
Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 3. (A) Raman spectra for Li2S-P2S5 glasses. 75Li2S, 70Li2S, and 67Li2S glasses are represented in black, blue, and green lines, respectively[84]; (B) Calculated polyhedral connection statistics of Li2S-P2S5 glasses using DFT/RMC model. The filled and hatched bars represent corner and edge-sharing[84]. Reproduced with permission[84]. Copyright 2016, Springer Nature; (C) Arrhenius plots and (D) Raman spectra for the 2Li2S-SiS2, 5Li2S-3SiS2, and 6Li2S-4SiS2; (E) Schematics of Li+ attraction and (F) dissociation energy of Li+ in two different polyhedral unit, SiS44- and Si2S64-[68]. Reproduced with permission[68]. Copyright 2024, Wiley-VCH GmbH. DFT/RMC: Density functional theory/reverse Monte Carlo.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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