
Figure 2. Photo of (A) NF, (B) NF-CNT, (C) NF-CNT500 and (D) NF-CNT500@Li. (E) SEM and EDS images of NF-CNT500. (F) XRD spectrum of NF-CNT500 and NF-CNT500@Li. (G) Li 1s, (H) O 1s and (I) Ni 2p XPS spectra of NF-CNT500 and NF-CNT500@Li.
Figure 2. Photo of (A) NF, (B) NF-CNT, (C) NF-CNT500 and (D) NF-CNT500@Li. (E) SEM and EDS images of NF-CNT500. (F) XRD spectrum of NF-CNT500 and NF-CNT500@Li. (G) Li 1s, (H) O 1s and (I) Ni 2p XPS spectra of NF-CNT500 and NF-CNT500@Li.
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