From: Non-aqueous rechargeable aluminum-ion batteries (RABs): recent progress and future perspectives

Figure 5. (A and B) SEM images of Co3O4/NCNT’s/3D graphene, (C) selected area for elemental mapping; elemental mapping of (D) C, (E) Co, (F) O, (G) Ni, and (H) N, (I) schematic diagram of the synthesis procedure, (J) LSV curves of different cathodes on a rotating disk electrode in O2 saturated 0.1 mole KOH solution at a rotation of 1,600 rpm with a scan rate of 5 mVs-1, and (K) discharge curves of the coin air batteries at a current density of 1.0 mAcm-2. Reproduced with permission ref.[31] copyright 2020 Elsevier.