Figure 4. Cluster G analysis. Proposed groups are indicated in bold squares. (A) Subcluster and VIRIDIC-based genus assignments of cluster G. The nucleotide similarity values range from 41% to 100%. The single genus assigned to G3 and G5 is indicated by a bold square. The minimum threshold for genus inclusion is met; therefore, these three phages belong to a single group based on this analysis; (B) Gegenees proteomic analysis of the cluster G phages. The proteome similarity values range from 28% to 100%. A similarity boundary of ≥ 50% reflects the groups assigned by VIRIDIC; (C) VICTOR-generated phylogenetic tree of cluster G. (i) The existing subcluster assignments are indicated in coloured squares. It can be seen that the G3 and G5 phages appear to share a highly supported, monophyletic branch; (ii) The proposed changes to subcluster organisation. G3 has been expanded to include the single G5 genome, which better reflects the results of the VIRIDIC and Gegenees analyses.