
Comparative genome analysis of microbial strains marketed for probiotic interventions: an extension of the Integrated Probiotic Database

Figure 2. Investigation of the microbial genetic traits involved in LTA, EPS, and BSH biosynthesis. The heat map illustrates the genome-level presence (colored box) or absence (black box) of genes involved in the biosynthesis of LTA (green), EPS (blue), and BSH (pink). The color scale reflects the number of significant sequences found for each function analyzed: black indicates a complete absence of gene function in the probiotic under investigation, darker colors indicate a small number of significant sequences identified (with a value of 1 indicating minimal presence), and lighter colors indicate a larger number of significant sequences identified for the gene function analyzed. LTA: Lipoteichoic acid; EPS: exopolysaccharides; BSH: bile salt hydrolase.

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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