
Figure 8. Construction of lightweight EMI PCCs based on carbon material realization. (A) Preparation of PCNF films, multifunctional integration schematic, thermal storage capacity, and EMI shielding mechanism. Reproduced with permission from ref[142]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society; (B) Preparation of SPP composites, digital images of mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, chip thermal management performance, and EMI shielding schematics. Reproduced with permission from ref[143]. Copyright 2023, Elsevier; (C) Preparation of PP/CNTs/Fe3O4/PW composites, material flexibility display schematic, thermal storage capacity and thermal conductivity, cell phone thermal management performance display, and EMI shielding mechanism. Reproduced with permission from ref[144]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. EMI: Electromagnetic interference; PCCs: phase change composites; PCNF: phase-change nonwoven fabric; SPP: SWCNT/PEG/PDMS; PP: polypropylene; CNTs: carbon nanotubes; PW: paraffin wax.