Special Issue
Topic: Interventional Endoscopy for Bilio-pancreatic Diseases: a Practical Approach
Guest Editor
Special Issue Introduction
1. Forward: a new kind of endoscopists for advanced therapeutic endoscopy
2. A minimal invasive approach for biliary diseases
2.1 How to access common bile duct: endoscopic sphincterotomy, precut sphincterotomy,
balloon dilation, ERCP in alterated anatomy
2.2 How to remove gallstones: balloon,
dormie basket, lithotripsy
2.3 Diagnosis and treatment of malignancies: biopsy, cytology,
cholangioscopy, stenting
2.4 Post-surgical complications: leakage, benign stenosis, after
liver transplantation
2.5 EUS approach : diagnosis and treatment:
- EUS assessment of
bile duct and pancreas
- CBD approach in case of ERCP failure
- Stenting
2.6 Prevention of endoscopic complications
3. Endoscopic treatment of pancreatic diseases
3.1 Endoscopic treatment of acute pancreatitis:
- When emergency papillotomy is useful
- Pancreatic drainage
- Necrosectomy
3.2 Endoscopic treatment of chronic pancreatitis
3.3 EUS diagnosis for pancreatic diseases:
- diagnosis and assessment of tumors
- cytology and biopsy
- pCLe confocal for pancreatic cysts
3.4 Therapeutic EUS:
- Drainage
- Stenting
- Radio frequence ablation
Submission Deadline
Submission Information
For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/mis/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=mis&IssueId=mis210331507
Submission Deadline: 31 Mar 2021
Contacts: Mary Ma, Assistant Editor, Mary@misjournal.net