
Figure 8. (A) Diagram of the CO2ER and CO2RR on the different substrates. DEMS curves with discharge profiles for (B) ReS2/CP, (C) NSV-ReS2(8/7)/CP, and (D) NSVReS2(5)/CP cathodes. (Reproduced with permission[86]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society). (E) The HAADF-STEM image and (F) the fitting EXAFS profiles of MCs- (N, O). (G) Gibbs free energy profiles for the conversion of CO2 into CO on the different substrates. (H) The adsorption configurations for Li2C2O4 on the various catalysts. (I) Time-voltage curves at 0.02 mA cm-2. (Reproduced with permission[95]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH).