
Assessing the impact of pregnancy and birth factors on the maternal and infant microbiota

Figure 2. Microbiota composition diverges by sample type and perinatal period. (A) PCA biplot based on sample-wise CLR-transformed Aitchison distance. Each point represents a sample. Strength and association for SVs are depicted by the length and direction of the gray arrows, respectively. Samples are colored by type and ellipses represent 95% confidence intervals. (B) Average relative genus abundance by sample type and perinatal period. Each vertical bar represents the average relative abundance within the sample type subgroup, colored by genus. Genera representing < 1% relative abundance were grouped into the “Remainder” portion. (C) Alpha diversity plot displaying the Shannon index for maternal and infant samples at different perinatal periods. Box plot whiskers represent minimum and maximum. PN: Prenatal; B: Birth; PP: Postpartum; CLR: centered log ratio; PCA: principal components analysis; SVs: sequence variants.

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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