
Heterostructured multi-principal element alloys prepared by laser-based techniques

Figure 11. Hierarchically heterogeneous structures created by LAM and LST techniques: (A) SEM image showing the morphology along the depth direction of the LSR-TiZrHfTaNb0.5; (B) Variations of grain size and microhardness along the depth away from the topmost surface; TEM characterization of crystalline-amorphous nanostructured surface layer (C and D) and at a depth of 10-20 µm (E and F); 20-40 µm (G and H) and 40-60 µm (I and J) below the surface[101]. (K) IPF map of building plane of the SLM-Fe60Co15Ni15Cr10; (L) The pseudo-3D EBSD KAM maps; (M) SEM. (N) STEM image of solidification cells; (O) XRD pattern with inset showing EBSD phase maps on the plane normal to the scan direction; (P) 3D reconstructed element distributions near the cell boundaries by APT analysis; (Q) 1D concentration profiles of the 3D element distribution in the APT maps[102].

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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