
Figure 10. Performance characterization and tests of iron-based (Fe, Co, Ni) single-atom catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction electrocatalysts. (A-D) Dark-field TEM, EDX elemental mapping, and AC HAADF-STEM images of Ni-NC(HPU), respectively. The (A-D) are quoted with permission from Li et al.[43]; (E) WT EXAFS of the k3-weighted k-space spectra of different samples. Fe-N4, Fe-S1N3 and Fe-B1N3. This figure is quoted with permission from Wang et al.[52]; (F) Schematic illustration of a flow cell with the gas diffusion electrode for CO2 electroreduction; (G) The values of FECO and jCO of Ni1-N-C-50 tested by chronopotentiometric measurements under various current densities; (H) Comparison of jCO (tested in the flow cell), time and energy consumption in the pyrolysis process between Ni1-N-C-50 and Ni1-N-C-furnace. The (F-H) are quoted with permission from Wen et al.[93]. AC HAADF-STEM: Aberration-corrected high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy; TEM: Transmission electron microscopy; EDX: Energy-dispersive X-ray; WT: Wavelet-transformed; EXAFS: Extended X-ray absorption fine structure.