
Figure 1. STM topographic images and the tunneling spectrum of the cleaved Na2IrO3 surface. (A) The representative STM topographic image of the RT-cleaved surface of Na2IrO3 (Vb = +1.5 V, It = 20 pA, image size: 30 × 30 nm2). The inset shows the corresponding crystalline structure of Na2IrO3. The Na, O and Ir atoms are represented with blue, red and pink balls, respectively. (B) The upper panel shows the highly resolved STM images of two types of surface defects, assigned as Na and O vacancies, respectively. The corresponding simulated images of Na and O vacancies are provided in the lower panel, and their bias voltages are Vb = +2.0 and -1.9 V, respectively. (C) dI/dV curves measured at the pristine surface and the site of the O vacancy, respectively (T = 77 K). Both spectra possess a uniform fully opened gap. The gap width is 420 meV. STS spectra were acquired using a lock-in technique with AC modulation of 15 mV.