
Effect of protein modification in synbiotic infant formula on probiotic metabolic activity and bacterial composition in an infant gut-model

Figure 6. PCA analysis at the strain level from samples after 48 hours in the ex vivo model of the infant bacterial ecosystem. PCA: Principle Coordinate Analysis; VD: fecal inoculum derived from vaginally delivered infant; CS: fecal inoculum derived from cesarean-delivered infant; Blank: no probiotics; iPF: intact protein formula; GOS: galactooligosaccharides; eHF: extensively hydrolyzed formula; Bb: B. breve DSMZ 32583; Lf: L. fermentum CECT 5716; Lf + Bb: both probiotics added.

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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