
Figure 10. Heterostructures with nano precipitates created by LAM and LST techniques: (A) SEM image showing the orientation arranged nanostructure complex parallel to the BD of SLM-Fe28Co29Ni27.5Al8.5Ti6.5; (B) SEM image showing the multiple nanoprecipitates manipulation; (C) TEM image showing the L12, L21, and face-centered cubic matrix phases; (D) Schematic illustration of the orientation arranged nanostructure complex composed of multiple nanoprecipitates manipulation and in-situ dislocation network[99]. (E) BF TEM images of the LSR & aged AlCoCrFeNi2.1 MPEAs; Dark field (DF) TEM images of the face-centered cubic phase (E1) and B2 phase (E2) from the superlattice spot from their selected area diffraction patters (SADPs) shown in the inset. (F) Schematic diagrams of the surface-strengthening process[100].