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Review  |  Open Access  |  27 Feb 2025

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

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Energy Mater. 2025, 5, 500061.
10.20517/energymater.2024.219 |  © The Author(s) 2025.
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Sulfide-based solid electrolytes have emerged as pivotal components for the advancement of next-generation all-solid-state batteries, owing to the battery safety and higher energy density. This paper reviews the recent material innovations in sulfide-based solid electrolytes, focusing on enhancing their ionic conductivities based on an understanding of their crystal structures. Through a comprehensive analysis of current research trends and future perspectives, this review aims to provide a roadmap for the development of more robust and efficient sulfide-based solid electrolytes, which contribute to the realization of safer and higher-performance all-solid-state batteries.


All-solid-state batteries, sulfide solid electrolyte, super ionic conductor, thio-germanate


Transitioning to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future heavily relies on advancements in lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology, particularly for electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage systems (ESSs)[1]. As EVs and ESSs play a pivotal role in realizing Net Zero Emissions by 2050, many countries and cities have declared their plans to ban internal combustion engine vehicles within 10 to 30 years and replace them with EVs[2,3]. However, EVs and ESSs currently face two main challenges: energy density and safety. At present, EVs have a limited driving range of 150-300 miles per single charge, which is a critical threshold for their commercial success[2,3]. Considering the constraints of space and weight in EVs, batteries with higher energy densities are essential for enabling longer driving distances. Currently, LIBs at the cell level have energy densities of 260-295 Wh kg-1 and 650-730 Wh L-1, which approaches their theoretical limits[4,5]. However, the targets for EVs set by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium for advanced batteries are 350 Wh kg-1 and 750 Wh L-1 at the cell level[6]. This indicates that the current LIB technologies still fall short of these goals.

The recent commercialization of portable devices, EVs, and ESSs using LIBs has highlighted significant safety concerns[7,8]. Notable incidents, such as the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explosions, Boeing 787 Dreamliner battery fires, and frequent explosions in current EVs, underscore the urgent need to address these issues[9]. The primary cause of these incidents was the use of low-flash-point organic solvents in conventional organic liquid electrolyte LIBs such as ethylene carbonate and dimethyl carbonate[10]. These limitations necessitate comprehensive improvements across the entire battery system, particularly for the materials used for the cathode, anode, electrolyte, and separator.

Developing all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) that replace conventional liquid-based electrolytes with solid electrolytes is a solution that can overcome these challenges. The solid nature of these electrolytes facilitates a broader operational temperature range and reduces the risk of ignition compared to flammable organic liquid electrolytes[11-15]. Additionally, solid electrolytes may enable the use of high-energy-density lithium metal anodes by preventing dendrite growth, which is a critical issue in liquid electrolytes and can lead to short circuits[16,17]. Moreover, the absence of electrolyte leakage in solid-state batteries enables the bipolar stacking of battery modules, shifting from the monopolar design commonly used in current LIBs with liquid electrolytes[18]. Furthermore, the dry-electrode processing design displays the potential for higher energy density through the adoption of high-loading composite electrodes (> 6 mAh cm-2)[19]. In liquid-based LIBs, limitations in transport and wettability restrict the maximum areal loading. Therefore, ASSBs can enhance both the volumetric and gravimetric energy densities of the battery system, and offer a higher energy density and improved safety compared with traditional liquid-based LIBs[19]. Figure 1A-C illustrates the operational temperature range of typical electrolyte types, two types of stacking of battery modules, and calculated volumetric and gravimetric energy densities of ASSBs based on cell parameters. ASSBs with thin sulfide solid electrolytes (SSEs, ~30 µm) that adopt high-loading composite electrodes enable a gravimetric energy density surpassing 350 Wh kg-1, and meet the targets set by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium for advanced batteries in EVs.

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 1. (A) Operational temperature range of typical electrolyte types, including both liquid and solid electrolytes. Each electrolyte type is represented by a different color. The dashed bars indicate the temperature ranges for specific electrolytes as follows: Red for Li9.54[Si0.6Ge0.4]1.74P1.44S11.1Br0.3O0.6[20], green for Li10GeP2S12[12], violet for Li6.6P0.4Ge0.6S5I[21], and orange for 1 M LiPF6 in EC/DMC (1:1 wt%)[15]. The lower temperature limits for all the electrolytes are determined based on their ionic conductivity, specifically when it reaches approximately ~1 mS cm-1. The flash point is indicated by a red cross[11]; (B) Schematic of a monopolar design of liquid-type battery (top) and a bipolar design of ASSBs (bottom)[18]. Reproduced with permission[18] Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH GmbH; (C) Calculated volumetric and gravimetric energy densities of ASSBs based on cell parameters[19]. Reproduced with permission[19]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. ASSBs: All-solid-state batteries; EC/DMC: ethylene carbonate/dimethyl carbonate.

Current liquid electrolytes in LIBs typically consist of LiPF6 in mixtures such as ethylene carbonate with dimethyl carbonate or propylene carbonate, and exhibit an ionic conductivity of 1-10 mS cm-1 at room temperature[15]. To match or enhance the performance of the current LIBs, the ionic conductivity of solid electrolytes must be comparable to that of liquid electrolytes, which necessitates significant advancements in this field. Major breakthroughs include the discovery of room-temperature ionic conductors such as garnet-typestructure[22], Li10GeP2S12 (LGPS)[12], argyrodite family[23,24], and thio-Lithium Ion Superionic CONductors (thio-LISICONs)[25-27], which exhibit lithium ionic conductivities ranging from 0.1 mS cm-1 to 10 mS cm-1, comparable to those of the liquid electrolytes.

Sulfides, known for their high polarizability, include many well-known superionic conductors with conductivities reaching up to 32 mS cm-1 at room temperature within the various discovered lithium ionic conductors[13,20,28]. Moreover, owing to their softness, the grain boundaries within the particles were significantly reduced by cold pressing the powders[29]. Consequently, the sintering process, which is typically required to reduce the grain boundaries in oxide-based solid electrolytes, can be omitted after cell assembly[30-32]. This simplification makes them more practical for the scalable fabrication of ASSBs.

Figure 2 shows the Arrhenius plots of various solid electrolyte structures, highlighting sulfides as having the highest ionic conductivity among all types. SSEs can be categorized into two main types: crystalline structures and glass. Typical crystalline structures of SSEs include the argyrodite family (Li6PS5X, where X = Cl, Br, or I)[23], LGPS[12], and thio-LISICONs (typical composition LixMS4, where M = Al, Si, P, Ga, Ge, Sn, or Sb)[27,40-46]. Glass materials primarily consist of precursors such as Li2S (which provides mobile ions) and MxSy (where Mx represents the stoichiometric amount of framework ions of B, Al, Si, P, Ge, Sn, or Sb and y indicates the stoichiometric amount of sulfur required to balance the valency of Mx)[47-51] with variations in the ratios of these precursors. The key difference between the crystal structures and glass is that the latter has less-ordered lithium ion diffusion pathways, which can result in relatively high conductivity owing to the more random arrangement of lithium ions or vacancies that form suitable pathways through the material[52]. However, this randomness can limit the extent to which the ionic conductivity can be further improved. In contrast, while it is challenging to identify a lithium-ion-conducting crystalline structure, those that present a suitable diffusion network have the potential to possess significantly high ionic conductivity, potentially surpassing that of glass. This hypothesis is supported by ongoing research and results, which is why there is considerable interest in the development and optimization of crystalline materials[12,13,53,54].

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 2. Arrhenius plots of various types of solid electrolytes, including organic liquid electrolytes, glass, and crystalline solid electrolytes[12,15,20,22,26,28,33-39].

Because lithium-ion diffusion persists within the crystal structure framework, the type of anion stacking configuration may affect the conduction behavior. Wang et al. found that the bcc anion sublattice exhibits the lowest activation barrier for lithium-ion conduction, as lithium ions migrate between the face-sharing tetrahedral sites within a network that is energetically equivalent[55].This is in contrast to the common hexagonal close-packed (hcp) or face-centered cubic (fcc) anion frameworks, in which lithium ions must migrate through sites with dissimilar coordination numbers (4 and 6). This variation in coordination numbers results in different energy barriers for achieving percolation owing to the differing site energies associated with each coordination number. While the superionic conductors LGPS and Li7P3S11 adopt a bcc anion sublattice, high ionic conductivity has also been observed in non-bcc anion sublattice structures, such as argyrodites Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, and I). This is attributed to the lithium-ion pathways that percolate through the face-sharing tetrahedral sites within the crystal structure, which is a conduction mechanism that mirrors the percolation observed in the bcc anion sublattice structures[55].

Conventionally, the ionic conductivity of crystals is mainly attributed to four factors: (1) the concentration of carrier ions or vacancies, (2) the dimensions of the mobile ion diffusion channels, (3) the polarization of the framework ions, and (4) minimal changes in the coordination environment along the diffusion pathways[36,56-59]. Specifically, ionic conductivity can be defined by[56]:

$$ \sigma= n q \mu = N c Z_{i} q \mu_{i} $$

where n is the concentration of the carrier ions (number of ions cm-3), Zi is the integer number of charges of the ith charge carrier, q is the charge of an electron (C), and μi is the mobility of the ith ion [cm2 (V s)-1]. The concentration n can be defined as the product of the density of ion sites in the sublattice of interest N (number of ions cm-3) and the fractional occupation of the ions c. The ionic mobility μi is defined by the Einstein relation[56]:

$$ \mu_{i}=\frac{z_{i} q D_{i}}{k_{B} T} $$

Where Di corresponds to diffusion coefficient (cm2 s-1), and kB is the Boltzmann constant (J K -1). Again, the diffusion coefficient can be described using conventional hopping theory[56]:

$$ D=D_{0} \exp \left(-\frac{\Delta G}{k_{B} T}\right)=\gamma(1-c) Z a^{2} v_{0} \exp \left(\frac{\Delta S}{k_{B}}\right) \exp \left(-\frac{E_{m}}{k_{B} T}\right) $$

Where γ is the geometrical factor that considers different crystal structures that the diffusion geometry is in, (1 - c)Z is the number of neighboring unoccupied sites as Z is the number of nearest neighbors, a is the jump distance (cm), ν0 is the attempt frequency (s-1) which corresponds to the oscillator frequency of moving cations, ΔS is the entropy of migration (J K-1), and Em is the migration energy (J). Consequently, the ionic conductivity can be expressed as[56]:

$$ \sigma=\gamma \frac{N\left(Z_{i} q\right)^{2}}{k_{B} T} c(1-c) Z a^{2} v_{0} \exp \left(\frac{\Delta S}{k_{B}}\right) \exp \left(-\frac{E_{m}}{k_{B} T}\right) $$

$$ \sigma=\frac{\sigma_{0}}{T} \exp \left(-\frac{E_{a}}{k_{B} T}\right) $$

where Ea is the activation energy for the conduction of mobile ions, which is similar to the migration energy Em. In the expression for σ, the product of c(1 - c)Z must be nonzero for the material to function as an ionic conductor, where (1 - c)Z represents atomic defects, particularly vacancies and interstitial sites. The exponential part of the equation corresponds to the entropy term associated with ion migration and activation energy, both of which are key parameters that significantly influence ionic conductivity[56]. Therefore, reducing the activation energy is of considerable interest for enhancing ionic conductivity. From the perspective of lattice dynamics, the polarizability of the framework ions is correlated to the activation energy[58]. Higher polarizability increases the distance between the mobile and framework ions, which results in weaker bonds and, therefore, reduces the activation energy[36,60]. Furthermore, the ionic motion within a unit cell is highly affected by the type of crystal structure, which can be considered as a geometrical factor, γ, in the ionic conductivity equation[56]. Overall, achieving a high ionic conductivity requires an optimal concentration of ionic carriers and vacancies, low activation energy, high entropy, and a crystal structure specifically optimized for ionic conduction.

In this review, we systematically investigate various SSE systems, including glassy sulfides, thio-LISICONs (LixMS3 and LixMS4, where M = Al, Si, P, Ga, Ge, Sn, and Sb), the Li10MP2S12 family (M = Si, Ge, Sn), and argyrodite compounds such as Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, and I). The ion-conduction mechanism is explained in relation to the crystal structure type, and further material designs aimed at enhancing ion conduction are illustrated.


Table 1 presents the ionic conductivity and activation energy of the SSEs. The structural characteristics of these electrolytes, including both glassy phases and various crystalline structures, were systematically investigated. This analysis provides insight into the relationship between the crystal structure, ionic conductivity, and activation energy of these materials.

Table 1

Ionic conductivity and activation energy of sulfide solid electrolytes. Room temperature corresponds to the temperature region of 298-303 K

Material (mole fraction)σRT (S cm-1)Ea (eV)Reference
60Li2S-40P2S51.3 × 10-50.5[61]
67Li2S-33P2S56.6 × 10-50.42[61]
70Li2S-30P2S51.6 × 10-40.40[61]
75Li2S-25P2S52.8 × 10-40.39[62]
80Li2S-20P2S51.3 × 10-40.4[62]
55(66Li2S-33P2S5)-45LiI~ 10-30.3[63]
67(75Li2S-25P2S5)-33LiBH41.6 × 10-30.22[64]
40LiI-60Li4SnS44.1 × 10-40.43[65]
70Li2S-30B2S39.5 × 10-50.43[61]
67Li2S-23B2S3-10P2S51.4 × 10-40.40[61]
70(75Li2S-10B2S3-15P2S5) -30LiI1.5 × 10-30.19[66]
50Li2S-50SiS21.5 × 10-40.34[67]
72.7Li2S-18.2P2S5-9.1SiS25.0 × 10-40.29[50]
72.7Li2S-18.2P2S5-9.1GeS25.2 × 10-40.27[50]
72.7Li2S-18.2P2S5-9.1SnS23.5 × 10-40.35[50]
5Li2S-3SiS21.2 × 10-30.30[68]
γ -Li3PS43.0 × 10-70.49[27]
β-Li3PS42.0 × 10-40.36[69]
α-Li3PS41.3 × 10-30.33[69]
Li10GeP2S121.2 × 10-20.25[12]
Li9.54Si1.74P1.44S11.7Cl0.32.5 × 10-20.24[13]
Li9.81Sn0.81P2.19S125.5 × 10-30.26[70]
Li10.35Si1.35P1.65S126.7 × 10-30.27[70]
Li2GeS31.6 × 10-80.37[71]
Orthorhombic-Li2SiS32.0 × 10-60.49[72]
Li1.82SiP0.036S32.4 × 10-30.28[25]
Li2SnS31.5 × 10-50.59[73]
Li4GeS42.0 × 10-70.53[74]
LT-Li4SiS49.4 × 10-70.36[41]
HT-LI4SiS45.3 × 10-70.40[41]
Li7P3S113.2 × 10-30.12[75]
Li6PS5Cl1.9 × 10-30.22[76]
Li6PS5Br6.8 × 10-30.27[76]
Li5PS5I4.6 × 10-70.32[76]
Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.59.4 × 10-30.29[77]
Li5.3PS4.3Br1.71.1 × 10-20.18[78]
Li6.7Si0.7Sb0.3S5I1.1 × 10-20.26[24]
Li6.6P0.4Ge0.6S5I1.2 × 10-20.21[79]


Glasses were first recognized for their ion-conducting properties in 1884 when Warburg demonstrated the ability of sodium ions to pass through Thüringer glass under the influence of an electric field applied between two sodium amalgams[80]. The highest lithium-ion conductivities reported in oxide glasses are typically 10-7-10-4 S cm-1 at 473 K[81-83], while sulfide-based glasses exhibit higher ionic conductivities even at room temperature[50,61,84,85]. The increased polarizability and lower charge density of the sulfide anions reduce the Coulombic interactions between the mobile cations and sulfur anions, which causes weaker bonding. This, in turn, allows for higher ionic conductivity[30,36].

The most systematically studied glass sulfide is the binary xLi2S-(100-x)P2S5 system (where x represents the mole percentage). The short-range order of the PS4 framework exhibited different sharing modes depending on its composition [Figure 3A and B]. A higher concentration of alkali modifiers, such as Li+, caused a reduction in network connectivity by creating nonbridging sulfur anions, similar to what was observed in the oxide systems[86]. As the proportion of x in the xLi2S-(100-x)P2S5 binary system increased, the network connectivity of the PS43- units became more isolated. This progressive isolation eventually resulted in a dominant phase characterized by isolated PS4 building blocks at x = 75, which evolved from the corner-shared forms of PS3- or P2S74-. Consequently, the highest ionic conductivity was observed at x = 75, and was measured to be 2.8 × 10-4 S cm-1 at room temperature[62]. In this regard, it is assumed that the different types of polyanion building blocks (PS43-, P2S64-, and P2S74-) which existed in an amorphous state within the xLi2S-(100-x)P2S5 system, played an important role in determining Li-ion conductivity[62,84]. However, recent computational studies on this binary system have indicated a weak correlation between the polyanionic environment and the ionic conductivity. Lithium diffusivity was consistent across different polyanionic structures, which challenges the traditional view. Instead, the primary factor for ionic conductivity in the glass system is the connectivity of lithium-ion pathways rather than specific local environments such as polyanion arrangements[87].

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 3. (A) Raman spectra for Li2S-P2S5 glasses. 75Li2S, 70Li2S, and 67Li2S glasses are represented in black, blue, and green lines, respectively[84]; (B) Calculated polyhedral connection statistics of Li2S-P2S5 glasses using DFT/RMC model. The filled and hatched bars represent corner and edge-sharing[84]. Reproduced with permission[84]. Copyright 2016, Springer Nature; (C) Arrhenius plots and (D) Raman spectra for the 2Li2S-SiS2, 5Li2S-3SiS2, and 6Li2S-4SiS2; (E) Schematics of Li+ attraction and (F) dissociation energy of Li+ in two different polyhedral unit, SiS44- and Si2S64-[68]. Reproduced with permission[68]. Copyright 2024, Wiley-VCH GmbH. DFT/RMC: Density functional theory/reverse Monte Carlo.

Unlike the Li2S-P2S5 binary glass system, recent studies on Li2S-SiS2 binary systems have highlighted the importance of the Si-S polyanion type [Figure 3C and D]. Specifically, two edge-sharing SiS4 (Si2S64-) units exhibited weaker lithium attraction than the isolated SiS44- tetrahedral building block, as supported by both experimental data and the Ab-initio random structure searching technique [Figure 3E and F]. Among the compositions studied, 5Li2S-3SiS2, which contains the Si2S64- unit, exhibited the highest ionic conductivity at room temperature (1.2 × 10-3 S cm-1) compared with 2Li2S-SiS2 and 6Li2S-4SiS2, both of which contained only isolated SiS44- units[68]. Overall, these findings collectively underscore the importance of considering both the lithium-ion pathway network connectivity and polyanion building block features when optimizing glassy electrolytes to enhance lithium-ion conduction.

Crystalline materials

Li-P-S glass ceramics

Inorganic glassy compounds comprising sulfides crystallize when heated to specific temperatures. These crystalline structures are classified as glass-ceramics[88]. The most well-known glass-ceramics are Li2P2S6(50Li2S-50P2S5), Li7P3S11 (70Li2S-30P2S5), Li3PS4 (75Li2S-25P2S5), Li7PS6 (87.5Li2S-12.5P2S5), and Li4P2S6(67Li2S-33P2S5)[27,89-94]. Similar to glass materials, the framework of these structures is highly dependent on the specific ratio of their precursors. The regular and repeating frameworks of the crystalline structure and the ionic conductivities of the crystallites are more strongly influenced by the arrangement of the polyanion building blocks than by those of the glasses[55,95-98]. Because Li3PS4 and Li7PS6 have thio-LISICON and argyrodite crystal structures, respectively, they are discussed in a later section. This section focuses on the crystal structures of Li2P2S6, Li4P2S6, and Li7P3S11.

Figure 4A and B shows the crystal structure of Li2P2S6. The crystalline Li2P2S6 structure was first identified by Eckert et al. using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy[101]. Later, Dietrich et al. further elucidated the solvation of the crystal structure[89], and both studies revealed edge-sharing PS4 tetrahedral units (P2S62-) within a unit cell. Li2P2S6 crystallized in the monoclinic space group C2/m (no. 12), and two edge-sharing PS4 (P2S62-) were formed in an eclipsed arrangement along specific axes. The lithium ions were located within the basal-distorted octahedral sites, and formed chains with an edge-shared form [Figure 4C]. The low ionic conductivity (7.8 × 10-11 S cm-1 at room temperature) and high activation energy (0.48 eV) observed for the Li2P2S6 can be explained by three main factors: (1) the absence of three-dimensional (3D) isotropic diffusion that prevented long-range lithium-ion transport, (2) the high activation energy barrier between different jumps along the chains, and (3) the fully occupied lithium-ion sites within a unit cell, which resulted in a limited number of available sites for hopping. To summarize, the main cause of the lower ionic conductivity in the Li2P2S6-type crystal structure is the deficiency of charge carriers. Therefore, chemical tuning with aliovalent ions to control the charge-carrier concentration can enhance the lithium-ion conductivity of Li2P2S6.

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 4. (A) Crystal structure of Li2P2S6 and (B) reconstructed negative nuclear density map; (C) (left) Distorted LiS6 octahedron and (right) edge-shared Li polyhedra along the b-axis in Li2P2S6[89]. Reproduced with permission[89]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society; (D) Crystal structure of Li4P2S6, projections along the a-, c-axis and perspective view emphasizing the P2S64- and LiS6 units[99]; (E) Diffusion pathways of Li4P2S6 involving all three (upper) or two (middle) possible interstitial sites and vacancy-mediated diffusion (lower) between the lattice Li sites[93]. Reproduced with permission[93]. Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society; (F) Crystal structure of Li4-2xZnxP2S6, viewed along [100], [001] (g) Arrhenius plots of the ionic conductivities for the Li4-2xZnxP2S6 (0.25 ≤ x ≤ 1, nominal composition)[100]. Reproduced with permission[100]. Copyright 2023, Elsevier.

The crystal structure of Li4P2S6 has been reported to have various symmetries; however, it is consistently described as a rigid framework composed of ethane-like P2S64- building units (P4+) featuring P-P bonds [Figure 4D][92,93,102-104]. The finalized crystal structure of Li4P2S6 can be described by either P321 (no. 150) or P$$ \overline{3} $$m1 (no. 164) space groups, which are almost identical to each other because their symmetry operations are related by a group-subgroup relationship. The specific equivalent sites of P in a unit cell may become disordered because the crystallization of the material is not guided by covalent bonds beyond the P-S bonds, which causes a highly disordered nature of the resulting structure[99]. The sulfur anions were packed in hexagonal hcp stacking, with the lithium ions occupying the octahedral sites, and formed a 3D honeycomb-like structure when viewed along the c-axis. Although the crystalline structure of Li4P2S6 featured highly connected lithium-ion diffusion pathways, the material exhibited a poor ionic conductivity of 1.6 × 10-10 S cm-1 at room temperature, with an activation energy of 0.48 eV. Figure 4E shows the crystal structure and energy landscape diagrams of the lithium-ion diffusion pathways in Li4P2S6, which were mediated through interstitial or vacant sites. The diffusion process faced a higher activation barrier because of the need to pass through two fully occupied LiS6 octahedra, which are less likely to participate in diffusion. However, diffusion along the int3-int1 and int2-int2 pathways showed a negligible barrier. Therefore, lowering the int1-int2 or Li2-Li1 barrier energy can further facilitate lithium-ion mobility within the crystal structure. Lyoo et al. achieved a reduction in the overall activation energy and enhanced lithium-ion conductivity in the Li4P2S6 crystal structure by introducing vacancies by substituting Zn2+ for Li+, the nominal composition of Li4-2xZnxP2S6 (0.25 ≤ x ≤ 1) [Figure 4F][100]. A four-order-of-magnitude increase in ionic conductivity (3.8 × 10-6 S cm-1 at room temperature) and lowered activation energy (0.30 eV) were observed at x = 0.75[Figure 4G]. These enhancements in diffusion properties were primarily attributed to the vacancies created by the Zn2+ ions occupying specific sites, which facilitated lithium-ion diffusion through two-dimensional (2D) ab planes through the lithium-ion-deficient, edge-sharing LiS6 octahedra. However, exceeding x = 0.75 resulted in decreased ionic conductivity, which indicates that regulating the optimum defect concentration within the crystal structure of Li4P2S6 is crucial.

Glass-ceramic Li7P3S11 was first discovered by Mizuno et al. and it exhibited a high ionic conductivity of 3.2 × 10-3 S cm-1 at room temperature, along with a notably low activation energy of 0.19 eV[105][Figure 5A and B]. The glassy compound 70Li2S-30P2S5 demonstrated lower ionic conductivity (5.4 × 10-5 S cm-1 at room temperature) and higher activation energy (0.39 eV) than crystalline Li7P3S11[105], which demonstrates the importance of exploring suitable framework structures for lithium-ion conductors. Interestingly, crystalline Li7P3S11 cannot be prepared directly through solid-state synthesis, and can only be obtained through crystallization from glass[105]. The crystal structure of Li7P3S11 is described in the triclinic space group P$$ \overline{1} $$ (no. 2), which is similar to the crystal structure of α-Ag7P3S11[109]. It features corner-sharing P2S74- ditetrahedral and isolated PS43- units with lithium ions occupying the interstices within its structure[90,110] [Figure 5C]. The framework closely resembles a bcc-like anion structure, which has been proposed to significantly reduce the activation energy within the diffusion channel surrounding the lithium ions[55]. Furthermore, the flexible motion of the P2S74- ditetrahedral units, as revealed by combined synchrotron X-ray, time-of-flight neutron diffraction, and NMR analyses, facilitated lithium-ion diffusion by flattening the energy landscape and widening the diffusion pathways[107,111,112] [Figure 5D]. Computational investigation supporting the 3D lithium-ion diffusion pathways with lithium-ion sites appeared to be disordered within the diffusion channels provided by the readily mobile P2S74- anion species. In addition to the computational results, Chang et al. found that lithium diffusivity was not significantly affected by the presence of excessive defects or lithium ions, which implies that compositional tuning strategies may not be effective in enhancing the ionic conductivity of Li7P3S11[108] [Figure 5E]. Overall, the framework consisting of P2S74- ditetrahedral units and isolated PS43- units created a flattened energy landscape for lithium-ion diffusion, making it a desirable structure for lithium-ion conductors[113].

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 5. (A) X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and (B) Arrhenius plots of ionic conductivities of the 70Li2S-30P2S5 glasses with different synthetic conditions[105]. Reproduced with permission[105]. Copyright 2005, Wiley-VCH GmbH; (C) The crystal structure of Li7P3S11[106]; (D) Schematic illustration of lithium-ion conduction and local flip motion in Li7P3S11[107] Reproduced with permission[107]. Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society; (E) (left) Pair distribution function, G(r), obtained from the AIMD calculation and (right) corresponding pair schematics with lithium-ion diffusion pathways[108] Reproduced with permission[108]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society. AIMD: Ab initio molecular dynamics.


The term “LISICON” was originally used to describe the oxide-based lithium-ion conductors[114]. The resulting compounds by replacing the oxygen with sulfur in LISICON are referred to as thio-LISICON[115]. Thio-LISICONs are generally represented by LixMS4 (where M = Al, Si, P, Ga, Ge, Sn, or Sb). These compounds feature sulfide anions arranged in a hcp structure with minimal distortion and typically consist of isolated MS4 tetrahedral frameworks with Li ions occupying the vacant sites within the framework. These lithium ions were coordinated within the LiS4 or LiS6 polyhedra[43,115]. The ionic conductivity of thio-LISICONs ranges from 10-7 to 10-4 S cm-1 at room temperature and is primarily influenced by variations in the crystal structure owing to different heat-treatment conditions or chemical tuning within the structure[26,27,41,69,116,117]. Variations in the crystal structure were particularly evident in the different stacking arrangements of the isolated MS4 tetrahedral networks. These arrangements create distinct lithium-ion diffusion pathways, which cause the varied ion-conducting behaviors of the structures[118,119].

The most well-known polymorph is the Li3PS4 system, which exhibits three temperature-dependent phases: the high-temperature (HT) phase [Cmcm (no. 63) or P21/m (no. 11), α-Li3PS4], the intermediate-temperature phase [Pnma (no. 62), β-Li3PS4], and the low-temperature (LT) phase [Pmn21 (no. 31), γ-Li3PS4]. The ionic conductivities at room temperature for the three phases are as follows: 10-7 S cm-1 for γ-Li3PS4[27,120], 10-4 S cm-1 for β-Li3PS4[26], and 1 mS cm-1 for α-Li3PS4[69]. They primarily differed in the orientation of the PS43- tetrahedra, as shown in Figure 6A and B. Owing to the low ionic conductivity of the γ-Li3PS4 phase, stabilizing the crystal structure of the β- or α-Li3PS4 phases is important to achieve a high-performance lithium-ion conductor. Liu et al. stabilized β- Li3PS4 by fabricating it with tetrahydrofuran (THF)[26]. When THF was removed, pure nanoporous β- Li3PS4 was obtained, which exhibited a high ionic conductivity of 1.6 × 10-4 S cm-1 at room temperature and an activation energy of 0.36 eV. Furthermore, Kimura et al. stabilized the α-Li3PS4 at room temperature by rapidly heating the Li3PS4 glass and achieved a high ionic conductivity of 1.3 × 10-3 S cm-1 and an activation energy of 0.33 eV[69]. Alternatively, chemical tuning can be used to stabilize the β-type crystal structure. Zhou et al. achieved this by introducing Si4+ ions instead of P5+ ions, which resulted in a high ionic conductivity of 1.22 mS cm-1 at room temperature for a nominal composition of Li3.25Si0.25P0.75S4[116].

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 6. (A) Three different polymorphs and (B) corresponding simulated XRD patterns of Li3PS4[69]. Reproduced with permission[69]. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society; (C) Fraction of stacking type of anion-sublattice in β- (left) and α-Li3PS4 (right)[121]. Reproduced with permission[121]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society; (D) Three types of rotational motion of PS4 (left: threefold rotation, middle: librational motion, right: occupancy-change-driven tilting)[122]. Reproduced with permission[122]. Copyright 2024, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; (E) (left) Lithium occupancy factor and bottleneck area as a function of x in Li4-xSi1-xSbxS4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.25), and (right) 1D diffusion pathways of lithium-ion diffusion pathways with the corresponding LT-Li4SiS4 crystal structure; (F) (left) Arrhenius plots of ionic conductivities and (right) activation energy versus nominal composition for the Li4-xSi1-xSbxS4 substitution series (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.25)[41]. Reproduced with permission[41]. Copyright 2024, American Chemical Society.

Recent studies suggest that the key factor contributing to the difference in ionic conductivities among the three phases was the arrangement of sulfur anions in the substructures. The α-Li3PS4 phase exhibited bcc-like sublattices, which enabled facile 3D diffusion pathways, in contrast to the β- and γ-Li3PS4 phases [Figure 6C][118,121]. While the “paddlewheel effect” has been widely accepted in the literature as an explanation for the high lithium-ion diffusion within the crystal structure of β- and α-Li3PS4phases[123,124]. Jun et al. have recently proposed that this effect does not actually exist or contribute to the high lithium-ion diffusion[122]. Instead, they discovered that topologically isolated PS43- units, with their tilting driven by changes in the lithium site occupancy, facilitated lithium-ion diffusion. This phenomenon has been termed the “soft-cradle effect” [Figure 6D][122].

On the other hand, the polymorph of Li4SiS4 exhibits a structure type similar to that of β- (LT phase) or α-Li3PS4 (HT phase), depending on the synthesis temperature. Unlike the Li3PS4 system, Li4SiS4 does not show a significant variation in the ionic conductivities between these different crystal structures (LT-Li4SiS4: 9.36 × 10-7 S cm-1; HT-Li4SiS4: 5.25 × 10-7 S cm-1 at room temperature). We demonstrated significantly enhanced lithium-ion mobility by introducing defects into the crystal structure of Li4-xSi1-xSbxS4(0 ≤ x ≤ 0.25). An improved ionic conductivity was observed at x = 0.15, with a value of 3.14 × 10-5 S cm-1 at room temperature. This enhanced conductivity was primarily attributed to the increased bottleneck area for lithium-ion diffusion and the formation of lithium vacancies [Figure 6E and F][41].

LixMS3 (M = Si, Ge, Sn)

LixMS3 includes glass ceramics such as Li2P2S6 and Li4P2S6[89,93], and several materials containing tetravalent cations such as Li2SiS3, Li2GeS3, and Li2SnS3[25,46,71,73,125]. Unlike LixMS4, each element in the polyanion exhibits a distinct crystal structure with different space groups that are not related to one another. Based on the stoichiometric composition of LixMS3, MS4y- tetrahedra in the structure should not be isolated. Instead, these tetrahedra were either corner-shared or formed edge-sharing M2S6y- tetrahedra. Ahn et al. first reported the crystal structure of Li2SiS3 as an orthorhombic phase of Cmc21 (No. 36) in 1989[46]. The structure comprised SiS44- tetrahedra that were corner-shared with each other and formed infinite zigzag chains along the c-axis [Figure 7A]. Lithium ions occupied the tetrahedral interstices, where the LiS4 tetrahedra were corner-shared in all directions within a unit cell. The low ionic conductivity observed for this crystal structure (2 × 10-6 S cm-1 at room temperature) was primarily attributed to the ordered arrangement of lithium ions within a unit cell[25,46]. Huang et al. chemically modified Li2SiS3 by introducing small amounts of phosphorus (P)[25]. They analyzed the resulting crystal structure, which featured an edge-shared dimer of the (Si/P)2S6 framework. This modification achieved a high ionic conductivity of 2.4 mS cm-1 at room temperature. The key advancement in the ionic conductivity is the flattened energy landscape of the interstitial lithium ions created by the edge-shared (Si/P)2S6 framework, which introduces partially occupied lithium-ion sites within a unit cell [Figure 7B and C][25].

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 7. (A) Schematic crystal structure of orthorhombic-Li2SiS3[46]. Reproduced with permission[46]. Copyright 1989, Elsevier; (B) Crystal structure of tetragonal Li1.82SiP0.036S3 viewed along the [010] and [001] directions, respectively; (C) Bond valence energy landscape calculations for lithium-ion diffusion pathways within Li1.82SiP0.036S3 (left) and orthorhombic Li2SiS3 (right)[25]. Reproduced with permission[25]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society; (D) Crystal structure of Li2GeS3 and (E) corresponding lithium-ion diffusion pathways and energy diagram, as calculated by the bond valence energy landscape[71] Reproduced with permission[71]. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society; (F) The crystal structure of Li2SnS3, which illustrates various projections to highlight the Sn-S framework[73]. Reproduced with permission[73]. Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society.

Recently, we determined that the crystal structure of Li2GeS3 exhibited a P61 (no. 169) space group. The structure featured infinitely shared corners of GeS4 tetrahedra aligned along the c-axis of a unit cell, which formed a spiral GeS4 framework. The lithium ions were located within the tetrahedral interstitial sites [Figure 7D]. Favorable lithium-ion connectivity was observed through one-dimensional (1D) pathways, which were interconnected to form 3D diffusion pathways within the crystal structure [Figure 7E]. However, the structure exhibited low ionic conductivity (1.63 × 10-8 S cm-1 at 303 K) and an activation energy of 0.37 eV, which may be because of the ordered arrangement of lithium ions within a unit cell, as no vacant sites were available for additional lithium-ion hopping. In this context, the aliovalent anion substitution series Li2-xGeS3-xClx (x = 0.15) was designed to introduce vacancies into the crystal structure. This resulted in a tenfold increase in the ionic conductivity (1.15 × 10-7 S cm-1 at 303 K), and confirmed the effectiveness of the structural engineering approach in enhancing lithium-ion transport properties[71].

The crystal structure of Li2SnS3 was first reported by Kuhn et al., and was described as crystallizing in the monoclinic space group C2/c (no.15)[125]. The structure exhibited a layered configuration characterized by a partial disorder in the Li/Sn sublattice. This disorder varied depending on the synthesis conditions. For example, melt-quenched Li2SnS3 exhibited significant Li/Sn disorder, which resulted in an average rhombohedral structure with higher symmetry and a smaller unit cell (R$$ \overline{3} $$m, no. 166). In contrast, a slower heating/cooling ramp rate generated a more ordered arrangement of Li and Sn in a unit cell. The relatively high ionic conductivity observed at room temperature for Li2SnS3 (1.5 × 10-5 S cm-1) primarily originated from the 2D diffusion pathways in the ab plane within a unit cell, which were formed by the alternatively stacked honeycomb-like [SnS3]2- layers [Figure 7F]. The ionic conductivity of this structure may be enhanced by introducing vacancies, which could promote the formation of 3D diffusion pathways or facilitate the concentrated migration of lithium ions within a unit cell. These modifications are expected to further improve the ionic conductivity.

Overall, the high ionic conductivities of thio-LISICON compounds depend on several factors. Key strategies include stabilizing the high-conductivity polymorphs, introducing vacancies to create sites for lithium-ion hopping, and leveraging diffusion mechanisms such as the soft-cradle effect to enhance lithium-ion mobility. These strategies emphasize the importance of controlling the charge-carrier concentrations in the development of high-performance ionic conductors. The effective management of these factors is crucial for advancing lithium-ion conductors in thio-LISICON systems.

Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, and I) argyrodite

The argyrodite structure was first identified in 1885 with the discovery of Ag8GeS6[126]. This crystal structure was characterized by highly disordered silver ions within a unit cell. Additionally, Cu can be substituted for Ag in argyrodites, and both Ag- and Cu-containing argyrodites exhibited high ionic conductivity[127-131]. The general composition of argyrodites is: Am+(12-n-x)/mBn+Y2-6, where A = Li, Ag, Cu; B = Ge, Sn, P, As; Y = S, Se, Te; and 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, where m and n represent the valence states of the cations. Inspired by the similar ionic radii of Cu+ and Li+, Deiseroth et al. proposed “Li-argyrodites”, with a general structure of Li7MS6 or Li6MS5X (M = P, As, and X = Cl, Br, I)[23,132]. This argyrodite structure exhibited polymorphic behavior. The HT phase had a consistent cubic symmetry of F$$ \overline{4} $$3m (no. 216), regardless of the composition, whereas the LT phase displayed either orthorhombic or monoclinic symmetries, depending on the specific composition[131]. The LT polymorph of Li7PS6 typically exhibits a low ionic conductivity at room temperature, whereas a high ionic conductivity is only observed in the HT cubic phase[132]. The well-known Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, I) exhibits the HT cubic phase, and each composition is characterized by varying the lattice parameters and ionic conductivity properties[36,131,132].

Figure 8A shows the crystal structure of HT-argyrodite with Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, or I). In the tetrahedral close packing of the anions, there were 136 tetrahedral sites per unit cell (Z = 4). Among these, four tetrahedral sites were occupied by P. The remaining 132 tetrahedral sites were available to accommodate the 24 lithium ions and were classified into five types based on their orientation relative to the PS43- tetrahedra [Figure 8B]. Typically, 24 lithium ions occupy type 5/5a or type 2 tetrahedral sites. Type 5a sites were arranged in a trigonal planar configuration at the shared face between two type 5 tetrahedra. These lithium ions were disordered across equivalent positions, which formed a cage-like network. The cages were located at the tetrahedral sites within a cubic close-packed unit cell and aligned in a mirror relationship along the (110) plane. The cages exhibited a zigzag stacking pattern relative to the isotropic axes of a unit cell. Interestingly, it was observed that the X- and S2- anions occupied distinct crystallographic sites within a unit cell, with X- forming a close-packed cubic lattice. However, anion disorder between X- and S2- (1.84 Å) occurred when their ionic radii were similar. The degree of X-/S2- anion disorder depends on the ionic radius of X-, with the strength of disorder following the trend: Cl- (1.81 Å) > Br- (1.96 Å) > I- (2.2 Å)[23,134]. The ionic conductivities of Li6PS5Cl, Li6PS5Br, and Li6PS5I are 1.4 × 10-3 S cm-1, 8.7 × 10-3 S cm-1, and 1.3 × 10-7 S cm-1, respectively, at room temperature[36].

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 8. (A) (left) The crystal structure of Li6PS5I. (right) A face-shared S3I2 double tetrahedron with two distinct lithium-ion equivalent sites[23]. Reproduced with permission[23]. Copyright 2008, Wiley-VCH GmBH; (B) A simplified tetrahedron type in the argyrodite structure, where light gray represents PS4 groups (type 0) and dark gray indicates lithium-containing tetrahedron types (types 1-5)[131]. Reproduced with permission[131]. Copyright 2010, Wiley-VCH GmBH; (C) (upper left) Lattice parameters of Li6-xPS5-xCl1+x as a function of x. (upper right) Impedance plots at room temperature of Li6PS5Cl, Li5.75PS4.75Cl1.25, Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.5, and a sintered Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.5. (lower left) Nyquist and Arrhenius plots for Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.5. (lower right) Ionic conductivity and activation energy for Li6-xPS5-xCl1+x (x = 0, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5)[77]. Reproduced with permission[77]. Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH GmBH; (D) (upper left) Crystal structure of Li6.7Si0.7Sb0.3S5I. (lower left) Three distinct lithium ion diffusion pathways: the doublet jump (blue arrow), the intra-cage jump (red arrow), and the inter-cage jump (orange arrow). (upper right and lower left) The crystal structure of Li6PS5I is shown for comparison, with no additional lithium ions in the structure[24]. Reproduced with permission[24]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society; (E) (left) Two distinct lithium-ion cages, defined by their radius from isolated S2- ions, are influenced by the Br-/S2-site disorder, and corresponding (right) lithium-ion diffusion pathways[133]. Reproduced with permission[133]. Copyright 2021, Wiley-VCH GmBH; (F) (left) The activation energy and Arrhenius prefactor as functions of X in Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, I). (right) The ionic conductivity as a function of X in Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, I)[36]. Reproduced with permission[36]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society.

The ionic conductivity of the argyrodite structure is widely recognized to depend on four key factors: (1) Li-ion concentration[24,77,79,135], (2) unit cell volume[36,135,136], (3) degree of anion or cation site disorder[135,137-139], and (4) anion polarizability[36,136]. The disordered state of lithium ions within the cages indicates that diffusion within the cage occurs at a faster rate than diffusion between cages. Therefore, these factors must be considered in relation to the specific crystal structure because the connectivity of Li cages significantly affects the lithium-ion transport properties[140].

For instance, Li6PS5Cl exhibits a smaller unit cell volume than Br- or I-based argyrodites, which results in a shorter distance between the Li cages within a unit cell. This structure facilitates a high ionic conductivity of ~1 mS cm-1 at room temperature, along with a low activation energy[36,76,77]. The diffusion of lithium ions easily occurs between these Li cages, which facilitates control of the lithium-ion concentration or the induction of greater anion disorder, which is crucial for further enhancement of the ionic conductivity. Adeli et al. demonstrated that a Cl-rich argyrodite (with the nominal composition series Li6-xPS5-xCl1+x, x ≤ 0.5) introduced more lithium-ion vacancies and greater anion disordering with Cl-/S2- within a unit cell of Li6PS5Cl, which resulted in an ionic conductivity of 9.4 mS cm-1 at room temperature, which is nine times higher than that of the original Li6PS5Cl [Figure 8C][77]. Because the Li cages in the crystal structure already exhibited good connectivity, introducing vacancies and increasing the monovalent Cl- anion content enhanced the diffusivity and lowered the activation energy, thereby improving the ionic conductivity of the Cl-rich argyrodite.

In the case of Li6PS5I, different strategies should be applied to enhance ionic conductivity. Owing to the large volume of the unit cell, the distance between the Li cages was greater than that in Li6PS5Cl[36]. Consequently, concerted migration could not occur along long-range diffusion between cages because of the deficiency of lithium ions within the cell. This resulted in a lower ionic conductivity and higher activation energy than those of Li6PS5Cl, despite their similar crystal structures[135,139,141]. Therefore, the introduction of interstitial lithium ions is an effective approach for activating 3D lithium-ion diffusion between cages[135,137]. Ohno et al. and Zhou et al. proposed a Li-rich substitution series of Li6+xMx(P/Sb)1-xS5I (M = Si, Ge, Sn), which demonstrated a high ionic conductivity of up to 24 mS cm-1 at room temperature and a low activation energy [Figure 8D][24,139]. The enhanced ionic conductivity can be attributed to the more disordered arrangement of lithium ions, which occupied not only type 5 equivalent sites but also type 2 sites, further boosting the connectivity between the Li-ion cages and activating concerted migration within the unit cell.

Moreover, anion disorder can influence ionic conductivity by altering the local charge distribution, which subsequently affects the arrangement of lithium ions[133,137]. Gautam et al. analyzed the crystal structure of Li6PS5Br by varying the degree of Br-/S2- disorder and adjusting the cooling rates of the samples. They found that higher cooling rates resulted in a higher degree of Br-/S2- disorder[133]. As the Br-/S2- site disorder increased, the ionic conductivity also improved. This is because the increased disorder reduced the distance between the Li ions in the T2 sites that interconnect with the Li cages [Figure 8E][133]. Morgan proposed that long-range diffusion in X-/S2- disordered configurations is more favorable for lithium-ion conduction, owing to the inhomogeneous charge distribution within a unit cell. This inhomogeneity generated disorder in the lithium ions within the argyrodites, causing the energetically equivalent interstitial sites to become more uniform and facilitating easier diffusion[137].

The polarization of the anions also affects ionic conduction. Similar to the design strategy of thio-LISICONs, more polarizable anions form weaker bonds with lithium ions, thereby lowering the activation energy barrier for lithium-ion conduction and leading to a higher ionic conductivity. Schlem et al. demonstrated this correlation in the argyrodite nominal substitution series Li6PS5-xSexI (0 ≤ x ≤ 5)[136], where the incorporation of larger, more polarizable Se anions decreased the observable activation energy barrier for ionic migration, which resulted in an increase in the conductivity by approximately two orders of magnitude. The increase in the lattice volume and creation of wider diffusion pathways enhanced ionic conductivity without the disruptive effects of increased anion site disorder. This suggests that lattice softening is an effective strategy for improving the ionic conductivity of the argyrodite crystal structure[136]. However, it should be noted that lattice softening also reduces the Arrhenius prefactor, particularly the attempt frequency (ν0), as given in Equation (4). Kraft et al. systematically analyzed the influence of the lattice polarizability on the ionic conductivity of Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, I) [Figure 8F][36]. They proposed that increasing the lattice volume resulted in a longer jump distance and lowered the activation energy, which in turn reduced the attempt frequency, as defined by[142]:

$$ v_{0}=\frac{1}{a_{0}} \sqrt{\frac{2 E_{a}}{M_{L i}}} $$

where MLi refers to the mass of the lithium ions. Consequently, the optimal lattice softness in the argyrodite structure, such as that in Li6PS5Cl0.5Br0.5, results in a balanced value of the Arrhenius prefactor and activation energy, facilitating high ionic conductivity[36].

As a result, structural engineering of argyrodites, such as controlling the lithium-ion concentration, lattice softness, and anion disorder, has proven to be an effective strategy for achieving high-performance lithium-ion conductors. By understanding lithium-ion diffusion within the unit cell and optimizing the chemical or structural properties, the conductivity can be significantly enhanced.

LGPS-type (Li10GeP2S12) structures

The discovery of LGPS dates back to an investigation by Kanno et al. in 2001, which focused on the solid solution series in the Li2S-GeS2-P2S5 system[143]. The solid solution in the Li4-xGe1-xPxS4 system (x = 0.75; Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4) exhibited notably high ionic conductivity (2.2 × 10-3 S cm-1 at room temperature), with XRD patterns that deviated from those of pristine Li4GeS4 (Pnma, no.62) or Li3PS4 (Pmn21, no.31)[143]. The crystal structure of LGPS with the P42/nmc (no. 137) space group was first reported in 2011[12]. It featured a 1D lithium-ion conduction pathway and exhibited exceptionally high bulk-ionic conductivity of over 10 mS cm-1 at room temperature, comparable to that of organic liquid electrolytes used in LIB systems. The framework of the unit cell comprises two equivalent tetrahedral sites: a 4d site with a 1:1 partial occupancy of Ge and P and a 2d site exclusively occupied by P, which formed an isolated MS4 (M = Ge, P) tetrahedra. Furthermore, single-crystal X-ray structural analysis revealed four equivalent lithium-ion sites: two LiS4 sites that were edge-shared with each other (Li1 and Li3), which formed four channels along the c-axis; one LiS6 octahedron (Li2); and a four-fold coordinated site located between the four channels along the c-axis (Li4)[144]. The thermal ellipsoids of Li1 and Li3 were roughly aligned along the c-axis, which indicates diffusion channels in this direction. In contrast, the thermal ellipsoid of Li4 was aligned perpendicularly to the c-axis, suggesting that it formed 3D diffusion pathways connecting the channels along the c-axis. Notably, Li2 exhibited smaller thermal ellipsoids, indicating inactive diffusion pathways within the unit cell. The partially occupied Li ions within the unit cell further support the unusually high ionic conductivity of LGPS [Figure 9A].

Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 9. (A) Crystal structure of the Li10GeP2S12; (B) Single lithium-ion jumps within the hcp-like packing and bcc-like packing of anion frameworks[145]. Reproduced with permission[145]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH GmBH; (C) The crystal structure of Li10SnP2S12[37]. Reproduced with permission[37]. Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society; (D) (upper) Schematic of the hypothetical inductive effect in M-S Li bonding for M = Ge vs. M = Sn. (lower left) Changes in the S-Li distances and occupancies with changing force constant in Li10Ge1-xSnxP2S12. (lower right) S-Li distance versus previously reported activation energies[146]. Reproduced with permission[146]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society; (E) Compositional complexity metric for LGPS-type and argyrodite-type versus crystal structure indicator, the volume ratio of anions to that of cations; (F) Arrhenius plots for the ionic conductivities of Li9.54[Si0.6Ge0.4]1.74P1.44S11.1Br0.3O0.6 and Li10GeP2S12[20]. Reproduced with permission[20]. Copyright 2023, The American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The crystal structure of the LGPS-type material comprises an S2- sublattice, which is packed more akin to a bcc structure, unlike the hcp-packed structure observed in thio-LISICONs. The ideal bcc framework provides a continuous, face-sharing tetrahedral pathway with lower activation energy than the hcp or fcc structures [Figure 9B][55]. Therefore, the unusually high ionic conductivity of the LGPS-type structure can be attributed to (1) the ideal bcc framework, where the flattened energy landscape throughout the lattice promotes disordered lithium-ion distribution within a unit cell, and (2) the connectivity of lithium-ion diffusion pathways, enabling 1D and 3D network diffusion.

Bron et al. identified the crystal structure of Li10SnP2S12[37], which had the same LGPS-type structure as that of LGPS [Figure 9C]. This new compound exhibited an ionic conductivity of approximately 4 mS cm-1 at room temperature, slightly lower than that of LGPS. Culver et al. studied the inductive effect in a solid-solution system of Li10Ge1-xSnxP2S12 to explain the reduction in the ionic conductivity despite the substitution of the more polarizable Sn for Ge[146]. They found that substituting Ge with Sn weakened the {Ge, Sn}-S bonding interactions and increased the charge density associated with the S2- ions. This strengthened the interaction with lithium ions, which resulted in a lower ionic conductivity than that of LGPS [Figure 9D].

The highest ionic conductivity among the LGPS-type compounds reported to date is that of Li9.54[Si0.6Ge0.4]1.74P1.44S11.1Br0.3O0.6, which exhibits a conductivity of 32 mS cm-1 at room temperature[20]. The design approach utilized high-entropy materials and high polarizability with a target LGPS-type structure. A higher compositional complexity of constituent cations and anions (excluding lithium ions) with greater polarizability, facilitated increased lithium-ion conduction. This principle is illustrated in Figure 9E. The highest reported ionic conductivity demonstrates that even at 263 K, the material maintains a high ionic conductivity of 9 mS cm-1 at room temperature [Figure 9F].

Overall, the LGPS-type structure highlights the crucial role of the crystal architecture in achieving high ionic conductivity. The bcc-like framework in the LGPS-type materials facilitates continuous low-energy barrier pathways for Li-ion diffusion across both 1D and 3D networks. Further structural modifications, such as leveraging the inductive effect, enhancing lattice polarizability, or inducing high entropy within the crystal structure, can significantly enhance the ionic conductivity of the LGPS-type structures.


Discovering novel structure-type solid electrolytes

In this review, we systematically characterized the relationship between the crystal structure and ionic conductivity, with a particular focus on SSEs. Most sulfide ionic conductors, including thio-phosphates, exhibit high ionic conductivity in the order of ~1 mS cm-1 at room temperature. Among the various sulfide materials, those with the LGPS-type structure have demonstrated the highest ionic conductivity reported so far for solid electrolytes, which reached up to 32 mS cm-1 at room temperature. In the case of glass, the distribution of the framework polyanions and lithium ions is strongly influenced by the concentration of the mobile ions within the compounds. However, in crystalline compounds, lithium-ion mobility is influenced by several factors that can be optimized through structural modifications. These factors include (1) the concentration of the lithium ions, (2) structure of the lithium-ion diffusion pathways, and (3) polarizability of the crystal framework. Understanding the chemical properties of the crystal structure that affect ionic conduction, such as the soft-cradle effect, inductive effect, lattice softness, high-entropy compounds, and concerted migration mechanism within a unit cell, is essential for this purpose. To investigate the diverse crystal chemistry and enhance the superionic conduction, it is crucial to elucidate the phase-composition relationship within previously unstudied chemical systems. This exploration may result in the discovery of new structures with high ionic conductivity.

Interfacial engineering

Although high ionic conductivity is crucial for achieving ASSBs with high energy densities, identifying a solid electrolyte that provides both excellent ionic conductivity and robust chemical and electrochemical stability remains a significant challenge. Processing sulfide compounds requires a dry-air atmosphere because of their reactivity with moisture in the air, which limits their large-scale production. Additionally, the narrow electrochemical stability window of the sulfides restricts their practical application in ASSBs, which indicates that solid electrolyte-electrode interface engineering is essential for practical deployment. The interface between the electrode and solid electrolyte during cell cycling is strongly influenced by the constituent elements of solid electrolytes, which decompose at higher or lower potentials near the electrodes. This decomposition forms stable phases composed of these elements within the interface, with their redox potential determining the interfacial stability. Therefore, doping with elements that exhibit a wide electrochemical stability window, such as halides or oxides, can enhance the interfacial stability of solid electrolytes and improve the long-term cycling performance of ASSBs.

Further studies required to develop ASSBs with the desired performance include:

(1) Hybrid Assembly of ASSBs: The intrinsically narrow electrochemical stability window of sulfides causes rapid decomposition in high-voltage regions, hindering the practical commercialization of ASSBs. Incorporating a small amount of high-voltage-stable solid electrolytes, such as halide-based solid electrolytes, in the cathode region alongside SSEs is a promising approach. This hybrid assembly can enhance long-term cycling performance by mitigating the decomposition of SSEs at high-voltage cathode regions.

(2) Exploring Nanocomposites for Anode Interfaces: ASSBs with lithium metal anodes offer high energy density but face challenges such as lithium dendrite growth during cycling, which compromises safety and degrades overall cell performance. Incorporating nanocomposite anodes with high compatibility, enhanced lithium diffusion, and stability at high currents with solid electrolytes can accelerate the commercialization of ASSBs. To advance their practical application, a more fundamental investigation into alloying and de-alloying mechanisms in nanocomposites, such as those involving silver, carbon, and silicon, is essential.

(3) Microstructure Modification: Micropores within solid electrolytes lead to contact loss at the electrode-solid electrolyte interface, necessitating improvements in the solid electrolyte’s microstructure. Strategies for improvement include isostatic pressurization of the cell assembly and controlling the particle size of the solid electrolytes. Smaller particle sizes ensure larger contact areas with electrode particles and promote good contact by minimizing voids. However, a larger contact area between the solid electrolyte and electrodes may lead to increased decomposition of the solid electrolyte. Therefore, optimizing these parameters is crucial for advancing the practical application of ASSBs.

This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the crystal structures of sulfide-based solid electrolytes, serving as a valuable resource for future advancements in battery research. Continued research on highly ionic conductors is essential for deepening our understanding of ion conduction mechanisms within crystalline structures. Such insights will not only enhance the performance of the existing solid electrolytes, but also aid in the discovery of new crystal structures and chemistries.


Authors’ contributions

Conceived the manuscript: Roh, J.; Do, N.

Wrote the manuscript: Roh, J.; Do N.

Reviewed the manuscript: Hong, S. T.; Chae, M. S.

Contributed to the discussion of the manuscript: Roh, J.; Do, N.; Lee, H.; Lee, S.; Pyun, J.; Hong S. T.; Chae, M. S.

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

Financial support and sponsorship

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Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes
Jihun Roh, ... Munseok S. ChaeMunseok S. Chae

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Roh, J.; Do, N.; Lee, H.; Lee, S.; Pyun, J.; Hong, S. T.; Chae, M. S. Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes. Energy Mater. 2025, 5, 500061.

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