
Towards practical all-solid-state batteries: structural engineering innovations for sulfide-based solid electrolytes

Figure 9. (A) Crystal structure of the Li10GeP2S12; (B) Single lithium-ion jumps within the hcp-like packing and bcc-like packing of anion frameworks[145]. Reproduced with permission[145]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH GmBH; (C) The crystal structure of Li10SnP2S12[37]. Reproduced with permission[37]. Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society; (D) (upper) Schematic of the hypothetical inductive effect in M-S Li bonding for M = Ge vs. M = Sn. (lower left) Changes in the S-Li distances and occupancies with changing force constant in Li10Ge1-xSnxP2S12. (lower right) S-Li distance versus previously reported activation energies[146]. Reproduced with permission[146]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society; (E) Compositional complexity metric for LGPS-type and argyrodite-type versus crystal structure indicator, the volume ratio of anions to that of cations; (F) Arrhenius plots for the ionic conductivities of Li9.54[Si0.6Ge0.4]1.74P1.44S11.1Br0.3O0.6 and Li10GeP2S12[20]. Reproduced with permission[20]. Copyright 2023, The American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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