
Synergistic regulation of color and mechanical properties of silicon nitride ceramics via engineering hollow structures of Eu-enriched secondary phases

Figure 4. Color of Si3N4 ceramics. (A) Digital photo of Si3N4 ceramics with varying Eu2O3 mass rations: The orange color deepens with increasing Eu2O3 content. (B) L*, a* and b* parameters of Eu-doped Si3N4 ceramics: As the Eu2O3 content increases, the value of L* decreases, while the values of a* and b* increase. (C) Emission spectra of all samples by monitoring 465 nm excitation: As the Eu2O3 content increases, the emission spectra tend to redshift but the intensity of light emission is weakened. (D) Reflectance spectra of Eu-doped samples (the inset shows the reflected light of the samples is located in the wavelength range from 556 to 602 nm). (E) Plot of (αhν)2vs. hν of Eu-doped Si3N4 ceramics (the insert shows the enlarged image of sample SEu-9). (F) Eg values for Si3N4 ceramics with different content of Eu2O3: An augmentation in the Eu2O3 content results in a reduction of Eg values, transitioning from 2.24 to 2.04.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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