
Figure 3. Comparison of sample storage condition and time on pathway responses. (A) Samples collected with the GutAlive kit and stored under room temperature for 24 and 72 h were compared with samples collected with our in-house buffer and stored at 4 °C for the same period of time for their maintenance of microbiome functionality by assessing functional responses to kestose using the RapidAIM protocol; (B) PC1 vs. PC2; (C) PC2 vs. PC3; (D) Hierarchical clustering of samples showing 72-hour samples of GutAlive differentiated from 72-hour samples of our in-house buffer; (E) Comparison of the responses of 72-hour samples to kestose between the (in-house) Buffer group and GutAlive group, Euler plot (area proportional Venn plot) showing numbers of significantly increased COGs by