
Cathode architecture and active site engineering in lithium-CO<sub>2</sub> batteries

Figure 10. (A) Structure illustration of Co3O4. (B) Galvanostatic charge-discharge profiles of different electrodes. (C) Schematics diagram of the discharge product (Li2CO3) generation morphology as well as its impact on CO2 transport on the different cathode catalysts in the FEM simulation. (D) Schematic illustration of discharge reaction on tetrahedral and octahedral Co. (E) Schematic of the correlation between M-O states and CO2RR activity. (Reproduced with permission[111]. Copyright 2024, American Chemical Society). (F) Schematic illustration of structural evolution of CoS2. (G) Co K-edge FT-EXAFS of CoS2 at different stages. (H) The projected density of states (PDOS) of CoS2 and O-CoS2. (Reproduced with permission[112]. Copyright 2024, Springer Nature). (I) The EXAFS spectra for Mn K-edge. (J) The optimal routes for Mn(II) and Mn(III) sites during discharge and charge processes. (Reproduced with permission[113]. Copyright 2024, Wiley-VCH).

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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