Figure 11. Temperature dependence of (A) isothermal entropy change (B) entropy in LaFe11.33Co0.47Si1.2[65]. The black line corresponds to 0 kbar; green: 0.8 kbar; magenta: 1 kbar; cyan: 1.2 kbar; blue: 1.4 kbar; orange: 1.7 kbar; olive: 2.1 kbar[65]. (C) Temperature dependence of adiabatic temperature change on fast release of hydrostatic pressure. Diamonds correspond to 1 kbar and circles to 2 kbar (lines are guides to the eye)[65]. (D) Temperature dependence of entropy change corresponds to different hydrostatic pressures[64]. (A-C) are reproduced with the permission of Ref.[65] Copyright 2011, Springer Nature. (D) is reproduced with the permission of Ref.[64] Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society.