
Introduction to electron ptychography for materials scientists

Figure 16. Crystal tilt mapping of multiple dislocations in SrTiO3[109]. (A) Total phase image of regions containing three dislocations. (B) Crystal tilt reconstructed in the same region of (A) with total phase image superimposed on it. The white arrow stands for the in-plane projection of the [001] zone axis. The blue arrows stand for the direction of lateral shift of the dislocation. Scale bars in (A and B) are 15 Å. (C) Schematics of lateral shift of dislocations induced by crystal tilt. The lattice vector c changes to c' by a tilt vector t, i.e., c' = c + t. Black squares are used to illustrate the strain state. Two modes are considered (left, torsion; right, bending). In both modes, the strain is inverted for the upper and lower part of the thin film, leading to the lateral shift of dislocations to opposite directions. The dislocation in the upper left in (B) corresponds to the torsion condition. The dislocations in the center and upper right of (B) correspond to a mixture of the torsion and bending.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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