
Charge/orbital disordered states with smaller volume and higher entropy in transition-metal oxides

Figure 2. (A) Schematic phase diagram for RNiO3 as functions of temperature T and pressure P. PI, AFI, PM, and CD represent paramagnetic insulating, antiferromagnetic insulating, paramagnetic metallic, and charge disproportionated phases. (B) Distortions of the NiO6 octahedron and the electronic configurations for the charge disproportionated Ni2+ and Ni4+ sites without oxygen 2p holes. The yellow and red circles indicate oxygen and transition metal ions, respectively. (C) Energy per unit cell for ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic (A, G, and C type) states calculated by mean-filed approximation for the perovskite-type d-p model with d7 as a function of breathing distortion (the ratio between the long and average Ni-O bond length). Without the distortion, each site takes the low spin d7 state with S = 1/2. With the distortion, the expanded site becomes d8 (S = 1) and the compressed site becomes d6 (S = 0). (D) Electronic configuration of d8L. (E) Electronic configuration of d8L2.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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