
Figure 1. (A) Port placement of MIE. The Airseal® 12-mm port, used as the camera port, was inserted at the extension of the 9th intercostal space (ICS) at the subscapular angle. Next, five ports were inserted as follows: a 12-mm port was inserted in the posterior axillary line of the 5th and 7th ICSs; a 5-mm port was inserted in the mid-axillary line of the 3rd and 8th ICSs; and a 5-mm port was inserted in the 6th ICS slightly midline of the subscapular angle; (B) Port placement of RAMIE. The da Vinci Xi System ports for arms 1, 2, 3, and 4 were used for the 9th ICS at the subscapularis line, the 7th ICS behind the axillary line, the 5th ICS behind the axillary line, and the 3rd ICS at the mid-axillary line, respectively. In addition, an assistant port was placed at the 6th ICS slightly anterior to the mid-axillary line. An Airseal® 5-mm port was inserted on the dorsal aspect of the 8th ICS for use with the Airseal® Intelligent Flow System.