
Figure 8. Skeleton architecture created by LAM techniques: (A) Solidification process of SLM-Fe28.0Co29.5Ni27.5Al8.5Ti6.5; (B) Bright field (BF) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) image of prepared showing the high-density dislocations network with the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern from (011) zone axis showing the corresponding microstructure; (C) BF STEM image showing the sub-grain architectures consist of the face-centered cubic disordered multicomponent matrix (DOMCM) phase and L12 ordered multicomponent nanoprecipitate (OMCNP) phase, with SAED pattern from (001) zone axis showing the corresponding microstructure; (D) BF STEM image showing the sub-grains composed of face-centered cubic , L12 and a small amount of L21 phase; (E) The enlarged view of the local sub-grain feature area. (F) The high-resolution high-angle annular dark-field imaging (HADDF) -STEM image of L21; (G) The dislocation-precipitate skeleton architecture[96].