
Layered double hydroxides supported noble-metal single-atom catalysts: precise synthesis, microenvironment regulation, and diverse applications

Figure 9. (A) CV curves of different catalysts; (B) Overpotential and Tafel slope of different catalysts; (C) LSV curves of sAu/NiFe-LDH before and after 2000 cycles and the time-dependent current density; (D) Raman spectra of sAu/NiFe-LDH at various potentials; (E) Differential charge densities of NiFe-LDH with/without Au atom[95]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society; (F) The model of Ru/CoFe-LDH; (G) Differential charge density of elements in CoFe-LDH and Ru/CoFe-LDH; (H) The OER curves of different catalysts; (I) In-situ XANES of Ru/CoFe-LDH[47]. Copyright 2019, Springer Nature. LDHs: Layered double hydroxides; CV: cyclic voltammetry; RHE: reversible hydrogen electrode; LSV: linear scan voltammetry.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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