
Recent progress of operando transmission electron microscopy in heterogeneous catalysis

Figure 9. (A) The schematic of the in situ STEM experimental setup during benzene adsorption and desorption. (B) Dynamic evolution of zeolite channels and corresponding host-guest interactions in benzene desorption. (1)-(6) iDPC-STEM snapshots of a benzene@MFI specimen along the [010] projection at different stages during the cyclic benzene desorption process. (7) Magnified iDPC-STEM images of straight channels extracted from (1) to (6), indicating the changes in benzene contrast and channel geometry at different stages. (8) Evolution of the normalized benzene/zeolite framework contrast ratio and corresponding aspect ratios of Si10 opening pores during the in situ benzene uptake and release process. (9) Statistical distribution of benzene orientations at different stages of benzene desorption. Scale bars, 2 nm [(1) to (6)], 500 pm (7)[49]. Copyright 2022, AAAS.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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