
The inner elbow skin microbiome contains <i>Lactobacillus</i> among its core taxa and varies with age, season and lifestyle

Figure 2. Skin microbiome composition between different age groups. (A) Individual bar charts for taxonomic bacterial community composition per participant for the winter and summer time points. White spaces are samples that dropped out after quality control; (B) Inverse Simpson Index for skin swabs of healthy subjects below 12 years old and from 12 years and older (at baseline, T0) at the genus level. Dashed lines represent the mean Inverse Simpson index; (C) Inverse Simpson index and observed richness for skin samples during the winter and summer seasons at the genus level; (D) Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between each taxonomic profile and the profile from the same participant during the winter vs. summer seasons for different age groups. Only significant p-values are visualized in the figure (Wilcoxon test); (E) PCoA plot distributing the samples according to beta diversity for both seasons and age groups. Samples are colored by age group ( 12 years old) and season (winter and summer). The average trajectory for each age group is visualized by the thick lines. Statistics were performed with the Wilcoxon test.

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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