Figure 8. Subcluster analysis for cluster K. (A) VIRIDIC alignment of cluster K. The nucleotide similarity value range is 20% to 100%. Subclusters K1 and K6 appear particularly intertwined, as subgroups have formed from the original subclusters and are alternating in the alignment, suggesting clarification is required between the subclusters; (B) Gegenees analysis of the intertwined subclusters. The proteomic similarity value range indicated is 35% to 100%. Despite some rearrangement of K1 and K6, these subclusters are still intermingled. Applying a similarity threshold of approximately 50% appears to suggest that the creation of more subclusters would better describe the diversity of these phages; (C) VICTOR phylogeny of cluster K. (i) Existing organisation of the subclusters of cluster K. K6 appears to feature across four separate branches, only one of which appears to be truly monophyletic, which supports the VIRIDIC and Gegenees results; (ii) Proposed subclusters of cluster K. Novel clusters are indicated in red squares. K1 (light blue) has been reduced to include fewer phages and allow the creation of 4 novel subclusters. The smaller K6 branches have also been deemed novel subclusters. These groups better reflect the nucleotide and proteome studies and appear more visually similar to the other K subclusters indicated in the dendrogram.