
Heterostructured multi-principal element alloys prepared by laser-based techniques

Figure 9. Lamellar structures created by LAM techniques: (A) IPF map of SLM-AlCoCrFeNi2.1, showing a magnified local region; (B) Secondary electron micrograph of the nanolamellar structure; (C) Bright-field TEM image of the body-centered cubic and face-centered cubic nanolamellae with PED patterns; (D) HAADF-STEM image showing the modulated nanostructures within body-centered cubic lamellae[35]. (E) BSE images of LDD-AlCoCrFeNi2.1; (F) The phases distribution; (G) TEM image of sample; (H) The corresponding SAED pattern taken from the A zone of (G); (I) The corresponding SAED pattern taken from the B zone of (G); (J) The elemental distributions of the frames in (G)[97]. (K) SEM image of LDD-CoCrNi/(CoCrNi)86Al7Ti7 on building direction-sectional direction (BD-SD) plane; (L) EPMA mapping; (M and N) Typical BF-TEM images of CoCrNi layer and (CoCrNi)86Al7Ti7 (denoted as Al7Ti7) layer in the sample, respectively[98].

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