
Introduction to electron ptychography for materials scientists

Figure 13. Experimental magnetic phase imaging of α-Fe2O3[96]. (A) Total phase averaged over the central slices. The Fe and O ions are overlaid on the image with the white arrows indicating the spin directions of Fe; (B) The corresponding diffractogram (on a logarithmic scale) with the arrows indicating magnetic reflections; (C) The intensity profile along the dashed line marked in the diffractogram in (B); (D) The magnetic phase extracted from the total phase by Fourier filtering; (E) The projection of the magnetic phase to the vertical axis; (F) Intensity profiles of the total phase and magnetic phases along the dashed line marked in (A and D). Sample thickness, 20 nm. The electron dose used for dataset acquisition is $$ 9.0\times10^5 $$ e/Å2.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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