
Oxygen coordinated Cu single atom catalysts: a superior catalyst towards electrochemical CO<sub>2</sub> reduction for methane production

Figure 2. XPS spectra of (A) Cu 2p; (B) O 1s for Cu SAC; (C) Normalized Cu K-edge XANES spectra; (D) FT-EXAFS spectra of Cu SAC; (E) EXAFS fitting and (inset) optimized model for Cu SAC; (F) Formation energy of Cu-NxO4-x (x=0-4) configurations with the coordination number of first-shell N/O species from DFT calculations. Color scheme: C atoms are grey, O atoms are red, N atoms are blue, and Cu atoms are orange. XPS: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; SAC: single atom catalyst; XANES: X-ray absorption near edge structure; EXAFS: extended X-ray absorption fine structure; DFT: density functional theory; FT-EXAFS: fourier transforms of extended X-ray absorption fine structure.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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