
Figure 8. (A and B) scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of C3N4/Ag2WO4 heterostructure. (C) Mechanism of photocatalytic disinfection treated with C3N4/Ag2WO4 heterostructure under visible light irradiation. (D) SEM images of E. coli (107 CFU/mL) treated with C3N4/Ag2WO4 heterostructure under visible light irradiation for different times. The red arrows indicate deformation, pore-forming, and fracture of E. coli cells. The yellow double arrows indicate the length of E. coli cells. (Reproduced with permission[106]. Copyright 2017, Elsevier). (E) Schematic diagram of indirect bacteria inactivation using H2O2 generated by an edge-functionalized g-C3N4 nanosheet. (F) TEM images of E. coli (D) before and after irradiation for different times. Each scale bar represents 500 nm (G). (A) Comparison of the disinfection performances of F-g-C3N4-30 with control experiments. (H) Disinfection devices based on F-g-C3N4-30-EP: Photograph of newly prepared F-g-C3N4-30-EP-modified polyethylene bag filled with water. (Reproduced with permission[107]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier).