Figure 3. Temperature dependence of linear thermal expansion ΔL/L0 of (A) LaFe13-xSix[31], (B) LaFe13-xAlx[32], (C) LaFe11.5-xCoxSi1.5[31], (D) LaFe11.4-xCoxAl1.6[23], (E) LaFe13-xSix hydrides[19]. (F) Temperature dependence of the lattice parameter in LaFe11.5Al1.5 at H = 0 T (green line) and H = 3 T (orange line)[16]. (A and C) are reproduced with the permission of Ref.[31] Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society. (B) is reproduced with the permission of Ref.[32] Copyright 2015, Royal Society of Chemistry. (D) is reproduced with the permission of Ref.[23] Copyright 2016, Royal Society of Chemistry. (E) is reproduced with the permission of Ref.[19] Copyright 2017, John&Wiley Sons. (F) is reproduced with the permission of Ref.[16] Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society.