
Recent progress of operando transmission electron microscopy in heterogeneous catalysis

Figure 11. (A) Demonstration on advantages of EMARS for the dispersion analysis of metal-supported catalyst. (B) Correlation between Pt species dispersion and catalytic activity of aromatics production quantitatively analyzed via EMARS and HOT methods. (1) Normalized catalysis activity and Pt species dispersions. (2) Bias of dispersion calculation in reference to the activity. (3) Overall distribution of Pt-Pt atom distances for catalysts of high, middle, and low performances, respectively; a profile (green) is also derived about the deviation to the activity from the integrated contribution of Pt atoms along with larger distances. (4) Histogram of atom numbers contained in Pt clusters[65]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society. (C) Full metal species quantification of Au components through automated electron microscopic analyses of reduced catalysts. HAADF-STEM images of Au-N3/C3N4 (1)-(3) and (5)-(7) and Au-Cl/NC (9)-(11) and (13)-(15). The insets in (3) and (11) show the enlarged images of the respective Au particles with distinct shapes. (4) and (12) The Au particle size distributions obtained through particle unit recognition, and (8) and (16) the densities of single atoms as a function of the reduction temperatures analyzed by EMARS. (D) Correlations of FMSQ results of the Au catalysts with the hydrogenation activity[71]. Copyright 2022, Wiley.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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