Editorial Board Members

Weina Meng
Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, USA.
Dr. Weina Meng received her Ph.D. degree from the Missouri University of Science and Technology in July 2017. Since she joined the Stevens Institute of Technology as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in August 2018, she published 50 papers in top journals in the field of advanced cement, won four research grants, including an NSF CAREER award, assembled a functioning group of four talented Ph.D. students, set up a new laboratory – the Advanced Concrete Technology Laboratory, earned the “2020 Educator of the Year” Award by the ASCE New Jersey Section. Her research topics include development, multi-scale characterization and modeling, optimization of the manufacturing process, and structural application of novel, low-carbon cementitious composites. She serves on multiple committees of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), such as ACI 236 Materials Science, 239 Ultra-high-performance Concrete, and 241 Nanotechnology of Concrete. She is devoted to developing cement-based composite to improve the safety, resilience, and sustainability of civil infrastructure. She is a co-editor of a book: “Nanotechnology for Civil Infrastructure Innovation and Eco-Efficiency of Nanostructured Cement-Based Materials”, a reviewer of more than 15 journals related to cement-based materials, and a co-organizer of two international conferences.
Research Interests:
High-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites; CO2 utilization by cementitious materials; Wastes utilization by cementitious materials; Bio-inspired engineering materials; Machine learning for materials discovery
Special Issue: