
Figure 1. (A) The schematic diagram on the left side of the image shows the formation of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite precipitation through the electron beam-assisted solvent evaporation method. The right side of the image displays two consecutive frames captured during TEM imaging of the MAPI3 samples at a dose rate of 86 e-/(Å2 s) per frame. Reproduced with the permission of Ref.[86] Copyright © 2016 American Chemical Society; (B) In situ TEM characterization exhibiting the evolution of FAPbI3 film structure over time and temperature. Reproduced with the permission of Ref.[55] Copyright © 2016 Royal Society of Chemical; (C) The bright field (BF) images show the nucleation process at different temperatures with water partial pressure of about 1 mbar measured at room temperature (RT); (D) The dark field images show the effect of high humidity on the nucleation process at different temperatures. The water partial pressure is about 10 mbar measured at RT. Reproduced with the permission of Ref.[90] Copyright © 2016 American Chemical Society; (E) Sequential in situ TEM images captured from various sections of a heated liquid cell at 90 °C depict the progression of perovskite nanocrystals transforming into consistent thin films under conditions of both high and low (F) nucleation densities, respectively. For these SAED images, dashed red, green, orange, and yellow quarter circles correspond to {110}/{220}, {213}, {202}, and {400} planes of the tetragonal perovskite crystal. Reproduced with the permission of Ref.[91] Copyright © 2022 American Chemical Society. TEM: Transmission electron microscopy; SAED: Selected area electron diffraction.