Winners of Mini-invasive Surgery 2023 Best Paper Awards
We are pleased to announce the winners of the "Mini-invasive Surgery 2023 Best Paper Awards" to recognize and encourage the quality contributions of researchers in Mini-invasive Surgery from January to December 2022. Three outstanding papers won the Best Paper Awards. Congratulations to the recipients!
The selection process is rigorous, with evaluation by the Journal Scientific Committee led by Prof. Giulio Belli (Editor-in-Chief) . Papers were assessed based on the following criteria:
1. Overall value to scientific research;
2. Originality in research objectives;
3. Novelty in opinions or research approaches;
4. Significance to the field and reader interest;
5. Scientific soundness and data quality;
6. Citations in 2022 (Source: Web of Science).
First Prize: $1000
Second Prize: $500 each
Winners will receive an official award certificate signed by the Editor-in-Chief.
Best Papers:
First Prize
Title: The pocket-creation method of endoscopic submucosal dissection
Authors: Yoshikazu Hayashi, Yoshimasa Miura, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Hironori Yamamoto
Second Prize
Title: Ureter identification utilizing indocyanine green (ICG) imaging in colorectal surgery: a systematic review of the literature
Authors: Zoe Garoufalia, Steven D. Wexner
Title: Revisional bariatric surgery: a review of workup and management of common complications after bariatric surgery
Authors: Walker Lyons, Mennatallah Omar, Renee Tholey, Talar Tatarian
We sincerely appreciate the authors who have contributed excellent works to our journal. Moving forward, we expect to cooperate with more world-leading researchers to publish high-quality papers and promote academic communication in the field.
Furthermore, winners will be invited to speak as Guest Speakers at our webinars or participate in special interviews, subject to their availability. The awarded papers will be broadly promoted through all platforms of Mini-invasive Surgery and OAE Publishing Inc.
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Editorial Office
About Mini-invasive Surgery:
Mini-invasive Surgery (, Online ISSN: 2574-1225) is an international peer-reviewed, gold open access, online academic journal founded by OAE Publishing Inc. in April 2017. The journal aims to document specific clinical findings indicating a new or alternative understanding of existing surgical techniques. It provides a global platform that deals with all extensive works and research related to all areas of minimally invasive surgery, endoscopy, treatment, and diagnosis.
For Journal Information and Article Collections, visit:
Journal Information:
Article Collection:
Editor: Irene Liu
Language Editor: Emma Chen
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of Mini-invasive Surgery