Figure 3. Differential abundance of ASVs and species in FAP-NOS vs. controls. Abundance log2 fold-changes and relative abundance of significantly (P < 0.05) increased (A) ASVs and (B) species in FAP-NOS compared to controls. Points display individual log2 fold-changes and bars display standard errors. Boxplot with box elements showing upper quantile, lower quantile, and median. Whiskers extend from the upper/lower quantile to ± 1.5 iqr or the highest/lowest value. Colored points display values for individual microbiota, while outliers are indicated as black points. Significances were calculated using a log2 transformed linear model with FDR correction for multiple testing. *P < 0.05. FAP-NOS: Functional abdominal pain-not otherwise specified; ASVs: amplicon sequence variants; iqr: interquartile range; FDR: false discovery rate.