
Effect of protein modification in synbiotic infant formula on probiotic metabolic activity and bacterial composition in an infant gut-model

Figure 2. Effect of formula protein matrix on the metabolic activity of infant fecal donor microbiota. (A) Acetate; (B) propionate; (C) butyrate; (D) total lactate; (E) D-lactate; (F) L-lactate; (G) total SCFA production; (H) pH; and (I) volume of gas production during simulated colonic fermentation with donor infant microbiota and either iPF (blue) or formula with eHF (orange). Both formulae contained prebiotic GOS. Samples from the same donor are linked with a line. Donor samples of infants born by caesarian section are shown as triangles, and donor samples of infants born via VD mode are shown as circles. n.s.: Not significant; iPF: intact protein formula; GOS: galactooligosaccharide; eHF: extensively hydrolyzed formula; SCFA: short-chain fatty acid.

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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