prizes) after a thorough evaluation by the Scientific Committee of Mini-invasive Surgery and led by Editor-in-Chief. The winners will be announced in February 2023.
Eligibility Requirements:
Paper published in Mini-invasive Surgery from January 1 2020 to December 31 2021;
Both regular and Special Issue submissions will be considered.
Selection Criteria:
The papers will be selected by the Mini-invasive Surgery Scientific Committee according to the following criteria:
-Overall value to scientific research;
-Originality in the research objectives;
-Novelty in the opinions or in the research approaches;
-Significance to the research filed and interest to readers;
-Scientific soundness and data quality;
-Number of citations in 2022 (Data Source: Google Scholar).
-First Prize: $1000
-Second Prize: $500 for each winner
-Winners will receive an official award certificate signed by Editor-in-Chief.
Mini-invasive Surgery 2023 Best Paper Award
Winner announcement date: February 29, 2024We are pleased to announce the “Mini-invasive Surgery 2023 Best Paper Award”. The papers will be selected from the research and review articles published in Mini-invasive Surgery from January 1 2021 to December 31 2022. The award aims to recognize and encourage high-quality contributions to academic research. Three articles will be selected for this award (one First Prize and two Second Prizes) after a thorough evaluation by the Scientific Committee of Mini-invasive Surgery and led by Editor-in-Chief. The winners will be announced in February 2024.
Eligibility Requirements:
Paper published in Mini-invasive Surgery from January 1 2021 to December 31 2022;
Both regular and Special Issue submissions will be considered.
Selection Criteria:
The papers will be selected by the Mini-invasive Surgery Scientific Committee according to the following criteria:
-Overall value to scientific research;
-Originality in the research objectives;
-Novelty in the opinions or in the research approaches;
-Significance to the research filed and interest to readers ;
-Scientific soundness and data quality;
-Number of citations in 2023 (Data Source: Google Scholar).
-First Prize: $1000
-Second Prize: $500 for each winner
-Winners will receive an official award certificate signed by Editor-in-Chief.
If you have not yet published papers in Mini-invasive Surgery but would like to do so, you can submit your paper at:
Mini-invasive Surgery 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award
Winner announcement date: January 31, 2023To acknowledge our reviewers who generously devote their time to reviewing and strictly controlling the quality of the papers submitted to Mini-invasive Surgery, on behalf of Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Office of Mini-invasive Surgery established Mini-invasive Surgery 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award..
Eligibility Requirements:
All of the reviewers for Mini-invasive Surgery will be automatically included.
Selection Criteria:
The best reviewer will be selected by the Scientific Committee of Mini-invasive Surgery and led by Editor-in-Chief according to the following criteria:
-Number of review reports (only first review reports are considered);
-Review quality based on the rating given in MESAs;
-Review speed.
There will be three Outstanding Reviewers in 2022, and each will receive:
-An official award certificate signed by Editor-in-Chief;
-An opportunity to join the Editorial Board of Mini-invasive Surgery;
-An opportunity to participate in the webinar of Mini-invasive Surgery for free.
If you would like to review papers for Mini-invasive Surgery, please contact Ms. Irene Liu at [email protected] and send a curriculum vitae.