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Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

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Microstructures 2025, 5, 2025018.
10.20517/microstructures.2024.47 |  © The Author(s) 2025.
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With the over-consumption of non-renewable energy, green and clean renewable energy is inevitably the choice in modern society. In particular, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been widely used in automobiles, aviation and other fields due to their high energy density and other advantages. However, lithium reserves are limited, and LIBs have safety hazards, so the development of alternative rechargeable batteries cannot be delayed. Aqueous zinc ion batteries (AZIBs) have a high theoretical specific capacity while ensuring safety, and have been intensively investigated in recent years. The advancement of cathode materials is essential for AZIBs. In this article, the recent development of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials such as MnS, MnHCF, VN, VSe2 and VS2 for AZIBs is critically reviewed. The emerging strategies for modifying these cathode materials for enhanced electrochemical performance are critically analyzed. Finally, some important achievements of this research field are summarized, and the challenges and future research directions are presented. We hope that this article can shed light on the development of AZIBs.


Renewable energy, aqueous zinc ion batteries, cathode materials, oxygen-free compounds


With the progress of global industrialization, the worldwide demand for energy is increasing, which is accompanied by the excessive consumption of fossil fuels and a series of problems such as environmental pollution[1-3]. Therefore, the development of green, efficient and large-area energy storage systems to fully utilize renewable energy sources has become an inevitable trend for the sustainable development of the global economy and society[4,5]. Among them, large-scale electrochemical energy storage systems have attracted much attention due to their green features, high efficiency, and long lifetime[6]. Currently, there are four main categories in the secondary battery market: lead-acid batteries, alkaline nickel/cadmium batteries, nickel/metal hydride batteries, and lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Among them, lead-acid batteries and nickel/cadmium batteries are cheap and durable but have low energy density and are associated with environmental pollution and harmful effects[7]. LIBs have been widely used in portable electronic devices, automobiles, aerospace, and other fields since the 1990s because of their high energy density, light weight, durability, and other advantages[8,9]. However, the success of LIBs is not sustainable. Firstly, the low reserves of lithium and the difficulty in extracting it have resulted in an increase in cost; secondly, the organic electrolyte used in LIBs poses serious safety hazards in practice, with numerous reports of fires in new energy vehicles emerging in recent years[10-16]. Unlike organic electrolytes, aqueous electrolytes are safer, cheaper, and have advantages such as high ionic conductivity and easy preparation, which are expected to be applied in the next generation of green secondary batteries[17-19]. Therefore, in order to cope with the long-term development needs, the development of a new type of non-lithium rechargeable aqueous batteries for large-scale energy storage systems is of great strategic significance.

Aqueous rechargeable batteries have flourished in recent years by virtue of their advantages such as easy assembly, environmental friendliness, and low cost[20]. At present, based on the comprehensive consideration of the storage capacity and cost, a variety of aqueous batteries including Na+, K+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and A13+ have been developed[21-26]. Among them, Na+, K+ and Li+ batteries are similar in nature and are developing rapidly, which have a tendency to replace LIBs, but their active chemical properties are destined to be accompanied by safety hazards[27]. Although multivalent ions have a high specific capacity and energy density, some issues should be properly addressed. For example, Ca2+ batteries exist with anode deposition and dissolution; Mg2+ diffusion is slow and magnesium is easy to passivate; A13+ surface is prone to the formation of alumina film leading to a decline in battery performance[28-35]. In contrast, aqueous zinc ion batteries (AZIBs) are able to operate stably in neutral and weakly acidic electrolytes; in addition[36], (1) the positive and negative materials and electrolytes for AZIBs are inexpensive, easy to obtain, and environmentally friendly; (2) zinc, as the negative electrode of the batteries, has a volumetric energy density of 5,855 mAh cm-3 and a theoretical specific capacity of 820 mAh g-1; and (3) low redox potential of Zn/Zn2+ [-0.76 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)][37-43]. Therefore, AZIBs will certainly have a place in the energy storage field in the future.

AZIBs, as shown in Figure 1[44], have been developed for a long time[45-49]. In 1799, the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta invented the first battery - voltaic pile using zinc. Then, in 1868, the French engineer Georges Leclain invented the zinc-manganese battery. In 1886, dry cell zinc-carbon batteries appeared. Subsequently, Zn-Ag and Zn-Ni batteries have also been studied one after another. However, the early AZIBs used alkaline solutions as the electrolyte, and the positive and negative electrodes of the batteries were prone to irreversible reactions, resulting in the decline of battery life[50]. It was not until 1986 that Japanese scientists Yamamoto et al. first used a weakly acidic zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) electrolyte instead of an alkaline electrolyte to prepare and validate the cycling stability of Zn|ZnSO4|MnO2 batteries, which opened the door to the development of rechargeable AZIBs[51]. Since then, research on rechargeable AZIBs has focused on neutral or weakly acidic electrolytes, from which a variety of cathode materials have been developed, and the development process is shown in Figure 2A[52-55].

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 1. The development history of representative Zn-based EES devices[44]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier.

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 2. (A) Main progress and brief development history of cathode materials[53]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society. (B) Percentage of current ZIB studies on various cathode materials[54]. Copyright 2019, John Wiley and Sons. (C) Characteristics of various ZIB cathode materials[55]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier.

As the host material of Zn2+, the nature and structure of the cathode material largely determine the performance of the battery. To improve the specific capacity of AZIBs, the development of cathode materials with excellent performance is inevitable[56]. Therefore, the cathode material requires: (1) a suitable structure, including the embedding and detachment of ions, while ensuring the stability of the structure in the process of embedding and detachment; and (2) a suitable zinc storage potential, which is conducive to the occurrence of redox reactions at the positive and negative electrodes. To enhance the electrochemical performance of AZIBs, as shown in Figure 2B, the currently considered ideal cathode materials for AZIBs include manganese compounds, vanadium compounds, and Prussian blue analogs[57-62]. Figure 2C visualizes the advantages and disadvantages of several materials based on different parameters. Compared to manganese-based compounds, as well as Prussian blue and its analogs, vanadium-based compounds offer the benefits of a higher specific capacity and a more stable cycle life. Moreover, they possess a range of crystal structures, such as layered, tunnel, and NASICON types, which promote multi-electron transfer, aid in achieving local electrical neutrality, and mitigate polarization issues arising from Zn2+ insertion[54]. However, the development of vanadium oxides has been greatly hindered by the low working voltage of vanadium-based compounds (about 0.8 V compared to Zn2+/Zn), slow reaction kinetics and few reactive active sites[63]. Manganese oxides are abundant, safe and non-toxic, and inexpensive, and exhibit good electrochemical properties. Among them, MnO2 is favored by researchers for its rich crystalline form. However, the unclear storage mechanisms of manganese-based compounds, coupled with severe electrode dissolution during the charging and discharging process and the ensuing structural damage, reduce the battery life[64-68]. To address these problems, researchers have improved cathode materials through modifications such as capping, ionic pre-embedding, anion/cation vacancies, and morphology modification, which, in turn, improve the battery performance. For example, MnO-carbon nanotube (CNT)@C3N4 nanocomposites were developed recently, and the capacity retention rate of the assembled Zn//MnO-CNT@C3N4 batteries was 87.5% after 1,000 cycles at 3A g-1[69].

Despite a large number of research methods and measures developed to modify and study oxide cathode materials, prolonged charging and discharging inevitably lead to electrode degradation, undermining the effectiveness of these modifications and greatly hindering the commercialization of AZIBs. Therefore, the development of cathode materials with suitable structures to obtain commercially viable AZIBs is of particular importance. So far, the research on cathode materials for AZIBs has focused more on oxides and less on non-oxide materials. However, some non-oxide materials exhibit superior electrochemical properties compared to oxide materials; e.g., metal sulfides exhibit better electrochemical activity and greater thermodynamic stability; metal selenides have better electrical conductivity and substantial theoretical stacking capacity densities. These properties determine that non-oxide materials will definitely have a place in energy storage, which is well-proven in the remaining metal-ion batteries. For example, Qian et al. applied MnSe2 to sodium-ion batteries and prepared MnSe2NCs cathode materials that realized multi-electron pair reactions and showed excellent cycling stability[70]. Therefore, in order to promote the footsteps of the commercialization process of AZIBs and make up for the application of non-oxide materials in the field of AZIBs, this paper summarizes six existing non-oxide materials to facilitate later researchers to review and summarize [Figure 3].

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 3. Classification of non-oxide materials.

There is a large amount of literature available on the modification and summarization of manganese oxides and vanadium oxides, so this review article will not go into detail for oxide materials here. After a brief introduction, the recent progress of non-oxide manganese and vanadium compounds is discussed, with a critical analysis on the structure and merits when used as positive electrode materials for AZIBs. In addition, the recent development of emerging strategies for further enhancing the specific capacity and cycling performance of these materials is also reviewed. This review will conclude with a summary of the recent development of this research field. The key challenges and perspectives are also presented. We hope that this article will provide useful information for researchers working in relevant fields.


Manganese-based compounds are popular for their high theoretical specific capacity (308 mAh g-1) and abundant valence states (+2, +3, +4, +7) in a variety of positive grade materials. Among them, MnO2 alone has seven crystal types (β-, α-, γ-, R-, t-, δ-, and λ-), and it has been demonstrated that diverse crystal types have varying electrochemical properties. In addition, MnO, Mn2O3, Mn3O4, and some manganates derived from divalent and trivalent Mn elements are also used as electrode materials[71,72]. Although numerous manganese oxides are widely used as cathode materials, manganese-based cathodes exhibit poor cycling stability during charging and discharging, while the energy storage mechanism for manganese oxides is still not unified. Therefore, there is a need to develop non-oxide manganese-based materials to side-by-side validate their energy storage mechanism and fully exploit the non-oxide materials themselves with excellent electrochemical properties.


In recent years, transition metal sulfides have been gradually researched and developed as positive electrode materials due to their excellent electrochemical properties and abundant reserves in the earth. These sulfides have better thermal stability, electrical conductivity, and reversibility than metal oxides. The interlayer van der Waals force of metal sulfides is weaker. Moreover, the chemical bonding of M-S is weaker than that of M-O, which greatly facilitates the embedding and detachment of ions during charging and discharging. Among various metal sulfides, MnS is of great interest to researchers because of its low cost, stable mechanical properties, and excellent theoretical specific capacity[73-76].

MnS is the main form of manganese sulfide, which is a p-type semiconductor with three different crystalline forms. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and spatial models of MnS are shown in Figure 4: including the presence of α-MnS (space group Fm3m, a = b = c = 5.224 Å), β-MnS (space group F-43m, a = b = c = 5.615 Å) and γ-MnS (space group P63mc, a = b = 3.97 Å and c = 6.446 Å)[77]. Among them, α-MnS is a thermodynamically stable cubic rock salt type with a green color; β-MnS and γ-MnS are both substable with a pink color; when the temperature is higher than 100 °C or in a high-pressure condition, both substable β-MnS and γ-MnS will be transformed into stable α-MnS[78]. Although α-MnS has an octahedral stable structure, the substable γ-MnS has the best electrochemical performance among the three crystalline forms[79]. γ-MnS has a layered structure that is more conducive to ionic embedding and electrolyte penetration behavior, and has a higher Gibbs free energy that makes the conversion reaction easier during charging and discharging.

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 4. XRD patterns of different crystalline forms of MnS and corresponding crystal structure insets[78]. Copyright 2017, Elsevier.

As an electrode material, MnS has a theoretical specific capacity of 616 mAh g-1, a low redox potential of 1.049 V, and is safe, abundant, and environmentally friendly, and thus has been investigated and applied in capacitors, batteries (e.g., sodium, lithium, and zinc batteries), etc. The use of MnS in AZIBs has been verified to have excellent electrochemical performance, and the reaction mechanism shows that MnS is converted to manganese oxide after the first charge/discharge. Compared with the direct application of manganese oxide as the cathode material, MnS, as the cathode material, shows more excellent electrochemical performance. For example, Liu et al. used MnS as the cathode material of AZIBs[80], and pointed out that the cyclic voltammetry (CV) curve has no reduction peaks but three oxidation peaks in the first cycle, while two reduction peaks and two oxidation peaks appear respectively in the fifth cycle, which proves that the conversion reaction of MnS occurs during the charging and discharging process, as shown in Figure 5A. It is also pointed out that the first charging capacity at 0.1 A g-1 is 663.5 mAh g-1, and the capacity retention rate after 100 cycles at 0.5 A g-1 is 63.6%. The possible mechanism of high stability of MnS in the long term is verified by the non-in situ XRD characterization [Figure 5B].

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 5. (A) CV images of MnS. (B) ex situ XRD of MnS in the zinc ion battery[80]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society.

Nevertheless, MnS, as an electrode material, undergoes severe volume changes during charging and discharging, leading to the destruction of the structure and the rapid decay of the capacity. Moreover, the low conductivity of sulfide makes the energy storage device less reversible and the theoretical specific capacity cannot be fully released. Therefore, there is still a need to study the modification of MnS to obtain the desired electrochemical performance. Chen et al. prepared MnS [MnS-electrochemically derived oxide (EDO)] by a one-step hot-vapor-solid-sulfurization method using α-MnO2 as a precursor, exhibiting a specific capacity of 335.7 mAh g-1 at a 0.3 A g-1, and almost no capacity fading is observed after 100 cycles [Figure 6A][81]. This work points out that the inactive MnS is desulfurized and converted to high-performance MnS-EDO during the charging and discharging process. This conversion leads to a large number of defects in the material, which exposes more active sites and promotes the penetration of the electrolyte. At the same time, the defects reduce the electrostatic interactions between the host and guest, which improves the ionic diffusion kinetics and facilitates the charge transfer, as shown in Figure 6B and C. The synergistic effect between the defects positively affects the electrochemical performance of the battery.

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 6. (A) Cyclic stability of MnS-EDO in 1C[81]; (B) Linear fitting results of the difference between anode and cathode current densities vs. scanning rate for ECSA estimation of fully charged MnS-EDO and MnO2 electrodes after cycling for the 1st and 15th turn, respectively[81]; (C) Nyquist plots of MnS-EDO and MnO2 cathodes at a discharge voltage of 1.40 V (the inset shows Nyquist plots at a discharge voltage of 1.25 V)[81]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier; (D) XRD patterns of MnS/C at different cycling stages in the 1st and 2nd cycles[83]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society; (E and F) MnO and Mn defects, MnS and S defects[84]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier.

Wang et al. prepared a core-shell structure of MoS2@MnS, which possessed a high specific capacity of discharge (185.6 mAh g-1) and excellent cycling stability (capacity retention of 90.8% after 300 cycles) when applied to AZIBs[82]. Xu et al. prepared MnS/C nanosheets via a manganese sulfide-based organometallic precursor, pointing out that MnS transforms into MnOx after the first charging[83]. It can be seen from Figure 6D that after the initial cycling, the MnS phase disappears rapidly, and elemental S evolves into a high-valent sulfate. At the same time, the MnOx phase begins to appear, and the subsequent battery behavior is actually a result of the H+ and Zn2+ of MnOx and Zn2+ of MnOx. Tang et al. prepared MnS/MnO@N-CF by electrostatic spinning, which used N-doped carbon fibers as the nitrogen (N) and carbon sources[84]. In addition, dual ionic defects of Mn and S were generated [Figure 6E and F], which made the composite material simultaneously have abundant reactive sites, excellent ion diffusion rate, and exhibited a reversible capacity of 128.7 mAh g-1 at a high current density of 2 A g-1. Tang et al. used a combination of various modifications to enhance the battery performance dramatically[84]. The synergistic effect between different modification strategies will produce unexpected chemical reactions, which provides new ideas for us to study new electrode materials in depth. Ma et al. prepared manganese sulfide/reduced graphene oxide (MnS/RGO) composites by one-step hydrothermal reaction with the help of graphene's good electrical conductivity, which can effectively alleviate the volumetric change after multiple charging and discharging[85]. In addition, this MnS/RGO composite has excellent structure and conductivity, thus exhibiting a discharge specific capacity of 289 mAh g-1 at 0.1 A g-1.

In addition, MnS has also been applied to other zinc batteries. For example, Li et al. proposed a two-dimensional (2D) ultrathin Co9S8/MnS decorated on sulfur/nitrogen co-doped carbon nanosheets (Co9S8/MnS-USNC) for the aqueous/all-solid-state zinc-air batteries [Figure 7A][86], which possessed excellent activities for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER), and greatly improved the battery life [Figure 7B]. Wang et al. prepared N-doped carbon nanofibers wrapped with metallic manganese and cobalt sulfides (CMS/NCNF). In the application of solid-state zinc-air batteries, excellent battery performance was obtained at different bending angles [Figure 7C-E][87].

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 7. (A) Synthesis route of Co9S8/MnS-USNC[86], (B) Cycling stability testing of all-solid-state zinc-air batteries with Co9S8/MnS-USNC[86]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society. (C-E) Charge-discharge polarization curves, mixed-angle photographs, and electrostatic flow discharge and charge cycling curves at 5 mA cm-2 of solid-state zinc-air batteries under CMS/NCNF bifunctional catalysts at different bending angles[87]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society.


Prussian blue analogs, also known as metal-ferricyanide compounds (MHCFs), are a class of substances made from Prussian blue through substitution and interstitial modification. The general formula can be expressed as AxB1[B2(CN)6]y-nH2O, in which A is an alkali metal ion (e.g., Li, Na, K, Mg, etc.) and B is a transition metal (e.g., Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, Ni, etc.). The structure of the corresponding Prussian blue analog of Zn2+ is shown in Figure 8. Prussian blue was first discovered as a synthetic pigment, and then its analogs were widely used in various types of batteries (e.g., Li, Na, K, Mg, Zn, Al, etc.) by virtue of their unique three-dimensional (3D) porous skeleton structure (which facilitates the embedding and dislodging of ions)[88-97].

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 8. Process of crystal structure change of Prussian blue analogs after Zn2+ embedding/de-embedding[97]. Copyright 2018, John Wiley and Sons.

As an electrode material, Prussian blue analogs have the advantages of diverse valence states, sufficient reaction sites, easy synthesis, and unique and stable structure[98]. MnHCF has a higher specific capacity and operating voltage than other Prussian blue analogs, due to the redox reaction of two transition metals (Fe and Mn) in MnHCF and the high spin state of MnHS exhibiting a high redox potential[99,100]. However, MnHCF has common disadvantages of manganese-based materials: lattice distortion, manganese dissolution, and poor conductivity of MnHCF, which reacts with electrolytes and seriously hinders the development of MnHCF[101-104]. Li et al. assembled a coin cell battery and performed a series of tests using a Zn thin film as the negative electrode, MnHCF and ZnHCF particles as the positive electrode, and 3M ZnSO4 as the electrolyte[105]. The results show that during the charging and discharging process, the capacity contribution of the Fe site gradually increases from 36% to 86%, and the capacity contribution of the Mn site decreases significantly. From Figure 9A, it can be seen that the charging and discharging platform does not change much in the range of 1.0-1.5 v of the Fe reaction voltage. Correspondingly, the charging and discharging platform decreases significantly in the range of 1.5-1.9 voltages. Meanwhile, the structural framework of Zn-C-N-Fe can be detected in the MnHCF samples, which is well characterized in Figure 9B. This is also evidenced by the fact that the oxidation state curve of Fe in Figure 9C almost coincides with the original sample. It indicates that the dissolution of Mn occurs, resulting in the replacement of the Mn sites by Zn, which leads to a decrease in the capacity of the battery during cycling. As a result, the capacity retention rate is only 32.2% at 100 cycles [Figure 9D].

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 9. (A) Galvanostatic charge and discharge curves of MnHCF in the initial 10 cycles at C/20; (B) corresponding Fourier transforms (FTs); (C) ex-situ XANES of MnHCF powder and the prepared electrodes at the Fe K-edge; (D) cycling performance of ZnHCF at C/5 rate[105]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier.

Therefore, some necessary research tools are needed to solve these problems, such as (1) addition of surfactants: Liu et al. prepared ultrafine MnHCF with few vacancies and low water content by adding surfactant PAA-K, which can control the size of MnHCF during synthesis and regulate the crystallization process (the synthesis process is shown in Figure 10A)[106]. The assembled battery was tested to possess a high capacity of 139.2 mAh g-1 at 0.05 A g-1, while the capacity retention rate was as high as 84.5% after 1,000 cycles at 0.5 A g-1; (2) Impurity element doping: Xue et al. introduced zero-dimensional N-doped carbon dots (NCDs) into MnHCF [Figure 10B][107], which significantly improved the conductivity and alleviated the volume change of MnHCF during charging and discharging. The introduction of NCDs provided abundant active sites, which led to the composites exhibiting excellent structural stability. The capacity of MnHCF/NCDs composites as cathodes was as high as 131.2 mAh g-1 at 0.05 A g-1 and the capacity retention rate was 91% after 1,000 cycles at 1 A g-1. The capacity retention rate was 91% after 1,000 cycles at 1A g-1; (3) Improved electrolyte: the electrolyte is an integral part of the battery, and its properties will also determine the overall performance of the battery. Chen et al. constructed a solvated structure of propylene carbonate (PC)-Otfluoromethane sulfonate (Otf)-H2O[108]. Figure 10C vividly represents this structure in a cartoon diagram, and the results showed that the incorporation of PC suppressed the phase transition from MnHCF to ZnHCF, and improved the battery’s cycling stability. In addition, Tan et al. proposed a hydroxylation strategy to increase the battery capacity by activating the inactive redox pairs in MnHCF [Figure 10D][109], and the results showed that the hydroxylated MnHCF could continuously activate the multiple redox centers during charging and discharging, which ensured the capacity and stability of the battery.

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 10. (A) Scheme of the synthetic process of MnHCF/PAA-K[106], Copyright 2023, Elsevier. (B) Scheme for preparing MnHCF/NCDs[107], Copyright 2023, Elsevier. (C) Schematic structure of Zn-MnHCF cell equipped with a novel hybrid electrolyte PC-H2O co-solvent[108], Copyright 2023, John Wiley and Sons. (D) OH - rich MnHCF synthesis schematic and corresponding structure schematic[109]. Copyright 2023, Elsevier.

Similarly, MnHCF has been used in applications with non-aqueous zinc ion batteries (ZIBs); for example, Li et al. assembled a battery using MnHCF as the cathode and zinc as the anode in combination with a zinc-containing non-aqueous electrolyte, which exhibited a long operating time of up to 5,460 h with almost no capacity degradation[110].


As another branch of transition metal compounds, excessive metal selenides (TMSs) have gradually entered the field of energy storage in recent years for their high theoretical specific capacity as electrode materials [The theoretical specific capacity of MnSe2 is 503 mAh g-1, much higher than that of MnO2 (308 mAh g-1)]. In addition to this, TMSs exhibit good electrical conductivity and electrochemical activity and strong thermodynamic stability[111-113]. Various transition metal selenide electrode materials (MoSe2, FeSe2, CoSe2, and MnSe2)[114-117] are applied in sodium-ion batteries, LIBs, and supercapacitors. However, very few ARE applied in AZIBs. Selenium is in the same group as oxygen and sulfur, and metal selenides exhibit similar chemical properties to metal oxides and sulfides, but have better bulk energy density and energy storage advantages. This is because the electrical conductivity and density of metal selenides are better than the remaining two[118-121].

In contrast to MnSe2, MnS, and MnO, Se possesses a larger atomic radius, which gives MnSe2 a larger interlayer spacing and band gap and weaker bonding energy. This structure greatly reduces the difficulty of ion embedding and dislodging during charging and discharging, improves the conversion reaction efficiency, and exhibits better structural stability. Therefore, it is of practical value to develop MnSe2 as a cathode material for AZIBs. However, MnSe2 exhibits severe volume expansion and slow reaction kinetics during charging and discharging, which seriously affects the overall lifetime of the battery for further applications[114]. Therefore, MnSe2 also needs to be modified accordingly to improve its electrochemical stability.

As mentioned above, MnSe2 is not abundantly used in the field of AZIBs, while it has applications in capacitors and sodium-ion and lithium-ion batteries[122]. For example, Ma et al. prepared cubic-structured MnSe2 by a disposable hydrothermal method and applied it to supercapacitors, which showed good electrochemical performance; Mukesh et al. investigated the effect of Cu-ion doping on the MnSe2 electrode as a material for LIBs, and the results showed that the introduction of Cu ions reduced the bandgap of the material and increased its electrical conductivity; CoS/CoP/NC prepared by Chen et al. also showed good electrochemical performance in sodium-ion batteries[123-125].

There are only a few studies on the application of MnSe2 in the field of AZIBs. Xie et al. prepared CNTs composite MnSe2/CNTs (MSCN) by a simple one-step room-temperature liquid-phase co-precipitation technique in order to improve the stability of the material and to develop a method suitable for large-scale production [Figure 11A][126]. The article notes that the method enables large-scale production and that the assembled cells maintain high cycling stability at high current densities (87.24% capacity retention after 2,000 cycles at 2A g-1). Li et al. prepared MnSe2 with a unique pore structure, and the synthesis method was simple and scaleable, and the Coulombic efficiency remained above 98% after 2,000 cycles [Figure 11B][127]. Premkumar et al. prepared MnSe2/PPy electrode materials and applied them to AZIBs by utilizing the ability of polypyrrole (PPy) to broaden the distribution of active sites in the materials and improve the stability of the composites[128]. The material has sufficient ductility to accommodate volume changes during charging and discharging, thus ensuring good electrochemical performance. The assembled cell exhibited a high specific capacity of up to 283.4 mAh g-1 at a current density of 2 A g-1, a capacity retention of 86.3% after 2,000 cycles, and a Coulombic efficiency of close to 100% (99.4% in practice, Figure 11C and D).

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 11. (A) Fabrication process of MnSe2/CNTs (MSCN)[126], Copyright 2023, Elsevier. (B) MnSe2 with special void structure[127], Copyright 2023, Elsevier. (C) MnSe2/PPy cell composition, (D) Long cycle stability of MnSe2/PPy cells[128]. Copyright 2024, Elsevier.

To summarize the existing studies, MnSe2 does exhibit good electrochemical properties as an electrode material; however, the volume expansion during charging and discharging seriously hinders the development of this material. Therefore, further consideration is required on how to modify MnSe2 and how to apply the research methods of existing systems to MnSe2 to obtain electrode materials with good stability.

By comparing the three materials mentioned above, it is easy to see that not all non-oxide materials have better electrochemical properties than oxide materials. This is reasonable. First of all, for oxide materials, there has been a great deal of research and modification, which dictates that the best synthesis and testing methods for their materials have been explored. In addition, a large number of investigated modifications have largely improved the electrochemical properties of manganese oxide materials, compensating, to some extent, for the deficiencies of the oxides. However, it can be found that MnOx formed during charging and discharging processes will show better basic performance than direct synthesis of manganese oxides; for MnHCF, its structure determines the principle of multi-electron pair charging and discharging; the electrochemical properties of MnSe2 approach and even surpass those of manganese oxide materials. All of the above suggests a huge potential for energy storage for non-oxide materials. Meanwhile, for the various studies mentioned in the paper, it can be found that the modification methods are interoperable between different materials; however, due to the difference in microscopic particles, which determines the difference in properties, further research is still needed on how to apply the modification strategies of oxide materials to non-oxides. Table 1 summarizes the properties of the above-mentioned materials, while a more recent manganese oxide study is introduced to facilitate a visual comparison[65,80-85,105-108,126-129].

Table 1

Summary of manganese-based materials in this paper

ProductsPotential window (V)ElectrolyteInitial capacity
(mAh g-1; A g-1)
Cycles numbersCapacity retentionRef.
MnO-CNT@C3N40.8-1.82M ZnSO4 + 0.2M MnSO4209 (0.8)20096%[65]
MnS1.0-1.8ZnSO4110 (0.5)10063.6%[80]
MnS-EDO0.8-2.02M ZnSO4 + 0.1M MnSO4335.7 (0.3)100100%[81]
MoS2@MnS0.0-3.0185.6 (1.0)30090.8%[82]
MnS/C0.8-1.82M ZnSO4 + 0.1M MnSO451.9 (3.0)1,00070%[83]
MnS/MnO@NCF1.0-1.8151.0 (0.5)400100%[84]
MnS/RGO0.8-1.92M ZnSO4 + 0.1M MnSO462 (3.0)1,00070.8%[85]
MnHCF1.0-2.03M ZnSO45070%[105]
MnHCF-151.0-2.03M Zn(CF3SO3)2115.6 (0.1)1,00092.5%[106]
MnHCF/NCDs0.5-2.02M ZnSO422.1 (1.0)1,00091%[107]
OH-rich MnHCF0.9-1.952M Zn(CF3SO3)2135.9 (0.05)[108]
MnSe2/CNTs0.8-2.02M ZnSO4 + 0.1M MnSO4259.2 (2.0)2,00087.24%[126]
MnSe20.8-2.02M ZnSO4 + 0.1M MnSO4231.5 (2.0)2,00086.3%[127]
MnSe2/PPy0.8-2.00.1M ZnSO4 + 2M MnSO4283.4 (2.0)2,00086.3%[128]
NCMO0.8-1.9200 (2.0)1,000100%[129]


Owing to the abundance of vanadium resources and its various oxidation states, a diverse array of vanadium-based compounds have been developed. Vanadium compounds exhibit structures such as tetrahedral, pyramidal, trigonal, and octahedral, which typically change based on the oxidation state of vanadium (e.g., V5+, V4+, V3+). In comparison to manganese-based materials and Prussian blue analogs, most vanadium-based cathodes exhibit higher capacity[130,131].

Vanadium nitrides

In the process of cycling, zinc ions encounter issues such as decreased capacity and slow transport kinetics[132,133]. In recent years, vanadium nitride (VN) cathode materials with a cubic structure have emerged as a potential breakthrough to solve these challenges[134,135]. In the initial charging cycle, VN-based materials undergo a high potential inverse reaction, subsequently demonstrating high capacity performance in the second cycle. VN has a face-centered cubic (fcc) structure and exhibits good electrical conductivity and spatial structure[136]. Rong et al. synthesized very stable VN particles by reducing and nitrating V2O5 through simple solvothermal, calcination and nitration methods in NH3 atmosphere[137]. A large number of pores exist between the VN particles formed on the typical V2O5 core-shell structure. This loose and porous structure enables the VN electrode material to have excellent electrochemical performance. The specific capacity of VN particles is 496 mAh g-1 at 0.1 A g-1. Even at a very high current density of 20 A g-1, a specific capacity of 153 mAh g-1 can be achieved and a specific capacity of 82 mAh g-1 can be maintained after 8,000 cycles. In addition, the prepared VN particles exhibit excellent rate performance when tested at different current densities. The cycling performance of the obtained VN is even better than that of its commercial counterpart. Atomic doping was able to significantly improve the conductivity of vanadium-based compounds and increase the transport rate of Zn2+.

Park et al. generated reduced graphene oxide composite (VN-rGO) microspheres with 3D porous structure by spray pyrolysis method of synthesized VN after heat treatment in NH3 atmosphere[135]. The electrochemical performance of VN-rGO was systematically studied, as shown in Figure 12. After the VN phase transition during the initial charging process, the VN-rGO microspheres exhibited unrivaled high capacity (809 mAh g-1) and excellent rate capability (467 mAh g-1 at 2.0 A g-1) at 0.1 A g-1[Figure 12A-E]. The 3D porous matrix, in turn, refines structural stability, which is mainly reflected in the cathode's ability to maintain a specific capacity of 445 mAh g-1 even after 400 cycles at 1.0 A g-1, along with a high energy density (613 Wh kg-1) [Figure 12F and G]. The VN-rGO microspheres have a high electrical conductivity that can accelerate the storage of Zn2+ ions to obtain high capacity and enhance the structural stability of the material.

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 12. (A) Charge and discharge curves of VN-rGO in the initial two cycles at 0.1 A g-1, (B) in-situ EIS plots during the first charging process, (C) CV curve of VN-rGO material for the first three cycles at 0.1 mV s-1, (D) the cycling performance of VN-rGO at 0.1 A g-1, (E) comparison of the rate performance of VN-rGO microspheres and VN microspheres/rods and (F) long cycle performance. (G) comparison of energy density of VN-rGO microspheres with Ragone diagrams of other materials[135]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier.

Zhang et al. synthesized composites with a 3D self-supporting skeleton and VN as a nitrogen source-doped carbon nanofibers (VN/N-CNFs) by electrostatic spinning and a two-step thermal treatment with pre-oxidation and carbonization[138]. The electrochemical characterization of this material and the analysis of the study lead to the conclusion that the presence of a vanadium-based metal-organic framework (v-MOF) facilitates the in situ hierarchical growth of the whisker-like secondary structure, which allows the material to maintain a good structure under thermal stresses. In addition, the 0D-activated VN nanoparticles are homogeneously distributed in both the backbone nanofibers and the branched nanowhiskers. The v-MOF obtained in situ can both prevent the self-aggregation of highly active 0D nanoparticles, and act as a kind of shell that reduces the dissolution of vanadium during the reaction by controlling the contact with the water-based electrolyte, producing protective and conductive effects. At the same time, this flexible and self-contained electrospun nanofiber woven carbon frame can largely maintain the integrity of the battery structure, and the cell exhibits an ultra-long cycle life with a stable capacity of 482 mAh g-1 even after 30,000 cycles at 50 A g-1 since pre-activation of the ZIB by cycling it for five revolutions at low current densities. The cathode of the VN/N-CNFs possesses a very good multiplicity performance at 100 A g-1 with a high multiplicity discharge capacity of 297 mAh g-1.

Yuan et al. modulated the morphology of VN by changing the molar amounts of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and the anodic phase of the CTAB-modified VN was changed to vanadium oxide (VOx)[139]. The composite was characterized by the dual energy storage through the “conversion and intercalation reactions” in a wide range of climatic conditions (-15-50 °C), exhibiting excellent rate capacity and cycling stability. During the reaction process, the VN structure can provide a better skeleton for VOx. Since the N atom has a smaller molar mass compared to the O atom, it can provide a large amount of reaction material for the reaction after the phase transition to increase the capacity. In addition, the porous structure and excellent electrical conductivity of VN can alleviate the volume change and achieve rapid ion transport during the reaction process. The electrochemical performance of this VN-2 cathode was tested and it maintained 393 mAh g-1 after 200 cycles at 1 A g-1 [Figure 13A]. The VN-2 electrode possesses excellent multiplicative performance at an ultra-high current density of 10 A g-1 with a capacity of 427 mAh g-1 [Figure 13B]. It also exhibits excellent electrochemical performance of 272 mAh g-1 and high cycling stability up to 7,000 cycles at 5 A g-1 [Figure 13C], which provides a possibility for further development of AZIBs. Table 2 summarizes the latest vanadium oxide studies with VN performance comparison for review[135,140-145].

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 13. (A and B) Comparison of cyclic properties and magnification properties of different materials at 1 A g-1, (C) long-term cycling properties of various samples at 5 A g-1[139]. Copyright 2023, Elsevier.

Table 2

Comparison of some vanadium-based compounds

ProductsElectrolyteInitial capacity (mAh g-1; A g-1)Cycles numbersCapacity retentionRef.
VN-rGO1M Zn(CF3SO3)2809 (0.1)40078%[135]
V2O53M Zn(CF3SO3)2319 (0.02)50081%[140]
V2O51M Zn(CF3SO3)2 + 2 M LiTFSI238 (0.05)2,00080%[141]
δ-Ni0.25V2O5·nH2O3M Zn(CF3SO3)2218 (5.0)1,20098%[142]
V6O131M Zn(CF3SO3)2230 (4.0)3,00092%[143]
VO2(B)1M ZnSO4365 (0.05)20080%[144]
VN3M Zn(CF3SO3)2705 (0.2)20060.5%[145]


Vanadium diselenide (VSe2) is a typical transition metal disulfide compound metal component with flower-like VSe2 spheres with an interlayer distance of 6.11 Å. The high electrical conductivity of this material is promising for Zn2+ de-embedding[146]; this material has the advantage of high conductivity, but its development still has problems such as low specific capacity (< 200 mAh g-1) and poor rate performance, far lower than vanadium and manganese oxide cathode materials. To solve this problem, defect engineering, thickness reduction and composite formation can improve the Zn2+ storage performance of VSe2. Studies have shown that the creation of selenium defects can well weaken the interfacial adsorption energy barrier, thereby increasing the storage of zinc ions. In addition, the construction of composite materials at the mesoscale can also strengthen the host structure and increase the ion transport rate, thereby improving the cycle stability[147,148]. Moreover, the construction of composites at the mesoscopic scale can also strengthen the host structure and improve the transport kinetics, thus enhancing the cycling stability[149,150].

Bai et al. proposed the synthesis of stainless steel (SS) supports with defects (VSe2-x-SS) by hydrothermal reduction to develop VSe2-x-SS nanosheets, an AZIB cathode material with good electrochemical properties, and the creation of Se defects can largely improve the VSe2-x-SS conductivity and activity[147]. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations can demonstrate that the adsorption energy of Zn2+ can be modulated by this approach through an effective combination of SS and defect engineering strategies. This suggests that the insertion and extraction of Zn2+ ions on VSe2-x is more reversible than pure VSe2 decorated SS. After 1,800 cycles at 4 A g-1, the specific capacity of VSe2-x-SS was 175.8 mAh g-1, with a capacity reduction of only 12.2%. However, the capacity of VSe2-SS was only 75.8 mAh g-1, with a capacity reduction to 65.8% under the same conditions. In addition, the specific capacity of VSe2-x-SS electrodes was 265.2 mAh g-1 after 150 cycles at a low current density of 0.2 A g-1, which possesses excellent rate performance and outstanding cycling stability.

Cai et al. synthesized VSe2/Mxene by a facile hydrothermal and calcination process, and the electrochemical performance of VSe2/Mxene as the cathode material for AZIBs was studied[151]. It was found that oxidation reactions occurred in VSe2 due to the repeated interaction and extraction of Zn2+ and H+ during the 2,000 cycles. During the reaction, Zn0.25V2O5H2O formed a continuous accumulation on the VSe2/Mxene surface [Figure 14A-C], and the accumulation of these nanosheets was responsible for the continuous increase in capacity. The experimental results show that VSe2/Mxene can provide higher initial specific capacity and faster rate of increase for the cell compared to VSe2 due to its tiny size.

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 14. (A-C) The SEM morphology changes of VSe2/Mxene cathode surface during the reaction process[151]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier.

Yang et al. developed a multiscale interfacial structure integrated modulation strategy to tune the interfacial structure of VSe2 at multiple scales by a one-step hydrothermal stripping method[152]. Theoretical studies show that the combined effect of H2O embedding and selenium vacancies can largely improve the trapping ability of interfacial zinc ions and reduce the diffusion barrier of zinc ions during the embedding process. The experimental results show that under 0.05 A g-1 of 300 cycles, the discharge specific capacity reaches 425 mAh g-1[Figure 15A], and after 5,000 cycles of the VSe2-x nH2O electrode at 10 A g-1, it still maintains a high performance of 173 mAh g-1 [Figure 15B], with an energy density of 258 Whkg-1 and a power density of 10.8 kW kg-1 [Figure 15C]. Additionally, at 60 °C, it achieves energy and power densities of 465 Wh kg-1 and 21.26 kW kg-1, respectively [Figure 15D]. This cathode can be used in a wide range of temperatures (-40 to -60 °C), and exhibits excellent storage performance in both aqueous and solid electrolytes. It also boasts impressive performance in extreme temperature environments, exhibiting a capacity of 122 mAh g-1 at -20 °C with a current density of 20 A g-1. The low temperature performance of this experiment is compared with the published articles, as shown in Figure 15E.

Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries

Figure 15. (A and B) Cyclic performance test of the original material VSe2 and VSe2-x·nH2O cathode material at 1 A g-1 and 10 A g-1, (C and D) rate performance of the battery tested at -20 and 60 °C, (E) comparison of the low temperature performance of this experiment with published articles[152]. Copyright 2023, John Wiley and Sons.


Vanadium sulfides have a larger layer spacing than oxide and theoretically have a higher diffusion coefficient of zinc ions[153]. These sulfides include VS2[154-162], VS4[153,163-165], and V3S4[166]. Table 3 gives a summary of potential window, electrolyte and electrochemical performance of vanadium sulfides and their composites.

Table 3

Potential window, electrolyte and electrochemical performance of vanadium sulfide and their composites

ProductsPotential window (V)ElectrolyteInitial capacity
(mAh g-1; A g-1)

Cycles numbersCapacity retentionRef.
VS2·NH30.2-1.72M Zn(CF3SO3)2392 (0.1)2,00084.6%[154]
VS2@SS0.4-1.01M ZnSO4149 (0.5)2,00080%[156]
VS2@VOOH0.4-1.03M ZnSO4124 (1.5)35087%[157]
rGO-VS20.2-1.83M Zn(CF3SO3)2238 (0.1)1,00093.3%[158]
VS20.4-1.41M ZnSO4262 (0.1)10081%[159]
VS2/VOx0.1-1.825M ZnCl2310 (0.05)3,00075%[160]
VS2@N-C hybrid0.2-1.83M Zn(CF3SO3)2203 (0.05)60097%[161]

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a new kind of energy material, structurally similar to graphite.VS2 is a main representative of TMDs. The large layer spacing (5.76 Å) and high conductivity of VS2 make it suitable for ZIBs as cathode material; thus, it has also received extensive attention from researchers[167,168].

VS2 nanosheets were prepared as positive electrode materials by He et al., which had a discharge specific capacity of 190.3 mAh g-1 at 0.05 A g-1, and still retained 98% of the initial capacity after 200 cycles at 0.5 A g-1[154]. Meanwhile, the electrochemical reaction of a cathode is divided into two steps[169,170]:

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \mathrm{VS}_{2}+0.09 \mathrm{Zn}^{2+}+0.18 \mathrm{e}^{-} \rightarrow \mathrm{Zn}_{0.09} \mathrm{VS}_{2} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \mathrm{Zn}_{0.09} \mathrm{VS}_{2}+0.14 \mathrm{Zn}^{2+}+0.28 \mathrm{e}^{-} \rightarrow \mathrm{Zn}_{0.23} \mathrm{VS}_{2} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

However, it has the disadvantages of poor cycle stability and rate capability. To overcome these shortcomings, the modification of VS2 has been intensively studied. For instance, a spindle-like VS2 on a N-doped carbon layer (VS2@N-C) was synthesized by Zhu et al.[161]. The cathode exhibits a superb specific capacity of 203 mA h g-1 at a current density of 0.05 A g-1 due to strong interfacial interaction between VS2 and N-doped carbon[161]. Very recently, a one-step hydrothermal method was used to prepare VS2 with micro-flower shape with appropriate layer spacing. This positive electrode material can provide a stable structure, thus improving the cyclic stability of the reaction[171]. For example, an initial capacity of 128.3 mAh g-1 was shown at 3 A g-1, and a discharge capacity of 100.1 mAh g-1 remained after 900 cycles. And, the optimized VS2 microflower also has excellent magnification performance as the cathode of ZIBs.

Samanta et al. oxidize VS2·NH3 (hollow spheres) to V2O5·nH2O (nanosheets) through an in-situ electrochemical oxidation strategy[163]. Because of the existence of vanadium oxide, the resulting cathode has long cyclic stability (110% capacity retention at 3 A g-1 after 2,000 cycles)[163].

Another common vanadium sulfide is vanadium tetrasulfide (VS4), which has chain crystal structure and the active sites are distributed between the layers of chains calculated by DFT[1][166]. Two-step electrochemical reaction of VS4 is expressed as[172,173]:

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \mathrm{VS}_{4}+0.49 \mathrm{Zn}^{2+}+0.98 \mathrm{e}^{-} \rightarrow \mathrm{Zn}_{0.49} \mathrm{VS}_{4}\end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \mathrm{Zn}_{0.49} \mathrm{VS}_{4}+0.54 \mathrm{Zn}^{2+}+1.08 \mathrm{e}^{-} \rightarrow \mathrm{Zn}_{1.03} \mathrm{VS}_{4} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

Zhu et al. prepared VS4@rGO by combining rGO with VS4 by one-step hydrothermal method[165].The adding of rGO makes the cathode VS4@rGO have good cycle stability (82% capacity retention at 10 A g-1 after 3,500 cycles) and high specific capacity (450 mA h g-1 at 0.5 A g-1)[174]. According to the analysis results, the excellent properties of the material are mainly due to the insertion/removal of zinc ions in the VS4 open channel.

This section enumerates vanadium-based non-oxide modifications that primarily enhance structural stability and improve conductivity during charging and discharging through various heat treatment techniques, including annealing, calcination, heteroatom doping, and surface treatment engineering. Additionally, defect engineering, such as the creation of selenium vacancies, facilitates electron and ion diffusion by adsorbing Zn2+ on the material's surface, thereby significantly enhancing the Zn2+ storage capacity of vanadium-based compounds for AZIBs. Consequently, further advancements in surface engineering, heteroatom doping, and defect engineering have the potential to significantly enhance the electronic conductivity of vanadium-based compounds and facilitate the migration of ions and electrons within the cathode.

In contrast to the six materials listed above, manganese-based non-oxides are more focused on transition metal compounds. Although transition metals would exhibit better theoretical specific capacities, they have not been well developed so far. With the exception of MnSe2, MnS and MnHCF have so far not shown a tendency to outperform the specific capacity of manganese oxides. However, its reaction mechanism has been preliminarily explored, verifying the possibility of continued development. For example, MnHCF exhibits a multi-electron pair reaction mechanism, and subsequent studies have focused on maintaining the equilibrium between the different electron pairs, rather than accompanying the disappearance of one during charging and discharging. For MnSe2, the structural and electrochemical properties are more favorable and show a tendency to approach manganese oxides, which could perhaps be developed into a commercially available material later with suitable modifications. Compared to the manganese-based compounds described in the article, vanadium-based compounds offer the advantage of rapid adaptation to the insertion/extraction of Zn2+, along with higher specific capacity and superior rate performance. However, as the reaction progresses, the material's interlayer structure is progressively disrupted, resulting in the dissolution of vanadium over an extended period. VN, with its fcc structure, demonstrates excellent electrical conductivity and a higher discharge specific capacity than VS2, which, in turn, offers superior long-cycle stability.


The non-renewable nature of fossil energy dictates that we must develop new sources of energy to cope with the problems that may arise in the future. The distribution of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar is also too irregular, making it difficult to fully utilize them. Therefore, the development of a green and convenient large-scale energy storage system is necessary to cope with possible energy crises. AZIBs adopt aqueous electrolyte, providing a certain degree of environmental safety. Meanwhile, the aqueous electrolyte is cheaper than organic alternatives, and with abundant zinc reserves and high theoretical capacity, AZIBs hold broad application prospects.

However, there are serious interface side reactions and dendrite growth problems in zinc negative electrode, and the electrolyte produces irreversible by-products in the process of charging and discharging, as far as positive electrode materials are concerned:

(1) Dissolution of positive electrode materials: as a common problem of cathode materials, AZIBs will inevitably dissolve cathode materials during charging and discharging, which will lead to loss of the electrode active materials and destroy the structure of the battery, thus leading to the overall performance and cyclicity of the battery.

(2) The electrostatic interaction of divalent zinc ions is larger than that of lithium ions, which makes the embedding and detachment of zinc ions more slow and difficult, and leads to irreversible phase change and structural collapse during repeated charging and discharging, thus affecting the overall performance of the battery.

To date, researchers have proposed a number of modifications to improve the electrochemical performance of aqueous zinc ion cathode materials, including but not limited to shape modulation, ion doping, defect engineering, etc. Some progress has also been made in the battery reaction mechanism and other aspects. However, the commercialization of AZIBs still faces various challenges that need to be solved. To speed up this process, this paper puts forward the following immature suggestions:

(1) The unification of the energy storage mechanism of AZIBs: so far, AZIBs operate under four mainstream energy storage mechanisms, Zn2+ insertion/extraction, ions/molecules co-insertion/extraction, H+ insertion/extraction, and conversion reaction mechanisms. These complex reaction mechanisms hinder commercialization. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new characterization techniques to standardize zinc-ion storage mechanisms and analyze their effect on electrochemical performance, enabling more effective modifications to ZIBs.

(2) Explore new cathode materials and improve the existing cathode materials: among existing cathode materials, manganese oxides offer high theoretical specific capacity, but the dissolution of manganese-based materials poses a serious problem, accompanied by lattice distortion and disproportionation reaction, which leads to the destruction of the structure, thus making the performance of manganese-based ZIBs not ideal; vanadium-based compounds, on the other hand, exhibit fewer side reactions and deliver excellent electrochemical performance in the rapid charge and discharge; they can also be used in ZIBs. However, their low discharge voltage [0.4-1.0 V (vs. Zn2+/Zn)], and the structural uncertainty of the V-O polyhedra caused by vanadium’s many valence states are notable limitations; Prussian blue analogs are simple to synthesize and have high charge/discharge voltages; however, the poor cycling stability of these batteries and their high cost have greatly hindered commercialization. Therefore, while ongoing efforts to modify existing cathode materials using established techniques are essential, a single modification may not suffice for commercial production. Research into composite modification based on existing studies could broaden the scope of modification strategies.

Simultaneously, it is crucial to accelerate the exploration and development of new materials. The electrostatic interactions of divalent zinc ions are stronger than those of one-valent lithium, sodium ions, which greatly impedes ion embedding in the charging and discharging process of discharging, resulting in lower reaction kinetics and structural collapse of the reaction process. In response to these problems, it is essential to explore structurally stable, electrochemically active cathode materials without delay, such as molybdenum-based oxides, metal phosphides, metal sulfides, etc.

(3) A battery consists of a positive electrode, negative electrode, electrolyte and diaphragm, and its performance is closely related to the composition of each component. Therefore, specialized modification research for each part is essential to improve the overall performance of the battery.

(4) At present, battery performance tests are primarily conducted in the laboratory under low-load conditions. However, in the commercial application, the load is inevitably several times higher than that in the laboratory; therefore, ensuring superior performance under high load is a critical aspect of AZIB commercialization that cannot be overlooked.

In addition, some suggestions for the development and research of non-oxide cathode materials are presented here in the hope that they can inspire future researchers and promote the advancement of AZIBs.

(1) Non-oxide materials will show excellent electrochemical properties in some aspects, but some of their inherent defects can seriously damage the structural stability of the material, so it is necessary to study the modification. Whether a large number of existing modification strategies can be directly applied to non-oxide materials needs to be further explored. With respect to the existing research on non-oxide cathode materials, ion doping, surface modification, and defect control are equally practical. However, for different ions, the same modification will produce different effects, so this will require a great deal of future research and development. From the existing findings, it is valuable to conduct such experiments and attempts to enrich the basic research.

(2) For manganese-based non-oxide, its own low price, abundant reserves, safety and non-toxicity are destined to occupy a corner in the future energy storage field. The research on manganese-based non-oxides for AZIBs is still few, while LIBs are already commercially available. For research bottlenecks that cannot be broken through for the time being, it may be incredibly effective to look beyond oxides to non-oxides. A large number of existing studies for manganese oxides can be used as a reference for non-oxide studies. In addition, the study of non-oxides may be able to contribute to the unification of the manganese oxide energy storage mechanism in AZIBs, which, in turn, will promote the development of manganese oxides and realize high-performance commercially available AZIBs.

(3) Several key challenges remain in the research of vanadium-based compounds, including complex energy storage mechanisms and a lower average operating voltage. Inserting metal ions between layers as struts is an effective way to enhance the structural stability of materials. However, the type and amount of pre-inserted metal ions can impede zinc ion insertion and potentially trigger phase transitions. Consequently, researchers should more thoroughly understand the impact of pre-inserted metal ions on the host material's crystal structure, ensuring the reversibility of Zn2+ insertion/extraction through multiple cycles. It is recommended to perform in-situ characterization, including in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, and XRD.

(4) The specific capacity of previously reported cathode materials is still lower than the high capacity of zinc anodes (820 mAh g-1). This discrepancy necessitates the discovery of more cathode materials with innovative zinc storage mechanisms to enhance the cycling and rate performance of ZIBs.

(5) Technology has rapidly advanced in recent years, allowing for the exploration of new methods for material synthesis, which may result in materials with different properties. For example, Gao et al. summarize several existing compounds synthesized using 3D printing technology in a table. Some manganese-based and vanadium-based compounds synthesized through these techniques also exhibit good electrochemical performance when applied to ZIBs[175]. As the technology matures, it can also be applied to the synthesis of non-oxide materials in future developments.

(6) Although this paper focuses on manganese- and vanadium-based non-oxides, the study of the remaining non-oxide metals should also be expanded. For example, Niu et al. prepared a novel MoS2-double-layer nanotubes (DLTs) material that exhibits abundant defects and a large layer spacing, which provides a good structural advantage for the embedded detachment of ions and ultimately exhibits excellent electrochemical properties[176]. Lu et al. successfully prepared MnSe@NC@ReS2 anode material, which was finally applied to sodium-potassium batteries[177]. This work also provided a new synthesis idea for future materials. This suggests that subsequent research should not limited to existing cathode materials; exploring structures that may exhibit excellent electrochemical properties could prove beneficial.



The authors would like to acknowledge material characterizations from the Analytical & Testing Center of Northwestern Polytechnical University.

Authors’ contributions

Literature review and writing-original draft: Gao, W.

Figure layout: Feng, J.; Wang, S. (Shuaipeng Wang)

Picture production: Wang, T.

Writing-review & editing, supervision, and funding acquisition: Wang, S. (Songcan Wang)

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

Financial support and sponsorship

This work was financially supported by the Ningbo Natural Science Foundation (No. 202003N4054) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

Conflicts of interest

All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.


© The Author(s) 2025.


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Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries
Wujie Gao, ... Songcan WangSongcan Wang

How to Cite

Gao, W.; Feng, J.; Wang, S.; Wang, T.; Wang, S. Recent progresses of non-oxide manganese and vanadium cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries. Microstructures 2025, 5, 2025018.

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