
Figure 7. (A) HRTEM and AC-TEM images of the C-Co-MoS2; (B) Fitting curve of EXAFS spectra for Co in R space; (C) Wavelet Transform (WT) of the Co K-edge; (D) Polarization curves of the C-MoS2, single-anchored, and dual-anchored electrodes; (E) Overview of overpotentials and Tafel slopes; (F) 3D volcano plot with ΔGH(1), ΔGH(2)), and log (i0) for the C-M-Mo, M-MoS2, and C-M. The (A-F) are quoted with permission from Gong et al.[73]; (G) AC HAADF-STEM image; (H) STEM image and EDX elemental mapping of Co-SAC/RuO2; (I) XPS profiles of Co 2p; (J) XANES spectra at the Co K-edge; (K) WT analysis of Co K-edge; (L) LSV curves; (M) Tafel slopes; (N) Free energy profile of HER. The (G-N) are quoted with permission from Shah et al.[29]. HRTEM: High resolution transmission electron microscope; TEM: Transmission electron microscopy; STEM: Scanning transmission electron microscopy; EDX: Energy-dispersive X-ray; XPS: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; AC-HAADF-STEM: Aberration-corrected high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy; XANES: X-ray absorption near edge structure; WT: Wavelet-transformed; LSV: Linear sweep voltammetry; HER: Hydrogen evolution reaction; EXAFS: Extended X-ray absorption fine structure.