
The inner elbow skin microbiome contains <i>Lactobacillus</i> among its core taxa and varies with age, season and lifestyle

Figure 3. Statistical analysis of the association of different personal, lifestyle, health, hygiene, and environmental factors with the skin microbiome. Each panel displays associations on different levels of the microbiome: (A) associations on the level of beta diversity between the samples, significant associations indicated with *(P-value < 0.05, Adonis test); (B) associations on the level of alpha diversity of the samples; (C) associations on the level of abundances of specific taxa as analyzed by 3 different differential abundance testing methods (Limma, Maaslin2, and a regression on the centered log-ratio transformed abundance data). All taxa are shown to have a significant association for at least one statistical test. Numbers indicate the number of tests that measured significant differential abundance.

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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