
From applicator-based (Paris system) implantations to rhinoseptoplasty: the concept of anatomic implantation for interventional radiotherapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal vestibule. Short term results in a monoinstitutional series

Figure 6. Endocavitary implants for NV-SCC, characterized by plastic tubes fixed preliminarily on Merocel® nasal packing. In the past, we sutured the plastic tubes onto the nasal packing (A) (modified from Malignancies of the Nasal Vestibule. Editor Francesco Bussu. Springer) but tightening them too much could have blocked and made them unusable, so that, on the contrary, we experienced issues concerning stability and therefore reliability of the treatment plan. In the present series, we have always preliminarily placed the plastic tubes inside the nasal packing. When using this trick, made possible by passing the metal guides inside the Merocel® (B), blind tubes are stabilized on the packing by their larger ends on the distal extremity and by buttons on the proximal one (C). NV-SCC: Nasal vestibule squamous cell carcinoma.

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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