
Carbon footprints, informed consumer decisions and shifts towards responsible agriculture, forestry, and other land uses?

Figure 5. Meadows-based hierarchy (data, feedbacks, institutions, and goals) across individual-to-global scales with examples of specific concerns in understanding and nudging societies (1999)[58]. CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity; FPIC: free and prior informed consent; GDP: gross domestic product; IPBES: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; NDC: nationally determined contribution; OpCost: opportunity costs; REDD+: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and (forest) Degradation; SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals; UNFCCC: UN Framework Convention on Combatting Climate Change; WTO: World Trade Organization.

Carbon Footprints
ISSN 2831-932X (Online)


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